Originally posted by Vezstran Worst Game Review: World of Warcraft
Say you have to make a lasagna dish for your family’s holiday dinner. If you replace the ground meat with a wannabe EverQuest, the cheese with Guild Wars, and the general base of noodles with Star Wars Galaxies. Now put it in the oven and leave it there for 42 hours. What comes out? World of Warcraft. Mmmmm… that's some mighty tasty carbon!
The childish graphics catch one's eyes the second you log into the world. Textures are a bit iffy. Needless to say, anyone with epilepsy would be on the floor within the first few minutes of playing the game. World of Warcraft’s color palette has a selection of 350+ colors on the screen at one time, most of them meretriciously blinding. There are many graphical glitches between spells and abilities, and certain animations amongst player characters and non-player characters. Certain drivers don't seem to work well with the World of Warcraft graphics engine and may cause many problems including graphics glitches, frame skipping, and even game crashes.
After EverQuest, MMORPG's went on a downslide. The "2nd Generation" MMORPGs were basically grind-fests to get to the maximum level and very little to do to advance after that besides gaining new equipment for your character. World of Warcraft demonstrated this practice quite well, especially when a gamer who plays 10+ hours a day could attain the max level within 1 month. Re-roll characters could take under 2 weeks to get to max level. The endgame was just sitting in a dungeon called MC, or Molten Core, for 12 hours a day trying to get different pieces of equipment. Some re-spawn times on the bosses such as Onyxia take a whole week in real time, which makes it tedious to try to equip a full guild with some of the higher gear.
The "Guild Wars Effect" as few like to call it has definitely contaminated the World of Warcraft player base. On a popular server it's not uncommon to come across a naked night elf giving a lap dance to the typical 14 year old teen drooling over pixilated T & A. When gamers buy a game, they usually look for a server with a nice player base; World of Warcraft has made this impossible. Ninety percent of the server populations are player grievers, farmer-campers, Chinese farmers, and exploiters. Player versus player combat is biased; the game developers just keep buffing up the Alliance so they overpower the Horde; which makes it complicated to play a baddie.
Creativity is awesome, but too much can ruin a game. Meaning there is a point when you just need to cut it off. Example being Shizzle's Drizzle Blocker shield. Is it seriously necessary to have a name like that? Also, the MOBs are also a little too over-creative. A good example for this would be the Harvest Reaper, a walking scarecrow with metal claws and a fence on his back who attacks as if he is dancing. Having an armor set of 24 different colors when there are fewer than 10 showing pieces is not cool.
After a pre-mature release and many bugs to fix, the non-casual player base dropped significantly. The developers got some of the main bugs fixed, but some of the original bugs still exist in the game. This shows how lazy the developers are. For every bug/exploit that is fixed in the game, they release about 3 new content patches. It seems as though the developers/game masters at Blizzard do not care for their customers. After all they are the ones who are funding those people’s jobs. Treat your customers with a little more respect; they are your real bosses
Originally posted by SonofSeth Originally posted by britoca "greetings, my name is Troll"
Greetings, I'm stating the obvious! Greetings, I'm the one who makes follow-ups longer!
$OE lies list http://www.rlmmo.com/viewtopic.php?t=424&start=0 " And I don't want to hear anything about "I don't believe in vampires" because *I* don't believe in vampires, but I believe in my own two eyes, and what *I* saw is ******* vampires! "
I agree WOW sucks, its a kids game period, its designed around ADD/short attention span deficit . Character development is practically nonexistant and every character is just a carbon copy of every other character that class. The higher level in WOW you get the more antisocial you become. Once you start raiding say goodbye to EVERYONE else thats not in your guild (got some friends in another guild, too bad they are already locked into all the raid instances and cant help you even if they wanted too)
I disagree with Blizzard being favorable to Alliance. Fact is it doesnt matter what faction you are on, all that matters is if your on the underpopulated side so you can get your fixed team for PVP and zero que time. Fact when i played WOW Horde ALWAYS won. Why? it was easier for horde to get in a raid guild being underpopulated, so Horde was overgeared and thier zero wait time led to organized PVP for them while the poor Alliance had to random join BGs (or wait 4 hours) for some PUG team that only cares about the grind and not weather their side wins or not
Originally posted by BelisariusDL WAAAAA! WAAAAA!...Cry more noob. If you dont like the most popular game in the United States...then don't play it.
um, coming from someone with half a dozen lvl 60s on several servers, to include two on hyjal, i'd say i agree with the op, that wow is horrible.
what do you do at level 60? grind to get tier .5 gear. then what? grind to get tier 1 gear? then? grind to get tier 2 gear? oh, and then you can grind to get tier 3 gear.
because a game is "most popular", does that somehow, in your *mind* mean the same as "best"? i've been in enough guilds and played with them in ts/vent to see a great deal of children playing. not only that, but the guys that can't get any sweet loving offline, oh, they'll be mighty beings of power in this game, which totally goes to their teensy weensy heads and makes them think that they're uber gods and everyone (on and off line) should bow down before them because they have purple items~!!
wow is made for the least common denominator. after you hit level 60, then what? there's enough different things TO do, that you can level several characters to 60 and not have to have gone thru the same quests and areas time and again if you choose not. i'll give them credit for that.
but, all the uber gear for each class is EXACTLY alike. oh wait, unless you're jobless and have time to pvp for every second that the BGs are up, then you can gear up with different vendor bought pvp faction gear.
let's see, after the deserter flag, is it still as easy to honor farm? let's do the math. 30 minutes (on a VERY good day) to get into a BG, up to 3+ hours (on a not so good day) to get into a BG. if i'm a deserter, then i get a 15 minute time out. add to that, people randomly get tagged with deserter, even if they've won the BG; and that on more than a few occasions, on both horde and alliance, on several different servers -- i get no honor tokens for completing a bg.
so to summarize, if you bought, or pre-ordered WoW, look on the box and read the book that came with it. it talks about these wonderful battlegrounds which are PART OF THE GAME. then switch to real-life. about 9 MONTHS after the release of wow into retail, these buggy, half-thought-out pvp areas were FINALLY released.
