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  • Domu120890Domu120890 Member Posts: 11
    Hey I am a die heart game fan and i have played them both I can clearly say GW as better more real graphics while WoW takes you on a fantasy adventure,both are great games dont get me wrong but i believe WoW is better for some reasons though i dont even play the game anymore (too expensive..for my tastes) WoW had great weapons (Though they got carried away) and cool mounts you could ride across the greatly made terrain but let me say one thing:Instances were the Games biggest faults to me anyway they should have had something smaller (Not takeing 4+ hours to do one)and you weren't even sure we were getting anything
    and the BG que time was insane!!!>

    Guild wars: I now proudly own Guildwars and it is a great game with Factions out it is sure to make a big splash with the new class and the lvl-cap (Which i think i shouldn't pay 49.99 for)
    The Grpahics of the game are solid a more realistic look and the wepaons aren't out of this world but one thing i found was the pre-haze part of the game streched to far and it was fairly to large and overrated (All the perverts are their turst me) is so hard to accumulate(Sp?) wealth like 300 for a dye come on..I was a noob and i still am the lvl 20 thing did seem a bit small for a lvl cap but hey its hard to lvl when your getting mobbed by grawls.But my favorite things about GW is the PvP it is great get a whole bunch of lvl 20's and fight to the death (Hall of heros my fave)

    Current Game to beat again:God of War Ps2.
    Guildwars (Get to lvl 20)

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