I don't understand this story.
This group wants to ban Harry Potter books from public schools. Can they seriously get away with this? I'm no lawyer but this seems like censorship.
America is sure changing.
Hearing to determine fate of ‘Harry Potter’ books
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This kind of "book banning" happens with great fanfair at least once every year at some public school district in the US. Typically, some organization decides that a certain book is bad for the children and lobbies the hell out of city officials. The city officials cave and decide to pass some sort of resolution, and then the rest of the population affected hears about the ban of their kid's favorite book, and the cycle begins in reverse. The US has not changed, there is a long history of books being banned from use in schools. Hell, even the "Dick and Jane" books have been banned in some school districts that once used them as text books.
"Mallory said she has been contacted by other Christian parents who were concerned about the content of the books. On her complaint form, she suggested they be replaced by C.S. Lewis’s “Chronicles of Narnia” series or Tim LaHaye’s “Left Behind: the Kids” series.
She admitted that she has not read the book series partially because “they’re really very long and I have four kids.”
“I’ve put a lot of work into what I’ve studied and read. I think it would be hypocritical for me to read all the books, honestly. I don’t agree with what’s in them. I don’t have to read an entire pornographic magazine to know it’s obscene,” Mallory said."
“I think the anti-Christian bias — it’s just got to stop, Mallory said."
I just feel bad for her kids.
I dont think this bood will be banned. One reason is that if you dont want to read a book, you dont have to. Second, if the school bans the book i bet that the students that love the Harry Potter series will probably still bring it to their school.
He's a witch!
Anti Christian bias in the US? Christian groups get more news coverage and have more political sway than any other relgion. Every morning before work I see atleast a one television ad for some Christian based organization varying from Christian Childrens Fund to individual churchs.
I find it amazing that she suggest the Left Behind series since it is a story that directly insults and harrasses non Christians, but now that I reread that why am I amazed?
This is the reason for seperation of church and state. It's the reason that people like Thomas Jefferson was such a proponent of the split.
There are enough people over here who would love nothing less than an American theocracy.
Books have been banned, burned or cencored for a long time. Some of them are RL Stine, Steven King, and even Mark Twain...
There's probably a large list out there nothing new.
Be glad you don't live in Ohio. Not only do we have to deal with Ernest Angely owning tv stations, we deal with Benny Hinn and then this Ass - Rod Parsley - meddling in politics.
As mentioned, book bannings happen all the time, and eventually get overturned. Although trying to replace harry potter with Narnia is kind of pointless... I mean religious thematics aside they have similar content.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth. - Oscar Wilde
He's a witch!
Burn him!
On a side note, Hubert Cumberdale is my hero.
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Originally posted by reavo
Yes, America is changing. Look at the people we put in power. She's just riding on the evangelical political surf.
This is the reason for seperation of church and state. It's the reason that people like Thomas Jefferson was such a proponent of the split.
For a man that seems to worship Thomas Jefferson, you seem to be rather ignorant of his motives for even stating that. His fear was that the government would seep into the Church and corrupt it, not that the Church would have sway over the government. For in fact, the Church in the essence of the people who believed in Christian dogma, had TREMENDOUS sway over the country from it's founding to about the 1950, with as the years passing on the sway it had over government institution dwindling.
In fact, even though the nation was never labeled OFFICIALLY as a Christian nation; if you know the history of legislation and the laws passed in most states, you would clearly see for the most part, it was indeed a Christian nation. Many a colony/state would officialize a certain sect of belief, which was in the Christian arena, to the states religion.
Christianity had tremendous sway over the nation back then, moreso than you can seem to fathom. What Thomas Jefferson was afraid of was not Christians holding tremendous sway in legislation of our laws based upon their view of morality and freedom influenced by their belief in their religion, for that had already happend, was happening, and would continue to happen for quite a while. His fear would be that akin to many governments in europe, the officials would assimilate the Church into the Government, and would force people to believe their view of what Christianity should be.
Like how the Catholic church treated Martin Luther and the people involved in the reformation, it didn't fit into their system of Christianity because of their obsession with tradition, so they crucified them(Non-literal of course, burning would be a more accurate description).
There are enough people over here who would love nothing less than an American theocracy.
"Fear not death; for the sooner we die, the longer shall we be immortal."
Well apart from the fact that both the USA and Australia ARE ALREADY Theorcacies. Your right on all counts.
I mean the "Lords Prayer" is read at the commencement of all sittings of State, Fedral and Local Government in Australia. It is preceeded by the words....
"Oh Lord we humbly bessech you to vouchsafe thy special blessing (not just the normal blessing mind you) on this Parliment and prosper our deliberations to thy greater glory and to the true benefit of the Australian People".... nice to see we come in second after Gods Glory anyways...
If thats not a one dimensional Theocracy then explain to me what is ??
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"Far away across the field, the tolling of the iron bell, calls the faithful to their knees. To hear the softly spoken magic spell" Pink Floyd-Dark Side of the Moon
You do know Jefferson wasn't a christian don't you? He was a unitarian. Part of the reason for the seperation of church and state and his speach about doing it for the good of religions is because most of the "founding fathers" were quaker, unitarian, or christian in name only. He feared that the christain majority (is was for the general populas) would destroy the freedoms of the free thinkers which were building the country, much like the post reniassance[sp?] in europe.
Yes the seperation was there to protect his religion, but from christians. If you ever goto Boston area on the tours directly across the street from Harvard in Cambridge is the Unitarian graveyard where parts of his family are buried, guess why.
How do you know he is a witch?
-In memory of Laura "Taera" Genender. Passed away on Aug/13/08-
Can't really say that those books contain anything that could even come remotly close in destroying a young kids mind. It's just a simple fantasy story for kids/youngsters. If you start to ban Harry Potter, you should ban all books except the Bible. After thinking about it, I think you should ban the Bible before Harry Potter. It contains way more "destructive" elements for a small child. This is just another of those stupid desperate cries for attention. And I can't possibly think that anyone would fullfill that womans wish.
What? they teach harry potter in US schools? come on, that is a fantasy, how can you teach or allow such books to exist in school libraries?
i mean you should teach children some real stuff, physics, math, history maybe ( real history ) NOT fantasy. that is indeed total nonesence.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth. - Oscar Wilde
It's a must that every school should have a well filled library for their students. With books from every genre. So that the kids get to experience the wonderful world of reading. That is the only way that they are going to learn reading and writing properly. By reading books I could read before I started in school Don't underestimate them.