cry more noob indeed.
so if you want to spend 500+ hours with a group of strangers in one of about 4 dungeons, doing the same things over and over again (because you can't craft true end-game gear, and the closest things to crafting said gear would require parts from the same dungeons), only so that you can wear EXACTLY the same outfit as everyone else who is living in those same dungeons, then yes, wow is the snooze-fest for you.
but what about the BGs? aren't they great fun? sure, until you get tired of waiting 12+ hours for AV to start up, only to do the exact same fight on the exact same map for the next 5-8 hours. tons of fun if you don't mind waiting 25-45 minutes to play in WSG, on the exact same map, where all you do is grab a flag and run across a pretty open field to the other side and capture said flag. oh, unless some cowardly little spaz climbs to the top of a big tree/rock on the side, cuz they're skeered, then you have to climb up there, kill the loser, and THEN return your flag. don't forget AB, you guessed it, the EXACT same map every time. capture/control the 5 different resources until your team reaches 2000 points. now, the reason you have to do these same exact maps again and again, is because THAT is how creative the folks at blizzard are. plus, you need to do them a bazillion times to get enough reputation with that BG's faction, so you can purchase the *good* stuff from them.
now, i'll give blizz credit. they steal just enough of a tv/movie's ideas so as to not get tagged with copyright infringement. i mean, you have clarice talking about the lambs crying at night. you have that goblin in the land of the lost (ungoro), who talks about they were on an expedition in a raft and it all went haywire. there's no sleestak, but there sure are a lot of crystals out there. just play in a few areas, you'll notice a ton of shows being ripped off. i guess it's cool to recognize a tv show or movie or something ingame, but come on, the extent of their imagination is to rip off other shows?
keep in mind, these people viciously hunt down and bully people who put out emulators to make private servers for this game. but, it's ok for them to jack OTHER people's intellectual properties. nothing but quality here bub.
cry more noob indeed. did you even play this game, BelisariusDL? or is "cry more noob" what you do when someone hurt's your feelings and you just don't have anything factual to back up your fanboi-esque reply of "cry more noob, its da mostest p0pul3R3sT~!!!"
solo players and small group players, BG will be your best chance for having high level purples. you HAVE to be part of the mega guilds that made so many of us despise games like EQ, in order to get the best stuff. but you get to pay the same monthly fee as everyone else. grats~!!
then we have the wow forums. if you're a fanboi, they're heaven for you. just kiss up to the forum mods there and they will return the favor. anyone that calls you a fanboi, or disagrees with the idiocies you post, will be chastisted and banned for a time, from the official forums. without exaggeration, that is the majority of the mods on those forums, to a T.
GMs ingame are either people that don't play much with computers, don't speak english as their native language (if at all), or are just um, "slow". you'll get some randomly pasted reply to your ticket. you can reply INSTANTLY to tell the idiot that his/her response has NOTHING to do with your problem, and i'd say a good 5 times out of 7 they already have an away message up that tells you to open a ticket (while you still have one open and can only have one open at a time) to get help with your problem.
let's rate their customer service, both ingame and out of game. the scale being 1,000,000 (the best) down to 1 (being equal to just ramming your head thru a concrete wall in order to get help). on that scale i'd have to give them about a -500,000. yes, MINUS/NEGATIVE 500,000. so their help is equal to about the help you'd get with dropping a nuke on your hometown.
the graphics are interesting and pretty. some of the better graphics out right now. graphics do play a big part in motivation to play a game. but they only go so far.
to summarize, if you want a game where you can play with every little kid in the world, and every adult who hides behind the anonymity of the internet so they can be the rude jerkoff they wish they were in real life, then wow is your game. if your idea of fun on the weekend is to spend it in the same dungeon as the last 20 weekends with that same wonderful group of 40 people... yes, wow is your game.
if you want responsive customer service. if you want forums moderated by people who care about improving the game. if you want devs who work on fixing bugs. if you want devs who work on making it a more interesting game, and not just more of the same old crap 100+ hour grind in order to get your equipment in the SAME EXACT dungeon. if you want their to be reasons to raid enemy cities, perhaps even good loot for ooo attacking enemy towns. if you want GMs who have a clue and that are actually helpful. well, wow isn't for you. not in the slightest.
if you want to go solo, or play with your couple of friends, expect the morons ingame to try and steal whatever your mining (and then whine to their guild that you're an ore thief, because everything in that region is THEIRS), or to try and tag mobs you've aggro'ed before they're "yours".
no, there's not KS'ing per se, but yes, it does exist and blizz doesn't care. just like the myriad of problems with the game that i haven't touched on. give them their monthly sub and shoosh it.
could we please get correspondent writers and moderators, on the eve forum at mmorpg.com, who are well-versed on eve-online and aren't just passersby pushing buttons? pretty please?
Originally posted by Talon54 It's all matter of taste really. I personally didn't like WoW, and while the OP did post a horrible review, i have to agree with some of his points. It has a very immature player base, the graphics are very cartoony, you either love them or you hate them, and the PvP is horribly unbalanced. I always see WoW players saying 5 million players can't be wrong. Heh, yeah they can. But thats besides the point. What does 5 million players get you? Over crowded servers, a wait time to play the game that it took over a year for them to put any effort into fixing that, a freakin year, massive amounts of farmers to sell gear for cash to people that didnt earn it, tons of lag, greifers that you could black list, but why, when there are 10 more lined up right behind him. Ok so having 5 million subscripers is good because of the $50+ Million Blizzard takes in EVERY month just on sub fees. So that means they can afford to spend money on new free content, updated graphics, better servers for no wait times, can hire more and better Customer Service people, keep thier promise of not charging for expansions... Oh wait, they havent done any of that. Um yeah, keep your 5 million people on WoW, stay off my MMO's.
a much nicer way to say what i've said.
and to this i say, amen.
could we please get correspondent writers and moderators, on the eve forum at mmorpg.com, who are well-versed on eve-online and aren't just passersby pushing buttons? pretty please?
