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Seriously, I have never said this about any mmo and I have
been playing computer games a long time, since the zx 80 was released and have
played many mmos and taken part in many alpha/beta tests.
Having tried the stress test with only one day to go before the live download I
am appalled they are looking at releasing this, this game truly stinks. I was
really looking forward to this one, the game promised much and is left lacking.
It isn’t simply a lack of polish either; many core concepts seem to me to be
very poorly implemented, with some 30% of the promised features completely missing.
I have never tested a game with so little content, the combat system is so poor
I didn’t realise I was being attacked by another player until I had died, there
was no feedback given to the user whatsoever (I was at the one and only trader
open for the test and the trade window obscured my chat window). Many of the
few provided specials do not work and when I say few I mean VERY few, there is absolutely
no scope for tactics; many of the specials are limited by range in an almost bizarre
I really am saddened that this game plays so poorly, everyone who has played a
number of mmo's expects problems at launch but not as many as this. With so
many mmos available and many more on the way a game needs to make a lasting
impression or deliver impact right from the start if it is to succeed. The only
impression this game made on me was one of complete and utter garbage. It is
very buggy, only 70% of promised content will be available at launch, "the
largest mmo you have ever seen" will only have 5 regions open when it goes live,
core mechanics of the game are bugged like health and mana regen, teleporting
resulting in crashes each and every time for many, the list goes on and on and on.
I will shut up now, I am sure many will disregard this post and purchase
anyway, just don’t say you weren’t warned. I have l already cancelled my pre
order, and gave a huge sigh of relief as I did so.
Regards HexCaliber.
My Colour Is Vomit green, I puke on the tards with stupid colour sigs. My symbol is ,,!, O ,!,, My enemies are any prat with a colour sig, a meaningless personality test, or a pointless list of games and classes.
Regards Hexcaliber
Thanks for the pre- release late for me I already pre-ordered as well. Guess I'll give it a try for a month or so. It can't possible be worse than IRTH online or D&D....or can it? I swear if this game does bite, I will give up till Vanguard!!!
/throws 50 dollars in the dumper....again
only time will see, im giving it 3-4 weeks if this look better i will buy it myself. I just started EQ2 though it seems really polished be hard to leave now. Only time will tell.
"or D&D'
I hate D&DO but it can't be compared to dnl... it's on a completely different level.
I didnt care for D&DO either but it is indeed in a class far above DNL could ever even imagine. It also happens to be one of the recent releases in which every single solitary important feature was ready at release. Heck it was ready by the time the last closed beta was completed. I was in all 3 betas and its a whole different world than what DNL can only guess at.
I didnt care for D&DO either but it is indeed in a class far above DNL could ever even imagine. It also happens to be one of the recent releases in which every single solitary important feature was ready at release. Heck it was ready by the time the last closed beta was completed. I was in all 3 betas and its a whole different world than what DNL can only guess at.
DNL is being shown in all its ugliness and trying to be passed off as a real game. Its a beta, will be a beta for a long long time. Any little improvement will have the small population ecstatic and overjoyed even tho it may just be a standard mmo feature you find in any game. As the weeks and months go by, less and less of the promises are being kept. More and more they tell us something wont be happening. In some cases, telling us just recently when they have known this for at the least a couple years. They still said they had it. They still said this is the way its gonna be. THen they come in and say 'we dont have it and we havent gone any further with it". Nearly every week there is something new that WONT be happening and ppl STILL say this game has potential, it will be good a few months from now, they said there was gonna be some great stuff. Then you see them make excuses for it, lower their own hopes and standards and STILL go around and say this game has substance.
D&DO is a niche game. They never promised it any other way. Tons of ppl were disappointed. But you can say it was a near perfect release. I can also safely predict the few new and interesting looking ones coming up for release will also be near perfect at release if their betas are any indication. Comparing this game to D&DO however is apples to oranges in just quality alone. Comparing this game to any game is ridiculous in and of itself. The ones who think unfinished and buggy as hell is the standard state of release is living in games that are 5-7yrs old. 5-7yrs ago this was acceptable. It was the best that could be done. Now we are 7yrs later and games have begun to sprout up like wildfire. Huge investments of money that reap even bigger mountains of money. The difference, the widest gap DNL has with the current releases is the fact that DNL is living on promises from 7yrs ago. DNL does not see past the 5-7yrs ago of some of the top games. They made it simply due to the money and manpower behind it. DNL starts off with a shoe missing and says, all the other games started this way, I know , we seen it, we were there. Indeed. 5-7yrs ago. Where were you when D&DO released? Did you happen to see the near perfect release? No? So instead you bash the game because it had such a near perfect release. You try to compare DNL to it. You ignore the fact that the gamers from 5-7yrs ago want, have seen and expect near perfect releases in this, the present 5-7yrs later.
DNL claims to be a game for every mmo gamer. If you truly sit and read what they promise, you will also see this is a niche game. Niche games tend to disappoint the general public and overjoy the specially designed for niches. Add the unfulfilled promises, incomplete world, unavailability of what are some of the most popular selling points to this game and you will see much more disappointment. Good ideas, a gamers wetdream, but the reality is on a collision course now with the fantasy. All DNL will do is throw blame to any and everything except themselves..
Thunderous applause for Bo
I also have to agree with you on this , I will still look at some reviews though.
