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Installing Now

diaboyosdiaboyos Member Posts: 209
I'm installing the game right now and hoping for the best...

Remember man that passes by,
as you are now so once was I.
And as I am so must you be,
prepare yourself to follow me.


  • DanjakDanjak Member Posts: 197
    Go Apocalypse!  Although the server screen indicates Breakdown has the highest population, I hear Apocalypse actually has more people. 

  • savingmaysavingmay Member Posts: 5
    I suggest you go to the server which indicates the area where you live (East or West) but if your east definitely go apocolypse if you want more people to play with. Even if you dont, come join so the people who do want more people to play with get some! haha :) just have fun man you'll love the game.

  • diaboyosdiaboyos Member Posts: 209

    Well, I got it installed and played for about 4 hours so far.  It seems to be pretty cool so far.  Fast paced, good graphics, all around fun.  I don't recall hearing any background music, just the sound effects.  I'll have to listen closer when I'm back on maybe I just missed it.  The quests are easy to follow and well marked on the maps.  The crafting did indeed seem to be complex with many different options to choose from and I am at a total loss as to what to do as far as that goes!  One cool thing I was unaware of that I found is the game has player housing.  Unfortunately, the housing is instanced so you can't walk thru a player neighborhood (although you can invite your group inside for a visit), and sadly you can't drop your own stuff on the floor inside your house so it won't double as extra bank space, however there is adequate bank space so far until you just get tons of stuff.  It looks like you buy catalogs on deco stuff that you browse thru then buy the deco you want.  One thing that definitely stuck out was the population.  I saw less than 10 people total the whole time I was there.  Granted the first zone is the noob zone but after that it was still dead.  Maybe there's a more popular city further in the game.

    It was a good first four hours tho.  I'll be heading back in tomorrow for sure now that I'm out of the noob area to further explore and try to figure out a lil more on the crafting aspects (I definetely need some upgrades)!  I'm a mutant on apocalypse if anyone wants a travelling buddy!

    Oh, and if I really misinterpreted any aspects of the game based on my first 4 hours of play fill me in!

    Remember man that passes by,
    as you are now so once was I.
    And as I am so must you be,
    prepare yourself to follow me.

  • Clever_GloveClever_Glove Member Posts: 996

    Welcome :)

    Player housing is odd, they took the time to add it, but you can't do much with it.... yet. Maybe they had planned more and dropped it to make the release schedule... who know what they have planned for it.

    Don't sell any items in your inventory with a blue background. Those are crafting items, if you don't want to craft now, that's fine just save them for later. Or when they add the bizzare/AH/ebay system and sell them for much money.

    best wishes

    Achievers realise that killers as a concept are necessary in order to make achievement meaningful and worthwhile (there being no way to "lose" the game if any fool can "win" just by plodding slowly unchallenged). -bartle

    Bartle: A: 93% E: 55% S:3% K: 50% The Test. Learn what it means here.

  • diaboyosdiaboyos Member Posts: 209
    Blue background huh?  Hmmm.  I haven't gotten any drops with a blue background yet lol!  Thanks for info!

    Remember man that passes by,
    as you are now so once was I.
    And as I am so must you be,
    prepare yourself to follow me.

  • diaboyosdiaboyos Member Posts: 209
    Blue background huh?  Hmmm.  I haven't gotten any drops with a blue background yet lol!  Thanks for info!

    Remember man that passes by,
    as you are now so once was I.
    And as I am so must you be,
    prepare yourself to follow me.

  • diaboyosdiaboyos Member Posts: 209
    Blue background huh?  Hmmm.  I haven't gotten any drops with a blue background yet lol!  Thanks for info!

    Remember man that passes by,
    as you are now so once was I.
    And as I am so must you be,
    prepare yourself to follow me.

  • diaboyosdiaboyos Member Posts: 209
    Good god...lag took over there sorry bout the repeats.

    Remember man that passes by,
    as you are now so once was I.
    And as I am so must you be,
    prepare yourself to follow me.

  • Clever_GloveClever_Glove Member Posts: 996

    it took me awhile to notice this, but you open your inventory, and click sort by type.

    You notice some items have a dark yellow, grey or blue background (some other colors too but most of them will be those)

    Yellow is a consumable item. A heal pot or short term buff

    Grey is normally vendor junk to be sold... sometimes mission items becareful with that. If you sell a mission item you can drop the quest and retake it to get it back.

    Blue are tradeskill items.

    Achievers realise that killers as a concept are necessary in order to make achievement meaningful and worthwhile (there being no way to "lose" the game if any fool can "win" just by plodding slowly unchallenged). -bartle

    Bartle: A: 93% E: 55% S:3% K: 50% The Test. Learn what it means here.

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