Originally posted by Vezstran Actually I was hired by no one. It's an extra-credit opportunity I took advantage of from my game development course professor. I was to post my review on a supportive forum, and then on an incongnizant forum and see the results. Just as I thought... all of the WoWers were very much unsupportive. All of the EQers were very much supportive. Thanks for the half of 10pts . Don't think this means I don't support my review though.
P.S. My prof. plays on Stormreaver and gave me a 95% on my review, only thing I did wrong in his eyes is too much emotion involved... as if I, as the writer, personally hated this game (which i dont hate it, just don't like it).
Thanks for reading
um, unless you realize that the things that make EQ tedious and a bad game, are pretty much the same things that make WoW tedious and a bad game.
1 - incredibly subpar customer service (ingame and forums, hmm does eq have forums anymore?) 2 - super large groups needed to grind for days at a time in order to try to get uber gear 3 - a world developed/maintained while ignoring your playerbase.
could we please get correspondent writers and moderators, on the eve forum at mmorpg.com, who are well-versed on eve-online and aren't just passersby pushing buttons? pretty please?
Actually I do agree that WoW sucks, but I dont neceassrily agree with your review. Your review does not fully contain all the valid reasons that WoW stinks and is actually a mediocre game. Things like-
1. Endgame grinding: Mindless and stupid. you spend hours and hours grinding for equip that will minimally increase the power of your character. You practically live in a dungeon. That I agree with.
2. PvP is more about how boring it is and how there is no "adrenaline rush" that you expierience with say Shadowbane becuase there is no real panlty from dying. You dont drop any items, dont lose any exp etc.
3. No character custimization. The talent trees are a joke. You are orc warrior #734011, have fun.
The graphics you really should have no beef about. Actually I find it being more colorful is better than like DAOC's graphics, which are bland and boring. The sound is okay at best. But like I said the grinding and PvP really dumb the game down. The Custimor service also needs improvement - it always does.
Steelarm, Doctor of MMO gaming, ethics, and ideas.
Originally posted by Cableguy Originally posted by BelisariusDL WAAAAA! WAAAAA!...Cry more noob. If you dont like the most popular game in the United States...then don't play it.
He's right ya know... This game is one of the best out there and i enjoyed it very much
could we please get correspondent writers and moderators, on the eve forum at mmorpg.com, who are well-versed on eve-online and aren't just passersby pushing buttons? pretty please?
Althought your review could be considered somewhat bias and just a tad emotional, but you are just the kind of person this fragila gaming comunity of false reality's need. Strong, charismatic presence who will govern with iron fist and coolheaded resolve!
*puts on his peril sensitive sunglases, lays back in his lazyboy 2000 and starts chanting, Jingle bells Warcraft smells....*
Originally posted by SonofSeth DAMIAN7 FOR PRESIDENT!!! Althought your review could be considered somewhat bias and just a tad emotional, but you are just the kind of person this fragila gaming comunity of false reality's need. Strong, charismatic presence who will govern with iron fist and coolheaded resolve! I still say: WOW IS NOT WORST GAME EVER, IT'S MOST MEDIOCRE GAME EVER! *puts on his peril sensitive sunglases, lays back in his lazyboy 2000 and starts chanting, Jingle bells Warcraft smells....*
lmao, i'm really not sure how much sarcasm is in that post. but um, thanks?
to put it blandly, i agree with the person that said up to lvl 59, it's a great game. post lvl 60, this game is horrid.
i wouldn't have so many lvl 60s if there weren't SOMETHING about this game i like. but i hit lvl 60, and i go visit oooooooo the baron (first thru fifth time on this toon, bazillionth time in the game) and i'm like, yeah, i'm done, time to move on to another game for a few months.
i love the variety leading up to the 50s. for quite a few levels, you have to choose which area in which you'd like to adventure. for instance, i don't believe it's possible to do ALL the lvl 15 and under areas for the dwarves/gnomes, humans and elves without grossly outleveling them. now, when you get around 30ish, i think a lot of people get stuck with STV or um, the place where you go diving for the good fishing poles (name escapes me at the moment), no matter if you're horde or alliance, which again, the quest series in both are good for a few quick levels. and as you progress farther still, your choices become more limited.
by limited i mean that you're forced to start farming the same instances, or fighting a bunch of others to oooo farm felcloth in the ONE zone you can aquire it. yeah, that's when i call it quits.
variety. how about on the THREE battlegrounds, you have random maps? to go with these random maps, how about random spawns? AB and WSG get some mobs (not located by any objectives), who, if you slay them, give you a little extra honor & rep, and some random items to use in THAT bg.
variety. add more talent trees, more talents, give more talent points, SOMETHING to where every lvl 60 rogue isn't spec'd the exact same way. oh you CAN spec another way, if you want people to call you gimped, because you're not spec'd in a way to maximize your potential in the instances you have to farm for the next four months.
i'd love to think the diablo-style expansion will help change the sameness. it won't. you'll still farm for the same tiers of gear, you'll just be able to socket and stick gems into that gear now. i'm sure there will be different gem combos that you'll replace depending on which end-game instance you're farming this week.
i still wish someone would combine COx and WoW into one game. do away with the weaknesses in each and only add the strong points. then perhaps put a reactive element into the world, so that player actions have some sort of effect on the game-scape, and voila, you have a winner~!! i guess we'll see how that player-driven world works when eve and ryzom come out with their expansions. although, i believe shadowbane was somewhat like that, but it seems shadowbane might be dead now? dunno, i'm trying to find out if it is or not, so i can give it a shot. i like the idea of crafting being done by my henhmen whilst i'm out killing the big bads!
i'm sure i'll be back to wow in another couple of months, working on something like a paladin (which i've never cared much for, nor leveled past 5), or maybe finish getting one of my shammies to 60. who knows.
could we please get correspondent writers and moderators, on the eve forum at mmorpg.com, who are well-versed on eve-online and aren't just passersby pushing buttons? pretty please?
Say you have to make a lasagna dish for your family’s holiday dinner. If you replace the ground meat with a wannabe EverQuest, the cheese with Guild Wars, and the general base of noodles with Star Wars Galaxies. Now put it in the oven and leave it there for 42 hours. What comes out? World of Warcraft. Mmmmm… that's some mighty tasty carbon! Yum! Thats soundz great! = You got quite a amgination their little boy.
