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Gay and Heroes? Homosexual guild recruiting for GnH.

Gay and Heroes? Homosexual guild recruiting for GnH.

A similar topic to the World of Warcraft policy on sex in games.

You can read more about the Transvestite, Gay, Lesbian and Bi guild on the official GnH forums. Be careful to not make them upset, as their own forum moderator (Deodatus (P.E.) states, "Here's the deal, from this point forward only discussion about this guild or whatever the guild leader deems as conversation for the guild." So the Gay guild leader is the one calling the shots over there for what is or is not allowed.

GnH official forum



  • LumsterLumster Member Posts: 230


    What's next?

    A hetero guild?
    A zoophilia guild?

    Why can't all people regardless of their sexual preferences, skin color or sex be in one guild?
    Finding people that are tolerant enough shouldn't be a problem these days.

    What does it even matter in a GAME??

    BTw: There is a reason for the guild forum ::::12::, or do you just want to make some trouble?

  • nightmare237nightmare237 Member Posts: 14
    i dont think he is recruiting people for that guild
    good point though why cant all people just be in the same guild

  • dinkdink Member Posts: 438

    I read the thread you linked, and it looks like the reason Deodatus threatened to close the thread is that someone using the forum name "madmax" has an anti-gay agenda.

    Bascially, his argument is that the game is not getting a Mature rating and that teenagers should not be exposed to a forum in which gay people are forming a guild that focuses on gay membership.  Then people responded to this negatively because they felft that madmax's anti-gay agenda was unfair and ugly.  It is insulting that someone would say that gay people should not form a guild in a public forum because their guild is somehow indecent. 

    10% of the world's population is gay, and a larger percentage of that is bisexual.  There are so many gay people that most everyone has a friend or a family member who is gay.  Thus the fact that they are the last group in the United States to gain legal and social protections from bigotry is apalling and amazing.

    In any case, creating a guild that is focused on creating a safe space for homosexuals is fine and within the forum rules.  Persecuting someone for their sexuality in the forums is against the forum rules and Deodatus is showing great restraint by not locking the thread, deleting the bigoted posts, and banning madmax.  I applaud him.

  • ZindaihasZindaihas Member UncommonPosts: 3,662


    Originally posted by dink

    It is insulting that someone would say that gay people should not form a guild in a public forum because their guild is somehow indecent.


    Perhaps, but to form a guild with the requirement that its members must be gay is discriminatory.  Suppose a guild wished to form with the prerequisite that its members had to be heterosexual.  Would that not be immediately criticized for excluding gays?  I think any restrictions on guild members should be limited to their characters only, such as level or class, etc.


    Originally posted by dink

    Thus the fact that they are the last group in the United States to gain legal and social protections from bigotry is apalling and amazing.


    Who says they are the last group to gain legal and social protections from bigotry?  I have freckles all over my face, and I am aware of no special protections that afford me the right not to be discriminated against because of my freckles.  The point is that homosexuals already receive the same protections as everybody else simply because they are humans beings.  No one is legally entitled to discriminate against another person in a professional situation for any reason.  To constantly fragment society by breaking them into little groups is detrimental, not beneficial.

  • BeanchillaBeanchilla Member Posts: 260

    this is twisted
    im all for gay rights
    im not discriminating

    but seriously, if this is alright
    then i think in equal rights
    even people we hate should have balance

    so with this kinda discriminatory action
    We should be able to have a ALL WHITE guild
    or a all black guild

    Segregation within a game should exist as classes

    and this is alright i geuss
    but why would you want an all gay guild
    unless you are planning on cyber sex
    in which case theres a lot better places besides a video game.

    Just another handsome boy graduate...

  • nightmare237nightmare237 Member Posts: 14

    10% of the world's population is gay, and a larger percentage of that is bisexual.
    >that is exaggerated, recent reports show less than 4% are gay

    In any case, creating a guild that is focused on creating a safe space for homosexuals is fine and within the forum rules.  Persecuting someone for their sexuality in the forums is against the forum rules and Deodatus is showing great restraint by not locking the thread, deleting the bigoted posts, and banning madmax.  I applaud him.
    >I see no one bashing gays on that forum. If people don't agree with the homos they are bigots? Get real. Seems to me the only people being persecuted as you call it is anyone that speaks out against homosexuals.
    >Research has shown that homosexuality is a disorder and it can be cured. People have been cured
    >there is no genetic evidence that people are born homosexual. there are thousands of links on google about this

    Whites Only Guild? I guess you can do that on that game cause they dont want to discriminate.

