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This week, Ricky Jutley returns to Star Citizen: Around the Verse with another project update. Next you'll be served a double helping of Ship Shape, with looks at the Anvil Hurricane and the reveal of a new series of concept ships.
All those who are interested are probably subscribed to their youtube account.
Please stop posting this uninteresting stuff.
On that note, I dont mind reading about big content updates and upgrades they do, Just keep the ship sales off, please, I beg you!!
Basically clicking away text windows ruins every MMO, try to have fun instead of rushing things. Without story and lore all there is left is a bunch of mechanics.
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A game with four ships is infinitely better than a billion ships without a damned GAME to put them into. But go ahead, justify the BS however you like if it makes you feel better.
AN' DERE AIN'T NO SUCH FING AS ENUFF DAKKA, YA GROT! Enuff'z more than ya got an' less than too much an' there ain't no such fing as too much dakka. Say dere is, and me Squiggoff'z eatin' tonight!
We are born of the blood. Made men by the blood. Undone by the blood. Our eyes are yet to open. FEAR THE OLD BLOOD.
Right now we have two entities doing a lot of cash shop advertising here,Wiz 101 afiliated person and Star Citizen.
I would seriously like to know how this website allows other businesses to basically setup an advertising shop here,there is no way this is happening for free.
Makes me VERY suspicious as to how things operate around this business.
Never forget 3 mile Island and never trust a government official or company spokesman.
Anyway, maybe they wouldn't generate so much hate if there was more focus on an actual game instead of ship sales.
"We all do the best we can based on life experience, point of view, and our ability to believe in ourselves." - Naropa "We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are." SR Covey
Well, anyone can check it out for free during one of the Free Fly Weekends.
So ... yes .. free.
So ... yes ... gameplay (there are "only" a few thousand fan made videos about SC gameplay on YouTube)
Have fun
Damn, I'm so good at premonitions!
At this point I would milk the backers as much as I could and only make the game when they start to jump ship. And its obvious SC fans will continue to give CR as much money as he wants to ask for.
The best part was when he gave them blue cake...."Let them eat blue cake".
317,000 results.
I guess thos 317,000 videos are people just looking at the SC webpage.
I know you guys dislike this game, but you need to step up your arguments, the same old 2 arguments of "There's no game or some tired joke about release" for the past 5 - 6 years grows old when one can be disproven by using Youtube and the other losing all meaning because people were spamming it 2 -3 years into development.
So imho, nothing BS needs to be justified, the information it right there, if you refuse to look or ignore it, ten that' on you tbh. /shrug
Well... just dont read it and let others enjoy. Same for kickstarter project, if you do not want to participate, do not pledge. it looks like +700.000 Backers made a choice
You can't be as good thent he Clown wwe do not name who give us Porphecies of Doom during those past years, the best one being: "collapse 90 days top for SURE"... 3 years ago Keep hating man.
Because... Alpha and game in development based on Kickstarter model?
Did you have a stroke while writing this post?
... except there is no billions of ships and more than 26 are already flyable, including one the size of a small building (Reclaimer). Call BS any game in Alpha state if you want, that prove one single thing: don't participate to kickstarter or games in Alpha as clearly you can't stand the trouble that comes with such games state. Get it when it is gold release. This is fine as well.
Next year, Defenders of the Dream will be saying the same things. Because Star Citizen will still be an unfinished mess, with many shiny cinematic bits amidst a bunch of non-working elements. Just like it's been for years. Bad management will do that.....
If you are holding out for the perfect game, the only game you play will be the waiting one.
You have realized that amongst those 317.000 results most of those videos are fan-made, have you not ? That the "shiny cinematic bits" have mostly been captured by fans during game-play. Using the "bunch of non-working elements" you talk about .... which seem to work better than you think ;-) Just like it's been for years.
The same amount of years you accuse CIG of "bad management" .... confusing delays caused by a challenging technical project with managerial incompetence (and YES, we KNOW, some of your buddies 15 years ago did not like CR as boss ... a story you keep repeating for years now).
Have fun
Have Fun