The childish graphics catch one's eyes the second you log into the world. Textures are a bit iffy. Needless to say, anyone with epilepsy would be on the floor within the first few minutes of playing the game. World of Warcraft’s color palette has a selection of 350+ colors on the screen at one time, most of them meretriciously blinding. There are many graphical glitches between spells and abilities, and certain animations amongst player characters and non-player characters. Certain drivers don't seem to work well with the World of Warcraft graphics engine and may cause many problems including graphics glitches, frame skipping, and even game crashes. Chlidish graphics? Mkay......I'm still wondering did you play World Craft 1?
After EverQuest, MMORPG's went on a downslide. The "2nd Generation" MMORPGs were basically grind-fests to get to the maximum level and very little to do to advance after that besides gaining new equipment for your character. World of Warcraft demonstrated this practice quite well, especially when a gamer who plays 10+ hours a day could attain the max level within 1 month. Re-roll characters could take under 2 weeks to get to max level. The endgame was just sitting in a dungeon called MC, or Molten Core, for 12 hours a day trying to get different pieces of equipment. Some re-spawn times on the bosses such as Onyxia take a whole week in real time, which makes it tedious to try to equip a full guild with some of the higher gear. Yay now we are talking about how you want the races to be the same! Yay! Now you talk about how hard it is to get gear, WHEN YOU CAN JUST BUY IT FROM SOMEONE. Yay!
The "Guild Wars Effect" as few like to call it has definitely contaminated the World of Warcraft player base. On a popular server it's not uncommon to come across a naked night elf giving a lap dance to the typical 14 year old teen drooling over pixilated T & A. When gamers buy a game, they usually look for a server with a nice player base; World of Warcraft has made this impossible. Ninety percent of the server populations are player grievers, farmer-campers, Chinese farmers, and exploiters. Player versus player combat is biased; the game developers just keep buffing up the Alliance so they overpower the Horde; which makes it complicated to play a baddie.
Creativity is awesome, but too much can ruin a game. Meaning there is a point when you just need to cut it off. Example being Shizzle's Drizzle Blocker shield. Is it seriously necessary to have a name like that? Also, the MOBs are also a little too over-creative. A good example for this would be the Harvest Reaper, a walking scarecrow with metal claws and a fence on his back who attacks as if he is dancing. Having an armor set of 24 different colors when there are fewer than 10 showing pieces is not cool.
After a pre-mature release and many bugs to fix, the non-casual player base dropped significantly.
The developers got some of the main bugs fixed, but some of the original bugs still exist in the game.
This shows how lazy the developers are. For every bug/exploit that is fixed in the game, they release
about 3 new content patches. It seems as though the developers/game masters at Blizzard do not care
for their customers. After all they are the ones who are funding those people’s jobs. Treat your
customers with a little more respect; they are your real bosses
All in all, World of Warcraft sucks. Kudos!
98% of the teenage population does or has tried smoking pot. If you're one of the 2% who hasn't, copy & paste this in your signature
Say you have to make a lasagna dish for your family’s holiday dinner. If you replace the ground meat with a wannabe EverQuest, the cheese with Guild Wars, and the general base of noodles with Star Wars Galaxies. Now put it in the oven and leave it there for 42 hours. What comes out? World of Warcraft. Mmmmm… that's some mighty tasty carbon! Yum! Thats soundz great! = You got quite a amgination their little boy.
The childish graphics catch one's eyes the second you log into the world. Textures are a bit iffy. Needless to say, anyone with epilepsy would be on the floor within the first few minutes of playing the game. World of Warcraft’s color palette has a selection of 350+ colors on the screen at one time, most of them meretriciously blinding. There are many graphical glitches between spells and abilities, and certain animations amongst player characters and non-player characters. Certain drivers don't seem to work well with the World of Warcraft graphics engine and may cause many problems including graphics glitches, frame skipping, and even game crashes. Chlidish graphics? Mkay......I'm still wondering did you play World Craft 1?
After EverQuest, MMORPG's went on a downslide. The "2nd Generation" MMORPGs were basically grind-fests to get to the maximum level and very little to do to advance after that besides gaining new equipment for your character. World of Warcraft demonstrated this practice quite well, especially when a gamer who plays 10+ hours a day could attain the max level within 1 month. Re-roll characters could take under 2 weeks to get to max level. The endgame was just sitting in a dungeon called MC, or Molten Core, for 12 hours a day trying to get different pieces of equipment. Some re-spawn times on the bosses such as Onyxia take a whole week in real time, which makes it tedious to try to equip a full guild with some of the higher gear. Yay now we are talking about how you want the races to be the same! Yay! Now you talk about how hard it is to get gear, WHEN YOU CAN JUST BUY IT FROM SOMEONE. Yay!
The "Guild Wars Effect" as few like to call it has definitely contaminated the World of Warcraft player base. On a popular server it's not uncommon to come across a naked night elf giving a lap dance to the typical 14 year old teen drooling over pixilated T & A. When gamers buy a game, they usually look for a server with a nice player base; World of Warcraft has made this impossible. Ninety percent of the server populations are player grievers, farmer-campers, Chinese farmers, and exploiters. Player versus player combat is biased; the game developers just keep buffing up the Alliance so they overpower the Horde; which makes it complicated to play a baddie.
Creativity is awesome, but too much can ruin a game. Meaning there is a point when you just need to cut it off. Example being Shizzle's Drizzle Blocker shield. Is it seriously necessary to have a name like that? Also, the MOBs are also a little too over-creative. A good example for this would be the Harvest Reaper, a walking scarecrow with metal claws and a fence on his back who attacks as if he is dancing. Having an armor set of 24 different colors when there are fewer than 10 showing pieces is not cool.
After a pre-mature release and many bugs to fix, the non-casual player base dropped significantly.
The developers got some of the main bugs fixed, but some of the original bugs still exist in the game.
This shows how lazy the developers are. For every bug/exploit that is fixed in the game, they release
about 3 new content patches. It seems as though the developers/game masters at Blizzard do not care
for their customers. After all they are the ones who are funding those people’s jobs. Treat your
customers with a little more respect; they are your real bosses
All in all, World of Warcraft sucks. Kudos!
