You people really love this game don't you? /sarcasm
You have a chance to damage SoE's image in the media and possibley make a rollback possible and all you guys want to do is bitch over Bush, CNN, and Fox.
When CBS NEWS Online decided to publish our stories about SOE and their blind quest for more money, I was shocked and excited that a main stream news media was interested in listening to us.
Most of you remember how CBS Mail bag forced Smedley to respond to a particular email written by an anonymous former player.
One e-mail in particular was a stick of dynamite. Written by an anonymous source, it claimed that Sony Online Entertainment had released unfinished software, and it went on to attack company president John Smedley for an alleged narrow focus on only one thing: exploiting the Star Wars license.
"I'm bent about that one," Smedley admitted in a phone call. "As a person, I have zero problem with criticism. I don't have any problem whatsoever with our customers complaining. I think it's perfectly legitimate, and I think it's perfectly legitimate for you guys to have a mailbag with hate mail from Star Wars Galaxies. But of all the mail, that's the one that bothered me because it's filled with a bunch of BS."
(CBS) GameCore is's video game column, written by William Vitka
The bottom line here is "THE TRUTH HURTS" and the more times we can get our point across to the media, the better chance we can succeed at CHANGE.
Remember one person can't affect change, but many can move a mountain
i remember watching one of the business/economic programs on one of the media networks (i think msnbc not sure thought) where they were discussing AMD and Intel market growth and apparently they regularly talk about the game industry.
i would love to see the topic of SOE and their handling of SWG in a news report. As long as it is kept to straight economics and not reduced to politics or a couple of people yelling at each other (its not just Fox that has that), i believe it is a great step in the right direction. The gaming industry occupies a large part of our economic sector and im surprised it has taken this long to seep into the mainstream business discussions.
_________________________________ playing: ww2online: Fader EVE: Fader Bane proud member of BKB
Originally posted by Nikoz78 Originally posted by LickyDickyoo Hummm Bill O'Reily, is he not that pervert that was with that underage kid, hummmm second highest rating eh, well that tells me all I need to know about that Network and the people who watch it.LOL
Looks like CNN got to another one. My father watches FOX NEWS... he is a very good man who cares a lot about family values. You are a little punk and would not say such things in my presence. LMAO , we have a tough guy here lol .
Did you know that most liberals are young people? Thats because socialists know they have to brainwash the youth with their media; youth are the future. Look at the 60's and the liberal college professors that brainwashed the youth then (a tactic straight out of Marxism, brainwash college kids, the future leaders of our nation). They make it a fashion thing with their MTV, a cool-factor to be young and liberal. You are a product, and I see you for what you are.
Actually it is thinking like this , That negates the true scope this country was built on . You are saying anyone who is liberal is brainwashed ? What does that say about you ? You sound like you stand against free thought and freedom of expression . This Conservative esque approach you put forth stinks of biased rational thought . Yet everyone else is brainwashed and one track .
For the rocord, I am neither concervative nor liberal. I am a very complex person, and I don't like labels. I am a free thinking person and have broken the chains of media-controlled thought long ago at a young age (thanks goes to punkrock and Floyd for that). Herd mentality... MOO.
You say you listen to PUNK rock yet want to lump everyone into a category who has an opposing thought . It shows you never fully grasped what the underground movement was about . It is about understanding difference and accepting it . Please don't say you learned from acts such as GG. his message was about shock nothing more .
If you are referring to later editions to the underground movement such as Warzone Sick of it All and other politically motivated bands . How can you have learned such a point of View from it ? I understand your comments about MTV and other commercial outlets , Yes they are the sheep herders . But expressing distain for our goverment or our news sources is hardly sheepish . It shows the level our population has learned to question rather than blindly follow . I see this as a good thing .
For every minute you are angry , you lose 60 seconds of happiness."-Emerson
My point is, if FOX News would bring a story about SWG who would believe it? I don't have FOX news here, but from what I have seen and heard about it it is more of a show for republicans and a joke for the rest of the world.
