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Reading through the hype comments and I see a bunch of "it nothing but WOW" and "WOW clone" comments. Give me a break. People (probably mostly kids) see orcs, elves and goblins and say it's WOW.
Lets ignore the fact that these classic races and alliances were present in Tolkiens world and probably some before in European mythology and lore.
Lets also ignore the fact that Warhammer table top has been around longer than Blizzard and the warcraft universe.
What's this mean for us though? Hopefully a much more balanced game seeing how the universe and table top mechanics have had years to be refined. Complex as DDO is, those refined rules provide for excellent balance, and I can only hope table Warhammer's pvp basis will provide nice balance for a pvp online game (which WOW certainly is not).
My prediciton is that warhammer will attract a lot of the players from WOW (immature kids included). It's nice graphics and resemblence to WOW will lure them to buy the game and give it a try. I also predict that once the reality of this style mmorpg sets in the immature crowd will mostly bow out, and leave for us a more mature and teamwork centered community behind.
Finally, don't buy into the xbox fears. If nothing else the style of the game almost demands mouse and keyboard as well as upgradeable computers for downloading large content patches and future expansion packs with possibly improved graphics. Besides, I quote that gamespot article that mentions WAR on xbox.
"To be clear, Mythic is not announcing an Xbox 360 version of Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning, but in what was purportedly a period of only six weeks, the developer has managed to get its game up and running on Microsoft's new console simply to prove that it can be done."
A comment recently posted under the hypemeter actually suggests "copyright infringement" on the part of WAR. I'm positive the figures have been around longer than WOW, and most of them longer than Blizzard.
It's going to be interesting to see the WOW kiddies rush over to WAR and the be like "I just got WFT PWNED" because they expect a WOW clone. I predict a mad exodus of WOW kiddies and mostly worth while players will remain.
Well, if there is a copyright infringement it will be Blizzard in hot water for it
As to the down hype clone things, just proves you do not need any reading comprehension skills to post hypes here, user friendliness ftw...
How can you copyright a Gremlin?? They all look the same, look at the movie! The only way i could see a lawsuit is if they used the actual models that someone else used, otherwise they're free to create Gremlins, Orcs, and even The Boogieman if they wish.
I don't know much (ahem, anything) about copyright laws, but when i see some idiot shouting "SUE" and "LAWSUIT" it really pisses me off because you know they haven't got a clue what they're talking about.
As for the WoW comments; I really couldn't care less how this game "looks", however, it has to be animated correctly and by that i mean it has to actually "feel" like i'm jumping when i jump, not like you do when you play their DAoC which just put me off the game after trying to ignore it for a few months. That's not how games should be (especially nowadays), it's pure lazy development or just really cheap, as it looks like some High School kid has animated it in his spare time (not to mention DAoC's ugly made-in-MSPaint UI).
I know Mythic can get the gameplay right, that's the least of my worries about the game. I also love seeing comments like the one plateau01 made "I wish they'd gone for the darker and grittier look of the roleplaying game rather than the tabletop miniatures." heh i don't really have anything against RP'ers, but when someone talks to me and refers to me as kind sir, i can't help but laugh (btw, do you guys speak like that on Ventrilo while playing the game?). The less Larpy types the better, imo.
People are coming to ASSumptions before even seeing any gameplay at all, or very little. It's been said time and time again WAR will be extremly dark and gloomy.
and for the record WOW IS Warhammer. Get it WARcraft....WARhammer. What do you expect? Blizzard coppied Games Workshop, people need to do some research before making stupid statements.
How can it be a wow clone, when WoW has very Limited PVP, and is all about high level raiding. When WAR is completly PVP
But hey, if they want to hold a sign that says 'Idiot' with an arrow pointing down to them, let 'em.
I could aswell go and say Age of Conan is a EQ2 clone because it has more realistic looking graphics but I don't,I have read little bits about the game and heard things. Even if I had not read anything about it I wouldn't go and say it will suck because of 1 or 2 screenshots I had seen because as said it would make me look like an idiot and I absolutely have no good reason to say so, having seen screenshots is NOT a good reason to go and give such a final judgement.