  • BeanchillaBeanchilla Member Posts: 260

    Originally posted by nightmare237

    10% of the world's population is gay, and a larger percentage of that is bisexual.>that is exaggerated, recent reports show less than 4% are gayIn any case, creating a guild that is focused on creating a safe space for homosexuals is fine and within the forum rules. Persecuting someone for their sexuality in the forums is against the forum rules and Deodatus is showing great restraint by not locking the thread, deleting the bigoted posts, and banning madmax. I applaud him.>I see no one bashing gays on that forum. If people don't agree with the homos they are bigots? Get real. Seems to me the only people being persecuted as you call it is anyone that speaks out against homosexuals.>Research has shown that homosexuality is a disorder and it can be cured. People have been cured>there is no genetic evidence that people are born homosexual. there are thousands of links on google about thisWhites Only Guild? I guess you can do that on that game cause they dont want to discriminate.

    I'm sorry but i completely disagree with you.
    10% is a perfectly reasonable estimate. 4% might be too but you dont have any proof
    because most gays arent out of the closet. Also no one is saying that homosexuals arent perseucted,
    but seperating themselves from other players is only going to make it worse.

    A mmorpg is one place where people are judged by their toons, not by their personalities,
    making it a suitable and relaxing escape.


    no one needs to have segregation in the game
    the last thing me or anyone (of any race or sexuality) should think about in a video game
    is their race when compared to others.

    And i geuss that part is opinion

    but as for the last part of your statement
    homesexuality can be cured??

    That makes me feel sick someone even believes it
    i mean if homosexuality can be cured
    than so can heterosexuality.
    Its not a disease and its not something to be ashamed of
    its a perference.

    And sure maybe someone can get you to change but thats like

    say someones a vegetarian and they go to classes over and over for a few years
    to teach them eating meat is good
    im sure they would get some success in making vegetarians start to eat meat

    however it would work vice versa


    and as for your logic
    you can google anything and get thousand of links
    if you believe anything you google then im sorry

    just look

    i googled "vampires are real"
    and got thousand of links

    not REAL!!

    Just another handsome boy graduate...

  • LumsterLumster Member Posts: 230

    There are no human races.

    "They will maintain that for humans the concept of “race” is meaningless: that there are no biologically significant human group differences, hence no human races."

    Homesexuality can't be cured because there is nothing to cure. Homesexuality has a lot to do with hormons and yes you can be born that way. It develops over time, that is however biological proven. Whoever says something different is either a christian or ignorant.

  • dinkdink Member Posts: 438

    Originally posted by nightmare237
    10% of the world's population is gay, and a larger percentage of that is bisexual.
    >that is exaggerated, recent reports show less than 4% are gay

    In any case, creating a guild that is focused on creating a safe space for homosexuals is fine and within the forum rules.  Persecuting someone for their sexuality in the forums is against the forum rules and Deodatus is showing great restraint by not locking the thread, deleting the bigoted posts, and banning madmax.  I applaud him.
    >I see no one bashing gays on that forum. If people don't agree with the homos they are bigots? Get real. Seems to me the only people being persecuted as you call it is anyone that speaks out against homosexuals.
    >Research has shown that homosexuality is a disorder and it can be cured. People have been cured
    >there is no genetic evidence that people are born homosexual. there are thousands of links on google about this

    Whites Only Guild? I guess you can do that on that game cause they dont want to discriminate.

    1.  The Kinsey reports show 10% to be gay and a larger population to be bisexual.  I'm not sure what your source is, but the minority being smaller than what the Kinsey reports say would not change their need to be protected.

    2.  Creating a guild that is gay-friendly but inclusive of straight people is not segregation or prejudice against stratight people any more than black and hispanic organizations are. 