I don't watch CNN, we have our own news here in Norway. My knowledge about FOX comes from a documentary I have seen about FOX news and from what I have read on the internet.
But I don't see a point in bringing more bad news about SOE anyway. I think most people who play mmorpg's know what SOE stands for. And they don't seem to care. People will still play games released by SOE. And SWG will never be a good game, no matter how much we complain about it.
Guys, cnn/fox/msnbc/ whatever, they are all infotainment. They all have their own agendas. You will never get strait facts without bias from any of those networks as long as they accept money for advertising and have other interests. soo shhhhhhhhh and listen to public radio
I plan to write fox news when i get home from work. What could it hurt to spread a little more "love" for soe?
And you guys wonder why coporations don't take your complaints seriously? The OP asked you to post your feelings about pre/post CU/NGE on a forum being set up by the 2nd Largest Television News Agency in the USA.... and instead of discussing the pros/cons/whatever of SWG you went off on a tirade against/for Fox/CNN etc???
And you wonder why nobody takes you seriously? Good lord people... this isn't a forum for political debate. The pros and cons of fox news or cnn are outside the scope of this discussion.
Like it or hate it Fox News is a HUGE media presence. You can either:
a) Use the opportunity to get your frustrations about SWG heard
b) Not
The choice, as they say, is yours. It's a mostly free country.... do what you want.
As for the news? If you want to get the REAL news, you need to listen to multiple news sources. If you only watch 1 or 2 news shows and they all give the same slant that doesn't mean they are right. You have to listen to news from both political viewpoints. I watch both Fox and CNN... generally after that you get a fairly accurate rendition of the News..... The truth... as they say... always lies somewhere in the middle.
Currently Playing: Dungeons and Dragons Online. Sig image Pending Still in: A couple Betas
Well, I e-mailed them... but I don't feel good about it.
FOX is like a crazy drug that f**ks up my perception of the world just by browsing their webpage. But if I can make two corporations I hate fight it out, it's all good.
sure SOE is infamous in the gaming world. every gamer knows or has heard of their actions with SWG. however they are not well known in the more mainstreamn business world. and only in the latter can they be held accountable for any illegal activities they might be undertaking.
_________________________________ playing: ww2online: Fader EVE: Fader Bane proud member of BKB
Maybe im not very observant, but I cant find a feedback page for the tech part. To where are you supposed to email them? Which address are you using? >.>
Great idea OP! If you want to get the word out that is the smart way to do it. I don't play the game anymore nor have I since the CU (well came back for like a day after NGE hit). I still have fun, in a sense, by coming here to see all the wonderful debates about how SOE is causing global warming, world hunger, bubonic plague, etc. So thanks to you all
As for the whole Fox News/CNN debate, everyone has an opinion and a preference. Deal with it. Fox News is the highest rated cable news company in the States, so they must be doing something right. Some Fox news programs get a higher rating than all the major cable and mainstream news networks combined. Some people just need to take their blinders off. Bottom line, you will get your point across to a lot of Americans if you use that news organization.
Personally, I watch (or surf the internet) both Fox and CNN. I can't say I like or trust CNN though, since when I was in Iraq I personally experienced some of their biased reporting and to me that is very unprofessional and unbecoming.
But at least we don't have to deal with the BBC and/or Al Jazeera. No offense to any European or Mid Eastern people in here, but sucks to be you
One last thing, I don't blame SOE (well maybe a little) for the NGE so I tried out EQ2 a few weeks ago. It's not bad, it's not great, but it's not bad. Really, it's just something to do.
Make sure you place in the subject: SWG Fans upset at SOE
In the body please add: ATTN: Video Gaming Center
Hopefully if a number of people forward enough comments and see that SOE's practice was wrong, Fox will decide this topic is a worthwhile story to cover.
Originally posted by SpiritCrawler Originally posted by Jenell There are people believing what Fox News tells them?
FOX is the only non-biased, US News agency. Your going to Hell if you watch CNN. Proven fact. On topic, I'd love to write something up for FOX. There is no such thing as an un-biased news agency. FOX is no better/worse than CNN.