Your both half right. Some orcs and red i think in the books but i might of been thinking of something else. Anyway there were some green orcs in LOTRs just not green like the ones in WoW there just GREEN, and the ones in WH are a little more darker, and in LOTRs are pretty Dark green. IN LOTRs it also depenes on other things because i asked these LOTRs guy at Gameworkshop and he says orcs in LOTRs range from red-Almost black so who GW didnt invent green orcs in my opinoin.
Majority of the people who say its just a WoW clone are tools.
I completely agree with the majority of posters on this thread, stating its the other way around.
Another thing, I'd like to add. Why do people keep saying "WoW clone" like WoW is some sort of perfect, unique snowflake? Last I checked (which was around 4 months ago), WoW was just an over simplified, watered down MMO-lite. Nothing new. Nothing unique. End-game is probably one of hte most disappointing of the MMO genre. Really, WoW is reaching its end of days sooner than people expect.
I wasted 14 months on this game before I realized what a waste it was. Getting to 60 (twice) was fun. But thats it. LIfe at 60 is RAID OR DIE or PVP TILL YOUR HEAD HURTS (AND THEN SOME). Not to mention that neither raiding nor PVP is very fun. PVP revolves around 2 factions zerging eachother non stop, with the rep farmers and raiding steamrolling "casuals" (AKA people who don't feel like doing incredibly boring and mundane tasks just to waggle their e-peen), mixed in with a lot of cute tricks to give the impression of complexity, or depth, neither of which WoW's PVP system has. Raiding is almost as bad, with encounters being simple, the raiding community being rather elitist and self righteous, and the entire "Raid System" just being one long series of treadmills disguised as stepping stones towards phat l00tz.
There is nothing lasting, interesting, or UNIQUE about WoW. It is an MMO LITE, so get off your high horses, claiming everything to be a clone of it, when it itself is already a shallow clone.
For those of us that were around to see these things released, it was pretty apparent.
Tolkien didn't describe his orcs (but they were generally protrayed as ruddy earth tones) and D&D orcs were explicitly pinkish grey. The characteristic sloping brow, muscular green body, and huge tusked lower jaw... that's all GW.
But my god, at least I'm a sensible WoW fanboy.
I agree with most things being said here. It's pretty obvious that WoW stole lore from Warhammer (Down to the bone, I realize this because I'm a big WoW lore buff.). It's obvious that Blizzard borrowed Less than generously from other games. I am very disappointed with their new lore concerning Burning Crusade (maybe because they lost places to steal it from, har har).
I used to love Blizzard, praise them for the quality of their games. And when WoW came out, it puzzled me as to how crap-tastic the customer service was. It was insulting at the amount of time it took to reach a GM or a tech rep.
Once I started following WAR, it hit me like a friggin' brick:
Blizzard is just another blood-thirsty sub-company, feeding of it's customers and competition.
The fact that is owned by Vivendi Universal is terrifying to me. This once little innocent company had blossomed into the fist of corporate America right before my eyes, and that quality and originality, and innovation that I once saw melted before my eyes.
Yep, WoW is about dead to me now. The only thing keeping me from pressing the big 'ole cancel button at this point is the fact that I have too many in-game friends that I'd be pissed of leaving behind.
Until I can muster up the courage to do it though, I'm stuck. The death-grip of Blizzard is firmly set around me, and it's hard to let go.
Dont fade into the oblivion just yet. A light will appear in Q4 2007. Just start swaying your friends to join you in the light for the time being.
The wow fans are fanatical yes. The fat hog known as blizzard will become bbq for the boyz soon enough 8)
Orky Name Generator, only at
I thought it was a crappy(I was a pure video game guy back then) copy of the Warcraft universe but then I got owned in a little discussion with one of the players
I read the lore and saw so many similarities and considering it was so similar to WoW
I thought eh it's just some coincidence....then I read on into 40k and faith in Blizzard died completely to the point where I hate them...I thought they were so original innovative then I figure out where all their ideas came from but watered down(Tyranids kick more ass then Zerg end of story)
And now WAR comes out and I can just say that it should lead to Blizzard disbanding some more(hopefully) and finally move on considering they are just a company that steals ideas from others and say it's their own and take so much credit for it
these be tears of happines... never in my life have I heard so much hate for that vile game of WoW...
but technically green orks are from old english folklore (GW is based in england)
but heres a question where did Blizzard steal Diablo or Diablo 2 from?