98% of the teenage population does or has tried smoking pot. If you're one of the 2% who hasn't, copy & paste this in your signature
It appears to me that the original poster is on any number of highly toxic drugs that have altered his perceptions of reality. He's taken the small things about WoW and blown them out of proportion as if they're all the game is about.
First of all I'd like to say that I'm not a fanboi, I don't play WoW, I used to but I got bored of it. However, as an MMO, I think WoW is probably one of the best made MMOs out there. I would even go so far as to say that I think WoW is the best MMO made so far.
I'm not gonna go through his whole review and pick it apart, cause frankly I'm lazy. But to sum it up, everything he says is bad about the game is in reality either a) only a miniscule problem b) something most players LIKE about the game or c) a standard problem that ALL MMOs have.
"Because it's easier to nitpick something than to be constructive." -roach5000
Originally posted by Blurr c) a standard problem that ALL MMOs have.
I won't critisize what you said, but just for the record, our wievs coincide only 20%. I want to reflect the statment above, this is directed at you or any other reader of this post; If some aspect is bad, and every example has that bad aspect, that doesen't make it good,it's still just bad.
y did u write that much?? wow i couldn't of typed alll that... well anyway. u wrote alll that for no point. world of warcraft is growing and people are fixing gliches and stuff like that, and no game is perfect (my spelling isn't even close) and u try making a game like that!!! MILLIONS OF PEOPLE PLAY AND PLAY!! bugs might happen things might not turn good for them but they still play! its life. AND U MADE ME RIGHT THIS MUCH!! also what kind of example u have... lasagna dish!! holiday dinner!! wow weird example. no where was i? oo ya... i wasn't any where... (^_^) ITS LIFE! (~_~) sadly not perfect...
WoW is far from perfect and Blizzard's inability to offer expansions in a timely manner are hard to excuse. However, even allowing for differences in personal taste and perception, I have to say your review is one of the most dishonest I have ever seen.
Wow is prolly the best mmo available out there at the moment imo, graphics aren't crappy it's just the ways it's supposed to be you obviously never played any of the warcraft games. Lern2Reseach kthxbai
Originally posted by Zythyl Originally posted by BelisariusDL WAAAAA! WAAAAA!...Cry more noob. If you dont like the most popular game in the United States...then don't play it.
In the US of A! Yeehaw! ... *cough* ...
Invading countries and looking for weapons of mass destruction... then finding none is also a popular "game" inthe US of A. Doesn't THAT suck?
Tells us something about Americans, dunnit?
It's the land of the free (to bash everyone who doesent agree) and the home of the brave (to hide behind a PC screen while bashing and flaming)
-virtual tourist
want your game back?
Greetings, I'm the one who makes follow-ups longer!
$OE lies list
And I don't want to hear anything about "I don't believe in vampires" because *I* don't believe in vampires, but I believe in my own two eyes, and what *I* saw is ******* vampires! "
Greetings, I'm the one who makes follow-ups longer!
*bows before One Who Makes Follow-ups Longer, oh great one, protect us and bring us the blessings of might, HUA!!*
I disagree with Blizzard being favorable to Alliance. Fact is it doesnt matter what faction you are on, all that matters is if your on the underpopulated side so you can get your fixed team for PVP and zero que time. Fact when i played WOW Horde ALWAYS won. Why? it was easier for horde to get in a raid guild being underpopulated, so Horde was overgeared and thier zero wait time led to organized PVP for them while the poor Alliance had to random join BGs (or wait 4 hours) for some PUG team that only cares about the grind and not weather their side wins or not
what do you do at level 60? grind to get tier .5 gear. then what? grind to get tier 1 gear? then? grind to get tier 2 gear? oh, and then you can grind to get tier 3 gear.
because a game is "most popular", does that somehow, in your *mind* mean the same as "best"? i've been in enough guilds and played with them in ts/vent to see a great deal of children playing. not only that, but the guys that can't get any sweet loving offline, oh, they'll be mighty beings of power in this game, which totally goes to their teensy weensy heads and makes them think that they're uber gods and everyone (on and off line) should bow down before them because they have purple items~!!
wow is made for the least common denominator. after you hit level 60, then what? there's enough different things TO do, that you can level several characters to 60 and not have to have gone thru the same quests and areas time and again if you choose not. i'll give them credit for that.
but, all the uber gear for each class is EXACTLY alike. oh wait, unless you're jobless and have time to pvp for every second that the BGs are up, then you can gear up with different vendor bought pvp faction gear.
let's see, after the deserter flag, is it still as easy to honor farm? let's do the math. 30 minutes (on a VERY good day) to get into a BG, up to 3+ hours (on a not so good day) to get into a BG. if i'm a deserter, then i get a 15 minute time out. add to that, people randomly get tagged with deserter, even if they've won the BG; and that on more than a few occasions, on both horde and alliance, on several different servers -- i get no honor tokens for completing a bg.
so to summarize, if you bought, or pre-ordered WoW, look on the box and read the book that came with it. it talks about these wonderful battlegrounds which are PART OF THE GAME. then switch to real-life. about 9 MONTHS after the release of wow into retail, these buggy, half-thought-out pvp areas were FINALLY released.
cry more noob indeed.
so if you want to spend 500+ hours with a group of strangers in one of about 4 dungeons, doing the same things over and over again (because you can't craft true end-game gear, and the closest things to crafting said gear would require parts from the same dungeons), only so that you can wear EXACTLY the same outfit as everyone else who is living in those same dungeons, then yes, wow is the snooze-fest for you.
but what about the BGs? aren't they great fun? sure, until you get tired of waiting 12+ hours for AV to start up, only to do the exact same fight on the exact same map for the next 5-8 hours. tons of fun if you don't mind waiting 25-45 minutes to play in WSG, on the exact same map, where all you do is grab a flag and run across a pretty open field to the other side and capture said flag. oh, unless some cowardly little spaz climbs to the top of a big tree/rock on the side, cuz they're skeered, then you have to climb up there, kill the loser, and THEN return your flag. don't forget AB, you guessed it, the EXACT same map every time. capture/control the 5 different resources until your team reaches 2000 points. now, the reason you have to do these same exact maps again and again, is because THAT is how creative the folks at blizzard are. plus, you need to do them a bazillion times to get enough reputation with that BG's faction, so you can purchase the *good* stuff from them.