    3.  There are hundreds of "studies" paid for by bigotry groups that hate homosexuals.  At this point in history, they are smart enough not to call themselves the KKK, and instead have political names that talk about how they are going to protect families from homosexuals.  Their studies are false.  If you look at studies by psychologists that are peer-reviewed and follow scientific method, then there have been neurological studies that have shown distinct differences between the brains of homosexual males and heterosexual males.  Some of this still may be nurture instead of nature as our brains actually adapt over time (a child who plays tennis will have a larger portion of the brain focused on hand-eye coordination than a child who merely watches television).

    Your arguments are ridiculous, hateful, and very backward.  It's 2006.  Don't be one of the people who gets studied in the history books as an oppressor of this group.  They will be the next and last group to win their rights in the United States. . .  I imagine that someday our grandchildren will be taking history class and will ask us why white people were so mean to black people, and we will unashamedly tell them about that because it occurred before our time, but what will you tell them when they ask you why straight people were so mean to gay people?

  • Deva-stateDeva-state Member Posts: 64
    I wanna be the only man in an all lesbian guild.. 

  • SMarcellusSMarcellus Member Posts: 20

    Firstly, the LGBT guild wasn't recruiting an all inclusive LGBT guild. The person wanted to create a guild that allowed for friendly atmosphere for LGBT players. It clearly states that straight people are allowed in as long as they have an open mind.

    Secondly, it is no different then having a Spanish guild, or Mature guild, or Christian guild. It is a guild that has guidelines set forth that it's members would have to follow. That's no different then any other guild from any other MMO.

    Thirdly, Deo put that statement down because it is a guild creation thread, and what had happened for several posts weren't anyway related to the guild, but to a philisophical stance/arguement against the formation of the guild. And yes, I'm as guilty of madmax because I took the bait. Just like here.

    And lastly, read:

    I have my own personal beliefs regarding LGBT, but who am I to push them off on anyone?


  • nightmare237nightmare237 Member Posts: 14
    Homosexuality is not a disease, it is a disorder that can be cured. Look it up. Thousands of people have been cured of homosexuality.

    There is no genetic proof or proof that homosexuality is caused by a hormonal imbalance, etc.

    10% of Americans are gay -- urban myth explored

  • dinkdink Member Posts: 438

    Originally posted by nightmare237
    Homosexuality is not a disease, it is a disorder that can be cured. Look it up. Thousands of people have been cured of homosexuality.

    There is no genetic proof or proof that homosexuality is caused by a hormonal imbalance, etc.

    10% of Americans are gay -- urban myth explored

    Those groups that say that it is a disease (or imply that it is a disease by saying it can be cured) are bigots.  They aren't actually doing scientific studies and their "evidence" is either manufactured or anecdotal.  Look at APA (American Psychological Association) studies and you will find that while homosexuality cannot successfully traced to just nature or nurture (studies show that both are factors), it is conclusive that it is not a disease of any sort but is more akin to handedness - like being left or right-handed. 

    The same arguments have shown that left-handedness may be genetic or a case of nurturing - but in both cases no one looks at left-handedness as something that needs to be cured.  To speak of someone's sexuality as something that needs to be "cured" is offensive as well as ignorant.

    While there are plenty of "studies" that show false information  on this subject from Christian hate groups - you linked two excellent examples - people who read scientific information that is not burdened by outside preconceived opinion and that follows scientific method and peer-review in the studies support the above facts.

    It is really insiduous and scary how hate groups have learned to mask their behavior.  On some level you have to think that the KKK actually knew they were being hateful and horrible people, but I think that groups that use names like "Family Research Institute" in order to create some false form of credibility (that dies even under the least bit of intellectual scrutiny) are much more likely to recruit people to their hateful cause without those people knowing that they are aligning themselves with a hate group.  Your links would earn you a lot more ire and probably would be deleted if they were from the KKK site or the Fifth Column site. . .  but the bigots have gotten smarter now. 

    In a way, this is good. . .  because they've really HAD to get smarter.  America is moving forward despite backward opinions.  Homosexuals will get their rights in our lifetimes and history will remember all the various "Family X" groups for what they actually are.

    As a Christian, I just hope that the backlash from Christians being on the wrong side of history will not be too damaging to our religion.

  • nightmare237nightmare237 Member Posts: 14
    To Dink:

    Spitzer Report
    Further controversy ensued in May 2001 when Dr. Robert Spitzer, who was involved in the original declassification of homosexuality as a mental disorder (by the APA), presented a paper on reparative therapy at the APA annual convention. In his paper he reported that he had found that 66% of the men and 44% of the women had achieved "good heterosexual functioning" through interventions.