..... STUNTIES FOR DA WIN!!!11one. I also play them table top.
these be tears of happines... never in my life have I heard so much hate for that vile game of WoW...
but technically green orks are from old english folklore (GW is based in england)
but heres a question where did Blizzard steal Diablo or Diablo 2 from?
..... STUNTIES FOR DA WIN!!!11one. I also play them table top.
For those of us that were around to see these things released, it was pretty apparent.
Tolkien didn't describe his orcs (but they were generally protrayed as ruddy earth tones) and D&D orcs were explicitly pinkish grey. The characteristic sloping brow, muscular green body, and huge tusked lower jaw... that's all GW.
I started playing DND in 1976. Again, you are 100% certain I can't find a pre-GW green orc? Especially from an RPG?
sorry, forum playing tricks with me and giving error messages, so I accidentally posted 3 times.
I'm not really concerned who came up with "green orcs" first, but there's no denying that warcraft borrowed on the graphical similarity to the Warhammer minitures. There's also that same sense of morbid humor quality to them. Tolkien and D&D orcs were menacing, frightening and not too bright, but they weren't the bumbling and wreckless goofballs like in Warhammer.
So not only did warcraft "borrow" the graphics, but also personality and hints of lore. Shameful. Don't get me wrong though, I really enjoyed warcraft II and starcraft. WOW is fun for me from level 1-45, then it becomes the same grind with a more immature crowd than usual. 60+ is just ridiculous with the itemization, PVP imbalance and practically forced raid participation. I finally got irritated enough with their mage class I stopped giving them my money.
I have no idea where the Diablo games may have been "borrowed" from, but they are fun in their own way.
Getting off topic so back to my original posting reason. I just don't like WOW kiddies throwing out derrogatory comments about WAR because their clueless, and so until it's released I'm going to do my tiny little part to keep Warhammers name clean. I want the product to succeed and do well, so It provides me with expansion packs and a quality experience. I'm not too worried about attracting too many WOW kiddies. They're going to come at first anyway simply because the graphical resemblence. I'm confident that once they experience the different style of WAR the OMG WTF PWNAGE NUBs will go back to warcraft and leave us to happier gaming.
I also don't necessarily subscribe to the "WAR was first so it will be better" thought. I certainly hope it will be true, but they still have to put blood, sweat and tears into making this a great game to live up to the Warhammer franchise. All too many Tolkien based and Star Wars games were half-heartedly made simply because the "brand name" gaurenteed good sales. I'm holding Mythic accountable. Do it RIGHT.
For those of us that were around to see these things released, it was pretty apparent.
Tolkien didn't describe his orcs (but they were generally protrayed as ruddy earth tones) and D&D orcs were explicitly pinkish grey. The characteristic sloping brow, muscular green body, and huge tusked lower jaw... that's all GW.
I started playing DND in 1976. Again, you are 100% certain I can't find a pre-GW green orc? Especially from an RPG?
There you can see cover artwork with green orcs, from 1984. Similar style orcs appear as early as 81 or 82 in Citadel catalogs, but are unpainted miniatures (I've seen 'em green, but can't find any original dated sources or old WD pics).
I am unable to find anything dated before that, displaying green orcs, nor can I recall ever seeing any green non-GW orcs before Harn, which was published in the mid-80's (and those were blackish-grey-green, with a totally different look than the flat-faced, big tusk/jaw GW style).
While someone may have colored the B&W pictures in a 1st ed. Monster Manual green (), I really don't think anyone officially make orcs green before GW. It's just become so ubiquitous now, that no one remembers.
Oh, and I agree 100%: the license doesn't give it a free pass. Mythic still has a long ways to go.