If you're under 30 and you aren't a liberal, you don't have a heart.
If you're over 40 and you aren't conservative, you don't have a brain.
Free cookie to whomever can respond with who said that originally.
And everything I've seen on FOX News tells me they ARE fair and balanced. They just show the good news before they show the bad. The other major American news outlets don't show the good at all.
You have a chance to damage SoE's image in the media and possibley make a rollback possible and all you guys want to do is bitch over Bush, CNN, and Fox.
When CBS NEWS Online decided to publish our stories about SOE and their blind quest for more money, I was shocked and excited that a main stream news media was interested in listening to us.
Most of you remember how CBS Mail bag forced Smedley to respond to a particular email written by an anonymous former player.
One e-mail in particular was a stick of dynamite. Written by an anonymous source, it claimed that Sony Online Entertainment had released unfinished software, and it went on to attack company president John Smedley for an alleged narrow focus on only one thing: exploiting the Star Wars license.
"I'm bent about that one," Smedley admitted in a phone call. "As a person, I have zero problem with criticism. I don't have any problem whatsoever with our customers complaining. I think it's perfectly legitimate, and I think it's perfectly legitimate for you guys to have a mailbag with hate mail from Star Wars Galaxies. But of all the mail, that's the one that bothered me because it's filled with a bunch of BS."
(CBS) GameCore is's video game column, written by William Vitka
The bottom line here is "THE TRUTH HURTS" and the more times we can get our point across to the media, the better chance we can succeed at CHANGE.
Remember one person can't affect change, but many can move a mountain
Can't WAIT!
i would love to see the topic of SOE and their handling of SWG in a news report. As long as it is kept to straight economics and not reduced to politics or a couple of people yelling at each other (its not just Fox that has that), i believe it is a great step in the right direction. The gaming industry occupies a large part of our economic sector and im surprised it has taken this long to seep into the mainstream business discussions.
ww2online: Fader
EVE: Fader Bane
proud member of BKB
Did you know that most liberals are young people? Thats because socialists know they have to brainwash the youth with their media; youth are the future. Look at the 60's and the liberal college professors that brainwashed the youth then (a tactic straight out of Marxism, brainwash college kids, the future leaders of our nation). They make it a fashion thing with their MTV, a cool-factor to be young and liberal. You are a product, and I see you for what you are.
Actually it is thinking like this , That negates the true scope this country was built on . You are saying anyone who is liberal is brainwashed ? What does that say about you ? You sound like you stand against free thought and freedom of expression . This Conservative esque approach you put forth stinks of biased rational thought . Yet everyone else is brainwashed and one track .
For the rocord, I am neither concervative nor liberal. I am a very complex person, and I don't like labels. I am a free thinking person and have broken the chains of media-controlled thought long ago at a young age (thanks goes to punkrock and Floyd for that). Herd mentality... MOO.
You say you listen to PUNK rock yet want to lump everyone into a category who has an opposing thought . It shows you never fully grasped what the underground movement was about . It is about understanding difference and accepting it . Please don't say you learned from acts such as GG. his message was about shock nothing more .
If you are referring to later editions to the underground movement such as Warzone Sick of it All and other politically motivated bands . How can you have learned such a point of View from it ? I understand your comments about MTV and other commercial outlets , Yes they are the sheep herders . But expressing distain for our goverment or our news sources is hardly sheepish . It shows the level our population has learned to question rather than blindly follow . I see this as a good thing .
For every minute you are angry , you lose 60 seconds of happiness."-Emerson
I miss the good ol' days when nerds were actually intelligent.
For every minute you are angry , you lose 60 seconds of happiness."-Emerson
My point is, if FOX News would bring a story about SWG who would believe it? I don't have FOX news here, but from what I have seen and heard about it it is more of a show for republicans and a joke for the rest of the world.
I don't watch CNN, we have our own news here in Norway. My knowledge about FOX comes from a documentary I have seen about FOX news and from what I have read on the internet.