now, i'll give blizz credit. they steal just enough of a tv/movie's ideas so as to not get tagged with copyright infringement. i mean, you have clarice talking about the lambs crying at night. you have that goblin in the land of the lost (ungoro), who talks about they were on an expedition in a raft and it all went haywire. there's no sleestak, but there sure are a lot of crystals out there. just play in a few areas, you'll notice a ton of shows being ripped off. i guess it's cool to recognize a tv show or movie or something ingame, but come on, the extent of their imagination is to rip off other shows?
keep in mind, these people viciously hunt down and bully people who put out emulators to make private servers for this game. but, it's ok for them to jack OTHER people's intellectual properties. nothing but quality here bub.
cry more noob indeed. did you even play this game, BelisariusDL? or is "cry more noob" what you do when someone hurt's your feelings and you just don't have anything factual to back up your fanboi-esque reply of "cry more noob, its da mostest p0pul3R3sT~!!!"
solo players and small group players, BG will be your best chance for having high level purples. you HAVE to be part of the mega guilds that made so many of us despise games like EQ, in order to get the best stuff. but you get to pay the same monthly fee as everyone else. grats~!!
then we have the wow forums. if you're a fanboi, they're heaven for you. just kiss up to the forum mods there and they will return the favor. anyone that calls you a fanboi, or disagrees with the idiocies you post, will be chastisted and banned for a time, from the official forums. without exaggeration, that is the majority of the mods on those forums, to a T.
GMs ingame are either people that don't play much with computers, don't speak english as their native language (if at all), or are just um, "slow". you'll get some randomly pasted reply to your ticket. you can reply INSTANTLY to tell the idiot that his/her response has NOTHING to do with your problem, and i'd say a good 5 times out of 7 they already have an away message up that tells you to open a ticket (while you still have one open and can only have one open at a time) to get help with your problem.
let's rate their customer service, both ingame and out of game. the scale being 1,000,000 (the best) down to 1 (being equal to just ramming your head thru a concrete wall in order to get help). on that scale i'd have to give them about a -500,000. yes, MINUS/NEGATIVE 500,000. so their help is equal to about the help you'd get with dropping a nuke on your hometown.
the graphics are interesting and pretty. some of the better graphics out right now. graphics do play a big part in motivation to play a game. but they only go so far.
to summarize, if you want a game where you can play with every little kid in the world, and every adult who hides behind the anonymity of the internet so they can be the rude jerkoff they wish they were in real life, then wow is your game. if your idea of fun on the weekend is to spend it in the same dungeon as the last 20 weekends with that same wonderful group of 40 people... yes, wow is your game.
if you want responsive customer service. if you want forums moderated by people who care about improving the game. if you want devs who work on fixing bugs. if you want devs who work on making it a more interesting game, and not just more of the same old crap 100+ hour grind in order to get your equipment in the SAME EXACT dungeon. if you want their to be reasons to raid enemy cities, perhaps even good loot for ooo attacking enemy towns. if you want GMs who have a clue and that are actually helpful. well, wow isn't for you. not in the slightest.
if you want to go solo, or play with your couple of friends, expect the morons ingame to try and steal whatever your mining (and then whine to their guild that you're an ore thief, because everything in that region is THEIRS), or to try and tag mobs you've aggro'ed before they're "yours".
no, there's not KS'ing per se, but yes, it does exist and blizz doesn't care. just like the myriad of problems with the game that i haven't touched on. give them their monthly sub and shoosh it.
could we please get correspondent writers and moderators, on the eve forum at mmorpg.com, who are well-versed on eve-online and aren't just passersby pushing buttons? pretty please?
and to this i say, amen.
could we please get correspondent writers and moderators, on the eve forum at mmorpg.com, who are well-versed on eve-online and aren't just passersby pushing buttons? pretty please?
1 - incredibly subpar customer service (ingame and forums, hmm does eq have forums anymore?)
2 - super large groups needed to grind for days at a time in order to try to get uber gear
3 - a world developed/maintained while ignoring your playerbase.
could we please get correspondent writers and moderators, on the eve forum at mmorpg.com, who are well-versed on eve-online and aren't just passersby pushing buttons? pretty please?
He's right ya know... This game is one of the best out there and i enjoyed it very much
Private Mogris Lvl 28 Dwarf Hunter Triggermen Terenas Realm
Actually I do agree that WoW sucks, but I dont neceassrily agree with your review. Your review does not fully contain all the valid reasons that WoW stinks and is actually a mediocre game. Things like-
1. Endgame grinding: Mindless and stupid. you spend hours and hours grinding for equip that will minimally increase the power of your character. You practically live in a dungeon. That I agree with.
2. PvP is more about how boring it is and how there is no "adrenaline rush" that you expierience with say Shadowbane becuase there is no real panlty from dying. You dont drop any items, dont lose any exp etc.
3. No character custimization. The talent trees are a joke. You are orc warrior #734011, have fun.
The graphics you really should have no beef about. Actually I find it being more colorful is better than like DAOC's graphics, which are bland and boring. The sound is okay at best. But like I said the grinding and PvP really dumb the game down. The Custimor service also needs improvement - it always does.
Steelarm, Doctor of MMO gaming, ethics, and ideas.
He's right ya know... This game is one of the best out there and i enjoyed it very much
Private Mogris Lvl 28 Dwarf Hunter Triggermen Terenas Realm
um, i think your sig says it all.
could we please get correspondent writers and moderators, on the eve forum at mmorpg.com, who are well-versed on eve-online and aren't just passersby pushing buttons? pretty please?
Althought your review could be considered somewhat bias and just a tad emotional, but you are just the kind of person this fragila gaming comunity of false reality's need. Strong, charismatic presence who will govern with iron fist and coolheaded resolve!
