I suppose this might be a normal reaction for those fans who are feeling let down and disappointed, to lash out at anyone making critical comments on the DnL forums. I have been the victim of several personal attacks on the DnL forums over the last couple days. Along with that, people are attacking Zorbane left and right, telling him to leave and asking the mods to ban him. And his posts are no different than normal. Critical, but consistent and backed up with links and such. All the regular posters who don't normally wear rose colored glasses when they post are not safe. Bleh, now I'm afraid to post on those stupid forums.
lol its getting worse than normal
there were always the occasional one which is to be expected but it seems like the floodgates have opened
They are stressed out. They are just tired of having their noses rubbed in the poo by Indira, Zorbane and Hound. The game is dies a bit more each day and it is pissing them off.
I miss DAoC
Pegasus Foundation
-Leadership team
-Chapter leader
"Fire is never a gentle master..."
oh for certain! But seriously guys, didnt we expect this? Their reactions are predictable. What kills me is the mods attitude. A direct out and out flame after flame after flame and the mod simply says, okay thats enough, then turns around and makes yet another flame reference to the one being flamed!!!
They have GOT to realize now that most of the critical/informative/questioning posts in there are in fact being proven true now on an almost constant basis. Their thot is prolly THEIR dream is being attacked and like a mother lion, they will strike back twice as hard. I can also see where they are blaming the naysayers for the poor production and mismanagement of this game. Who else can they blame?
We will still see many many more hardcore fanbois hyped and incredible posts hit this site. We will still see the overzealous attacks on the ones that were proven true. This is only the tip. I can almost guarantee we will see more and more locked threads, suspensions and banning in the next couple of weeks of anything even coming close to critical/informative/questioning/validity. What kills me is they will use irrevelent numbers to tell themselves its quite a popular game and that they have "weeded out" the not so serious fans. They will continue the denials in all forms.
There used to be one. I used it to compile a list of broken promisses going back to the beginning and then posted it on their forum. The next day, the search function was removed from the forums.
That should tell you EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO KNOW about this scam.
They disabled it they said at the time "to reduce the load on the server" and somethign about bandwidth for the game -- how the heck the two related I am still trying to figure out. ITs funny too as this is a general forum format in which hundreds of companies use and do NOT have the "problems" with only the search ability as DNL has claimed to have/had.
Many made quite a deal about no search and I do know they enabled again but have not recently tried ti myself. I wouldnt doubt for a plain second that they have again disabled.
to be honest my friends and I are wondering why I haven't been banned yet.
A little while ago I told one of my friends about something that happened and his response was something on the line of
"and they haven't banned you? why?"
regarding the search function it is back and still working, nice way to find lies by npcube
Maybe I need to step up my tactics a bit.
Now, I wouldn't even play it if it was offered for free. What is happening (and has been happening for a while now) reminds me of the Mourning fiasco (now called Age of Mourning).
I am truly feeling sad.
Cartman has a big fat ass!
On the other hand, we all know that we will never get an official statement on topics like the public beta (closed or open), the Stratics interview and so on. Threads like these have never been answered and will never be answered. We all know that. Thus, the fanboys could think that the only purpose of these threads is to cause trouble. Resulting in them being nasty towards the original posters of those threads.
You've hit the nail right SMACK on its head. These fanatics are defending an 'idea' of DnL (that perfect mythological game that only exists in their own heads) that has no material basis in reality. As Cholayna stated, the rabid, flecked foamed attacks are defending a 'belief', much in the same way that people react when their religious or scientific beliefs are challenged (religion and science are merely opposite sides of the same coin).
In science, when a popular theory is challenged and found no longer to be valid (requires modification or to be completely replaced), a paradigmatic shift occurs only when the original adherents are dead. There is nothing harder than for someone to change their beliefs - even if those beliefs are no longer held to be valid.
That said, such blind defence of an idea, without even considering the counter-argument displays a level of ignorance that prohibits reason.
1. The developers
2. Themselves for allowing the Farlan & co to get away with this crap
But that would require introspection, perspective and oh, critical thought.
"If you think I'm plucky and scrappy and all I need is love, you're in way over your head. I don't have a heart of gold or get nice. There are a lot nicer people coming up. We call them losers."
I miss DAoC
I miss DAoC
Along with that Snowman guy. He's the kind of fan who will drive other potential fans away with his foolish comments. This post for example:
But do the mods ban him? Nope.
You sure he is not here under some other name like oh say Blacksac maybe??
the lash out is to just hearing the same gripe over and over.. as trolls get pissed at my non sense posts or "fanboisms" i and others get upset about seeing the same gripe about lack of info or how some computers cant run the game.
things dont need to be repeated 20 times just to say it or get a rise out of others