D&DO is a niche game. They never promised it any other way. Tons of ppl were disappointed. But you can say it was a near perfect release. I can also safely predict the few new and interesting looking ones coming up for release will also be near perfect at release if their betas are any indication. Comparing this game to D&DO however is apples to oranges in just quality alone. Comparing this game to any game is ridiculous in and of itself. The ones who think unfinished and buggy as hell is the standard state of release is living in games that are 5-7yrs old. 5-7yrs ago this was acceptable. It was the best that could be done. Now we are 7yrs later and games have begun to sprout up like wildfire. Huge investments of money that reap even bigger mountains of money. The difference, the widest gap DNL has with the current releases is the fact that DNL is living on promises from 7yrs ago. DNL does not see past the 5-7yrs ago of some of the top games. They made it simply due to the money and manpower behind it. DNL starts off with a shoe missing and says, all the other games started this way, I know , we seen it, we were there. Indeed. 5-7yrs ago. Where were you when D&DO released? Did you happen to see the near perfect release? No? So instead you bash the game because it had such a near perfect release. You try to compare DNL to it. You ignore the fact that the gamers from 5-7yrs ago want, have seen and expect near perfect releases in this, the present 5-7yrs later.
DNL claims to be a game for every mmo gamer. If you truly sit and read what they promise, you will also see this is a niche game. Niche games tend to disappoint the general public and overjoy the specially designed for niches. Add the unfulfilled promises, incomplete world, unavailability of what are some of the most popular selling points to this game and you will see much more disappointment. Good ideas, a gamers wetdream, but the reality is on a collision course now with the fantasy. All DNL will do is throw blame to any and everything except themselves..
I miss DAoC
After reading a post here where someone stated they had up to two years to make a claim with their credit card company, I called mine. Explained it all and they agreed. Since the product never was delivered as advertised or is considered defective, the claim is good from 2 years of date of purchase. You should have no trouble.
After reading a post here where someone stated they had up to two years to make a claim with their credit card company, I called mine. Explained it all and they agreed. Since the product never was delivered as advertised or is considered defective, the claim is good from 2 years of date of purchase. You should have no trouble.
and try it too with the explanation that the EULA says you are playing an product of SOE . LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL omfg, blow their minds!! LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL
I agree that this game doesn't look to become anything near in what they promised. But I noticed you commented on the low content level. In this case I am ready to agree with you as they don't seem to be adding enough up until launch. But in general I don't expect much content until a late beta.
I wont buy this one though, but then again, I never was that excited about it in the first place
From my beta experiences, is this game technically ready to go live? Yes. Will it be a decent game once live? Hell no...
I tried to remain objective and test and help, but to be honest, I don't see why consumers are continuously being passed off incomplete, featureless dribble. It's becoming an industry standard to rush out a half-assed junker, and then have the audacity to ask people to pay.
Imagine you play miniature wargames, like, I dunno..Warhammer. They sell you a monstrous, kickass miniature that you always wanted in your army. But it's only half complete from the mould, the other half looking like a lump of tin with no feature. Now, technically, it's a miniature and it's ready for gaming. Would you buy it though?
Originally posted by korvass
From my beta experiences, is this game technically ready to go live?
I would say no because they have the same bugs as in the Beta and SOG.Alread logged in bug,crashes,unselectable chars after crashes..etc.
Lot of questions have been asked about the NDA and publication of information about Dark and Light, so we think useful to make things clear.
The DnL Beta has been, since it started, under NDA and will remain under it since it will continue after the release to test the features that will be added during the evolution of DnL.
The “Stress Test” isn’t an “Open beta” but an extension of the existing “Closed Beta” for those who were able to acces SoG (Pioneers, Griffons and Settlers). Therefore, it remains under the NDA, even though we have authorised publication of screenshots from the community after they have been approved.
To this end, no one is allowed to publish screenshots and videos from the “Closed Beta” or from the “Stress Test” without approval, even after the official release.
However, you can, of course, publish your screenshots and videos from the release version of Dark and Light after its official release.
We thank you in advance for adhering to these rules.
Yap and thats the proof that DnL != SOG
Futilez[Do You Have What It Takes ?]
Don't be terrorized! You're more likely to die of a car accident, drowning, fire, or murder! More people die every year from prescription drugs than terrorism LOL!
Yap and thats the proof that DnL != SOG
For once you are right, they had the worst of the bugs out of SoG, this is deja vu of last December.
Looks like their "release" and I use that word with reservations, is going even worse than I anticipated. Well it's been fun watching and hoping these last few years, and I was holding out hope for a miracle release right up to the point of the stress test. I wish I had been wrong all these months, I really do. But if the devs over there have any compassion at all they will refund everyones money and just put this thing down humanely. Somebody pull the plug on the server and last one out turn off the lights.
I miss DAoC
There is a post at the main site where someone is asking about the 500 quests at launch. They arent there.
Earlier someone had postedt that there is no NDA on this release. So its not the beta.
Yet when asked where are all the things promised at launch (the promises within the last couple weeks, not the we are the best this is what you will get so buy now crap) he was answered with "the pioneers are beta testing right now".
What a load of crapola. They are saying we are beta testers!!!!!!!! to excuse the absence of just about everything that was promised at launch.
It's been said that in a democracy people deserve the leaders they elect. The same could be said of games like Mourning or D&L. Until gamers excersice some restraint, do some research, and demand at least a semi-polished game for their money, there will always be people who are happy to deliver shoddy product. They're getting paid anyhow, and they know there are suckers out there who will pre-order and stay subscribed based on pie-in-the-sky promises.
Do I think the developers of D&L are, at heart, bad people? I have no idea. Maybe they are genuine in their desire to make a solid game. Maybe they are hucksters. One has to look at the delivered product though. If it quacks like a duck and walks like a duck, don't be surprised when you step in duck crap.
Games like this are bad for the industry. There are many people who knew no better, who's first exposure to an MMORPG will be D&L, and will not venture into the genre again for a long time. Their gaming dollars could have gone to supporting a genuine publishing house, and that's the real shame.