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World of Warcraft News - In probably the weirdest twist of a story ever, the Nostalrius team has posted a request to the Elysium "development" team to stop using the World of Warcraft code that it gave to them. The code and database file were released in fulfillment of a threat when Blizzard did not bring up the topic of legacy servers during Blizzcon 2016. However, it seems that Nostalrius admins have had a change of heart.
They had the power. They gave it away. Now they want it back. Oh the irony.
they were always pirates and then they hosted pirate code to distribute to other pirates
they are in one of the worst legal situation imaginable. bunch of fools
Crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and hear the lamentations of their women...
They will actually try to tell you that they are not using any legal code that they are reverse engineering ..lmao.I guess they figure if you are playing instead of doing yourself,they figure your too dumb to understand any of it.
Laws will change as they always do,sometimes for the better sometimes for the worse.The funny thing is,i bet a ton of these developers are using stolen code to build their own game engines,i bet it is everywhere throughout the industry.They change a few things and all of a sudden they believe in their minds it is no longer a copy ,it is their own work lol.
Funny of it all,how smart could they be to ever think they would beat Blizzard/Activision or Vivendi at the time in any kind of legality issues.They had to know that one day the time would come and they would have to cease and desist.They ONLY have a chance to survive because Blizzard allows it,as soon as they issue a court order,they will be gone,the days of hiding overseas is pretty much gone now,just ask the guy who landed in jail from Pirate Bay.Well i guess you might still hide out in Switzerland or Russia but not many places left to hide if the lawyers come a knocking.
Never forget 3 mile Island and never trust a government official or company spokesman.
But that's what make the "feel of thrill", isn't it?
Death penalty? Nah, that's too soft...
Server closure? That's what I call thrilling!
When you don't want the truth, you will make up your own truth.
This is why you keep your mouth shut unless you're absolutely sure what message you're trying to send to the public.
While i admire what they were trying to do, i cant really agree with how they went about it.
Something that people might have not considered.. Nostalrius might have gotten what they wanted and the threats worked? The last update i read from them the day after Blizcon said that Blizzard had made no attempts to work with them on an kind of Legacy servers and so they decided to release the code. What if Blizzard realised this problem wasnt going away and have re-opened dialogue with the Nos team that visited Bliz HQ last year.
Blizzard already tried the stick and it made things worse, maybe now they are using the carrot.
Or the reverse.
Should someone - i.e. Blizzard - try in some way to come after "Nostalrius" they can say:
"As reported on! we asked them to stop; did not condone this stuff but can't force them to stop however. Nor are not in any way involved in this stuff".
"Oh and thanks for the publicity."
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Whether asking alone would work is another matter. The weak link, imo, is that they were providing account info. People were able to play the exact same characters on "new" servers. (Is it the same hardware as well - I don't know). That is continuity. And I think it could / would be argued: complicity
Which is why - for me - the significant bit of the story is not the asking them to stop but halting the data transfer. Difficult to transfer without being "involved".
I bet they have been visited by some legal voodoo from Blizzard.
For some time I was wondering when the sleeping giant would actually wake up and start stomping while all the stupid threads started here on the new servers and the shameful crowing that ensued.
The fact that the new servers were in a place Blizzard could not touch as was often parroted meant the old owners of the code were the obvious target.
Dear community,
It is with sadness that we must act under such circumstances. However, rest assured that our loyalties remain with the community in all things..
Our actions
Over the course of the next several weeks we will discontinue use of the Nostalrius core. By then, we will have completed Anathema, which will be equal to or superior to the Nostalrius core. We assure you that you will not feel any difference in the cores except for a potential increase in quality. We have been continuously updating the Anathema core side-by-side with the Nostalrius core.
All characters that have existed in the game world since Elysium’s launch until now will be maintained and all Nostalrius specific data will be wiped. Nostalrius realms will be renamed to Anathema PvP and Darrowshire PvE. A 30-minute maintenance will occur at 8:00 PM server time to apply the rename and the removal of unclaimed characters.
All future Nostalrius related data will be denied. The new realms will not be affected, and Elysium will not disclose any Nostalrius’ data such as the databases and core.
Nostalrius handed us the torch, we have no intention of putting it out.
We are using this opportunity to communicate the first numbers of the project:
52% of Nostalrius active accounts transferred over 16 days(token generator uptime)
155% increase of active accounts compared to Nostalrius.
50% of total accounts were active in the last 7 days
17,000 players simultaneously online on re-launch
30,500 players simultaneously online over 4 realms
62 volunteers
Numbers speak for themselves: the community is growing as Legacy WoW keeps generating more and more interest. We believe that our movement should remain loud and we will do what is in our power to preserve it. We believe that our players must have a home. We will keep providing this community until Blizzard announces official Legacy World of Warcraft content and provide a tangible timeline for their release.
WoW Community
Part of the World of Warcraft community as a whole (not just private servers) feel that we are pirates and have shady practices. However, no matter what filter they attempt to put over their perception of us, we only have one motivation: To restore and grow passion to a game that we love, and that many thought to be gone forever. We want to abide by the game’s creators by any means we are able in order to show good will, which is why we are taking these steps. However, despite this stance, shutting down is not an option until real action is taken on their part to create Legacy servers.
The environment within the game is wonderful, and is one of the key points to why we are so passionate about it. Fun, polite, social, and yet we find a completely different environment on social media. Some members of the community take it upon themselves to slander other organizations who are trying to reach the same goal as us. They also attack Blizzard, the very entity that we wish to be embraced by in the creation of Legacy servers. So we ask you to be the “bigger man”. Show the world that we are a community and support each other. Nothing will be accomplished through show of strength or base insults. Discuss and explain your interests in ways that upbuild instead of tear down. While criticism is good, it is constructive criticism that is the key to success. The community is big enough for us to coexist but it would be better to exist united. We hope moderators of such discussions, (whether it be social media, a guild, or another server project) and enthusiasts will take this message at heart.
This is the community we need to be.
We hope you all will not see this as a blow to our progress, but as an opportunity to show the world our resilience. While our predecessor has been fatally wounded, we gain a second wind.
We will not let you down.
Elysium Team