*puts on his peril sensitive sunglases, lays back in his lazyboy 2000 and starts chanting, Jingle bells Warcraft smells....*
to put it blandly, i agree with the person that said up to lvl 59, it's a great game. post lvl 60, this game is horrid.
i wouldn't have so many lvl 60s if there weren't SOMETHING about this game i like. but i hit lvl 60, and i go visit oooooooo the baron (first thru fifth time on this toon, bazillionth time in the game) and i'm like, yeah, i'm done, time to move on to another game for a few months.
i love the variety leading up to the 50s. for quite a few levels, you have to choose which area in which you'd like to adventure. for instance, i don't believe it's possible to do ALL the lvl 15 and under areas for the dwarves/gnomes, humans and elves without grossly outleveling them. now, when you get around 30ish, i think a lot of people get stuck with STV or um, the place where you go diving for the good fishing poles (name escapes me at the moment), no matter if you're horde or alliance, which again, the quest series in both are good for a few quick levels. and as you progress farther still, your choices become more limited.
by limited i mean that you're forced to start farming the same instances, or fighting a bunch of others to oooo farm felcloth in the ONE zone you can aquire it. yeah, that's when i call it quits.
variety. how about on the THREE battlegrounds, you have random maps? to go with these random maps, how about random spawns? AB and WSG get some mobs (not located by any objectives), who, if you slay them, give you a little extra honor & rep, and some random items to use in THAT bg.
variety. add more talent trees, more talents, give more talent points, SOMETHING to where every lvl 60 rogue isn't spec'd the exact same way. oh you CAN spec another way, if you want people to call you gimped, because you're not spec'd in a way to maximize your potential in the instances you have to farm for the next four months.
i'd love to think the diablo-style expansion will help change the sameness. it won't. you'll still farm for the same tiers of gear, you'll just be able to socket and stick gems into that gear now. i'm sure there will be different gem combos that you'll replace depending on which end-game instance you're farming this week.
i still wish someone would combine COx and WoW into one game. do away with the weaknesses in each and only add the strong points. then perhaps put a reactive element into the world, so that player actions have some sort of effect on the game-scape, and voila, you have a winner~!! i guess we'll see how that player-driven world works when eve and ryzom come out with their expansions. although, i believe shadowbane was somewhat like that, but it seems shadowbane might be dead now? dunno, i'm trying to find out if it is or not, so i can give it a shot. i like the idea of crafting being done by my henhmen whilst i'm out killing the big bads!
i'm sure i'll be back to wow in another couple of months, working on something like a paladin (which i've never cared much for, nor leveled past 5), or maybe finish getting one of my shammies to 60. who knows.
could we please get correspondent writers and moderators, on the eve forum at mmorpg.com, who are well-versed on eve-online and aren't just passersby pushing buttons? pretty please?
Say you have to make a lasagna dish for your family’s holiday dinner. If you replace the ground meat with a wannabe EverQuest, the cheese with Guild Wars, and the general base of noodles with Star Wars Galaxies. Now put it in the oven and leave it there for 42 hours. What comes out? World of Warcraft. Mmmmm… that's some mighty tasty carbon! Yum! Thats soundz great! = You got quite a amgination their little boy.
The childish graphics catch one's eyes the second you log into the world. Textures are a bit iffy. Needless to say, anyone with epilepsy would be on the floor within the first few minutes of playing the game. World of Warcraft’s color palette has a selection of 350+ colors on the screen at one time, most of them meretriciously blinding. There are many graphical glitches between spells and abilities, and certain animations amongst player characters and non-player characters. Certain drivers don't seem to work well with the World of Warcraft graphics engine and may cause many problems including graphics glitches, frame skipping, and even game crashes. Chlidish graphics? Mkay......I'm still wondering did you play World Craft 1?
After EverQuest, MMORPG's went on a downslide. The "2nd Generation" MMORPGs were basically grind-fests to get to the maximum level and very little to do to advance after that besides gaining new equipment for your character. World of Warcraft demonstrated this practice quite well, especially when a gamer who plays 10+ hours a day could attain the max level within 1 month. Re-roll characters could take under 2 weeks to get to max level. The endgame was just sitting in a dungeon called MC, or Molten Core, for 12 hours a day trying to get different pieces of equipment. Some re-spawn times on the bosses such as Onyxia take a whole week in real time, which makes it tedious to try to equip a full guild with some of the higher gear. Yay now we are talking about how you want the races to be the same! Yay! Now you talk about how hard it is to get gear, WHEN YOU CAN JUST BUY IT FROM SOMEONE. Yay!
The "Guild Wars Effect" as few like to call it has definitely contaminated the World of Warcraft player base. On a popular server it's not uncommon to come across a naked night elf giving a lap dance to the typical 14 year old teen drooling over pixilated T & A. When gamers buy a game, they usually look for a server with a nice player base; World of Warcraft has made this impossible. Ninety percent of the server populations are player grievers, farmer-campers, Chinese farmers, and exploiters. Player versus player combat is biased; the game developers just keep buffing up the Alliance so they overpower the Horde; which makes it complicated to play a baddie.
Creativity is awesome, but too much can ruin a game. Meaning there is a point when you just need to cut it off. Example being Shizzle's Drizzle Blocker shield. Is it seriously necessary to have a name like that? Also, the MOBs are also a little too over-creative. A good example for this would be the Harvest Reaper, a walking scarecrow with metal claws and a fence on his back who attacks as if he is dancing. Having an armor set of 24 different colors when there are fewer than 10 showing pieces is not cool.
After a pre-mature release and many bugs to fix, the non-casual player base dropped significantly.
The developers got some of the main bugs fixed, but some of the original bugs still exist in the game.
This shows how lazy the developers are. For every bug/exploit that is fixed in the game, they release
about 3 new content patches. It seems as though the developers/game masters at Blizzard do not care
for their customers. After all they are the ones who are funding those people’s jobs. Treat your
customers with a little more respect; they are your real bosses
All in all, World of Warcraft sucks. Kudos!