But I don't see a point in bringing more bad news about SOE anyway. I think most people who play mmorpg's know what SOE stands for. And they don't seem to care. People will still play games released by SOE. And SWG will never be a good game, no matter how much we complain about it.
Guys, cnn/fox/msnbc/ whatever, they are all infotainment. They all have their own agendas. You will never get strait facts without bias from any of those networks as long as they accept money for advertising and have other interests. soo shhhhhhhhh and listen to public radio
I plan to write fox news when i get home from work. What could it hurt to spread a little more "love" for soe?
For the Horde!
And you guys wonder why coporations don't take your complaints seriously? The OP asked you to post your feelings about pre/post CU/NGE on a forum being set up by the 2nd Largest Television News Agency in the USA.... and instead of discussing the pros/cons/whatever of SWG you went off on a tirade against/for Fox/CNN etc???
And you wonder why nobody takes you seriously? Good lord people... this isn't a forum for political debate. The pros and cons of fox news or cnn are outside the scope of this discussion.
Like it or hate it Fox News is a HUGE media presence. You can either:
a) Use the opportunity to get your frustrations about SWG heard
b) Not
The choice, as they say, is yours. It's a mostly free country.... do what you want.
As for the news? If you want to get the REAL news, you need to listen to multiple news sources. If you only watch 1 or 2 news shows and they all give the same slant that doesn't mean they are right. You have to listen to news from both political viewpoints. I watch both Fox and CNN... generally after that you get a fairly accurate rendition of the News..... The truth... as they say... always lies somewhere in the middle.
Currently Playing: Dungeons and Dragons Online.
Sig image Pending
Still in: A couple Betas
FOX is like a crazy drug that f**ks up my perception of the world just by browsing their webpage. But if I can make two corporations I hate fight it out, it's all good.
A** Still Raw From Your Last SWG Subscription? Come join us at
Thanks to everyone who understands why I had asked my fellow exiles to post their concerns.
Thanks to those who have posted or plan to post.
ww2online: Fader
EVE: Fader Bane
proud member of BKB
You just won the Internets! Grats ^_^
Oh, cruel fate, to be thusly boned. Ask not for whom the bone bones. It bones for thee.
For the Horde!
Great idea OP! If you want to get the word out that is the smart way to do it. I don't play the game anymore nor have I since the CU (well came back for like a day after NGE hit). I still have fun, in a sense, by coming here to see all the wonderful debates about how SOE is causing global warming, world hunger, bubonic plague, etc. So thanks to you all
As for the whole Fox News/CNN debate, everyone has an opinion and a preference. Deal with it. Fox News is the highest rated cable news company in the States, so they must be doing something right. Some Fox news programs get a higher rating than all the major cable and mainstream news networks combined. Some people just need to take their blinders off. Bottom line, you will get your point across to a lot of Americans if you use that news organization.
Personally, I watch (or surf the internet) both Fox and CNN. I can't say I like or trust CNN though, since when I was in Iraq I personally experienced some of their biased reporting and to me that is very unprofessional and unbecoming.
But at least we don't have to deal with the BBC and/or Al Jazeera. No offense to any European or Mid Eastern people in here, but sucks to be you
One last thing, I don't blame SOE (well maybe a little) for the NGE so I tried out EQ2 a few weeks ago. It's not bad, it's not great, but it's not bad. Really, it's just something to do.
My apologizes for not providing an email address.
Please send your comments to
Make sure you place in the subject: SWG Fans upset at SOE
In the body please add: ATTN: Video Gaming Center
Hopefully if a number of people forward enough comments and see that SOE's practice was wrong, Fox will decide this topic is a worthwhile story to cover.
There is no such thing as an un-biased news agency. FOX is no better/worse than CNN.
If you're under 30 and you aren't a liberal, you don't have a heart.
If you're over 40 and you aren't conservative, you don't have a brain.
Free cookie to whomever can respond with who said that originally.
And everything I've seen on FOX News tells me they ARE fair and balanced. They just show the good news before they show the bad. The other major American news outlets don't show the good at all.
There's a sucker born every minute. - P.T. Barnum