98% of the teenage population does or has tried smoking pot. If you're one of the 2% who hasn't, copy & paste this in your signature
Say you have to make a lasagna dish for your family’s holiday dinner. If you replace the ground meat with a wannabe EverQuest, the cheese with Guild Wars, and the general base of noodles with Star Wars Galaxies. Now put it in the oven and leave it there for 42 hours. What comes out? World of Warcraft. Mmmmm… that's some mighty tasty carbon! Yum! Thats soundz great! = You got quite a amgination their little boy.
The childish graphics catch one's eyes the second you log into the world. Textures are a bit iffy. Needless to say, anyone with epilepsy would be on the floor within the first few minutes of playing the game. World of Warcraft’s color palette has a selection of 350+ colors on the screen at one time, most of them meretriciously blinding. There are many graphical glitches between spells and abilities, and certain animations amongst player characters and non-player characters. Certain drivers don't seem to work well with the World of Warcraft graphics engine and may cause many problems including graphics glitches, frame skipping, and even game crashes. Chlidish graphics? Mkay......I'm still wondering did you play World Craft 1?
After EverQuest, MMORPG's went on a downslide. The "2nd Generation" MMORPGs were basically grind-fests to get to the maximum level and very little to do to advance after that besides gaining new equipment for your character. World of Warcraft demonstrated this practice quite well, especially when a gamer who plays 10+ hours a day could attain the max level within 1 month. Re-roll characters could take under 2 weeks to get to max level. The endgame was just sitting in a dungeon called MC, or Molten Core, for 12 hours a day trying to get different pieces of equipment. Some re-spawn times on the bosses such as Onyxia take a whole week in real time, which makes it tedious to try to equip a full guild with some of the higher gear. Yay now we are talking about how you want the races to be the same! Yay! Now you talk about how hard it is to get gear, WHEN YOU CAN JUST BUY IT FROM SOMEONE. Yay!
The "Guild Wars Effect" as few like to call it has definitely contaminated the World of Warcraft player base. On a popular server it's not uncommon to come across a naked night elf giving a lap dance to the typical 14 year old teen drooling over pixilated T & A. When gamers buy a game, they usually look for a server with a nice player base; World of Warcraft has made this impossible. Ninety percent of the server populations are player grievers, farmer-campers, Chinese farmers, and exploiters. Player versus player combat is biased; the game developers just keep buffing up the Alliance so they overpower the Horde; which makes it complicated to play a baddie.
Creativity is awesome, but too much can ruin a game. Meaning there is a point when you just need to cut it off. Example being Shizzle's Drizzle Blocker shield. Is it seriously necessary to have a name like that? Also, the MOBs are also a little too over-creative. A good example for this would be the Harvest Reaper, a walking scarecrow with metal claws and a fence on his back who attacks as if he is dancing. Having an armor set of 24 different colors when there are fewer than 10 showing pieces is not cool.
After a pre-mature release and many bugs to fix, the non-casual player base dropped significantly.
The developers got some of the main bugs fixed, but some of the original bugs still exist in the game.
This shows how lazy the developers are. For every bug/exploit that is fixed in the game, they release
about 3 new content patches. It seems as though the developers/game masters at Blizzard do not care
for their customers. After all they are the ones who are funding those people’s jobs. Treat your
customers with a little more respect; they are your real bosses
All in all, World of Warcraft sucks. Kudos!
98% of the teenage population does or has tried smoking pot. If you're one of the 2% who hasn't, copy & paste this in your signature
It appears to me that the original poster is on any number of highly toxic drugs that have altered his perceptions of reality. He's taken the small things about WoW and blown them out of proportion as if they're all the game is about.
First of all I'd like to say that I'm not a fanboi, I don't play WoW, I used to but I got bored of it. However, as an MMO, I think WoW is probably one of the best made MMOs out there. I would even go so far as to say that I think WoW is the best MMO made so far.
I'm not gonna go through his whole review and pick it apart, cause frankly I'm lazy. But to sum it up, everything he says is bad about the game is in reality either a) only a miniscule problem b) something most players LIKE about the game or c) a standard problem that ALL MMOs have.
"Because it's easier to nitpick something than to be constructive." -roach5000
I won't critisize what you said, but just for the record, our wievs coincide only 20%. I want to reflect the statment above, this is directed at you or any other reader of this post; If some aspect is bad, and every example has that bad aspect, that doesen't make it good, it's still just bad.
(^_^) (^_^) (^_^) (^_^) (^_^) (^_^) (^_^) (^_^) (^_^) (^_^)(^_^) (^_^) (^_^) (^_^) (^_^)(^_^) (^_^) (^_^) (^_^) (^_^) (^_^) (^_^) (^_^) (^_^) (^_^) (^_^) (^_^) (^_^) (^_^) (^_^) (^_^) (^_^) (^_^) (^_^) (^_^) (^_^)
Want to know more about GW2 and why there is so much buzz? Start here: Guild Wars 2 Mass Info for the Uninitiated
1/10.... thats my rating of this 'review'.
Did I say I dont play WoW, so I am no fanboi either. GG though.
Make us care MORE about our faction & world pvp!
I agree with you on that one.
Invading countries and looking for weapons of mass destruction... then finding none is also a popular "game" inthe US of A. Doesn't THAT suck?
Tells us something about Americans, dunnit?
What doesn't kill you makes you stronger.
Game On!
Wow is prolly the best mmo available out there at the moment imo, graphics aren't crappy it's just the ways it's supposed to be you obviously never played any of the warcraft games. Lern2Reseach kthxbai
Current MMO: Aion
MMO Watch: Warhammer 40k Online, SWToR, GW2.
Played: Planetside, SWG, EQ, EQ2, L2, WoW, RFO, KAL, MxO, Voyage, RO,Vanguard,Tabula Rasa, Horizons, CoH/CoV,, Lotro, FFXI
First MMO: Everquest (Tunare Server, Ronin/Tide Guild)
Invading countries and looking for weapons of mass destruction... then finding none is also a popular "game" inthe US of A. Doesn't THAT suck?
Tells us something about Americans, dunnit?
It's the land of the free (to bash everyone who doesent agree) and the home of the brave (to hide behind a PC screen while bashing and flaming)