    The very man (Dr. Robert Spitzer) that you use as your proof that homosexuality is not mental disorder, has now done studies showing these new figures of people changing from homosexuality to heterosexuality.

    Homosexuality is a choice and people can be cured because there is proof that people are being cured of this disorder. Argue all you want to, but the people that have been cured are proof enough.

  • nightmare237nightmare237 Member Posts: 14

    Originally posted by dink

    As a Christian, I just hope that the backlash from Christians being on the wrong side of history will not be too damaging to our religion.

    You call yourself a Christian and yet you ignore both the old and new testaments concerning homosexuality. I guess to you the bible is just something you can pick and choose what you like or don't like to make your own religion. How convenient for you. Are you going to call it Dink-ism?
  • ScampyScampy Member Posts: 29
    Not that my opinion matters, probably, but first and foremost, the Bible is a book.

  • nightmare237nightmare237 Member Posts: 14

    Originally posted by Scampy
    Not that my opinion matters, probably, but first and foremost, the Bible is a book.

    Actually the bible is a collection of books. Plural.
  • dinkdink Member Posts: 438

    Originally posted by nightmare237

    You call yourself a Christian and yet you ignore both the old and new testaments concerning homosexuality. I guess to you the bible is just something you can pick and choose what you like or don't like to make your own religion. How convenient for you. Are you going to call it Dink-ism?

    Yes, I do.  It is not for me to judge others.

    You should look up what Jesus says about Pharisees.   Jesus would forgive and embrace a homosexual but would exhibit anger towards people who would express hate or judgment towards God's children - including those who sin, and not just those who have sex outside of marriage, but liars, theives, gambelers, people who curse others or take the lord's name in vain.  If you read the Bible, the times when Jesus expresses the most anger and scorn are when people use God and religion as a tool for hate or persecution.  These people who have studied the word of God should know better, and they are liars in their own hearts.

  • dinkdink Member Posts: 438

    Originally posted by nightmare237
    To Dink:

    Spitzer Report
    Further controversy ensued in May 2001 when Dr. Robert Spitzer, who was involved in the original declassification of homosexuality as a mental disorder (by the APA), presented a paper on reparative therapy at the APA annual convention. In his paper he reported that he had found that 66% of the men and 44% of the women had achieved "good heterosexual functioning" through interventions.

    Wow. . .  okay, I'm not sure if you are bending the data or if the study is.  You'll have to site this more directly, and by that I mean the name of the study and the year or a direct link to it.

    My guess, without you providing your source, is that "good heterosexual functioning" means that the group of people who went through conditioning learned to have sex with the opposite sex in spite of their nature because they wanted badly to behave heterosexually.

    This would be like left-handed people taking behavior therapy to learn to write with their right-hands.  They would probably never get very good at it, and would never enjoy writing from that point forward, but could probably, with behavior therapy, learn to write with their right hands.

    With behavior therapy, you could probably learn to have "good homosexual functioning".  Our ability to adapt behavior based on therapy is very good.  However, that ability to change behavior does not make it natural or right to change behavior.  We shouldn't look at homosexuality as being wrong any more than we look at left-handedness as being wrong.  Whether it is nurture or nature, it is a natural state that humans are born into and they should not be judged or pressured to change their basic nature.

  • LumsterLumster Member Posts: 230

    Yes nightmare, homosexuality is not a disease but it's not a disorder either. It's just the way it ss, and there is no cure. There might be many reasons that people turn out "gay", but you cannot say that there is a cure or anything that's just pure ignorance.

    "Some therapists, institutions, and groups contend they are able to assist homosexuals to overcome their homosexual tendencies. Many of these are Abrahamic congregations which interpret their sacred texts as holding homosexuality to be unnatural or sinful, and which consider homosexuality to be an undesired orientation. Reparative therapy is psychotherapy aimed at the elimination of homosexual attractions and is employed by people who claim that homosexuality is a disorder or a sin. A "transformational ministry" claims that homosexual behavior is essentially a sin that can be overcome through a religious approach employing repentance and faith.

    There is no credible, scientific evidence supporting successful "treatment" of sexual orientation, and some persons have reported that great harm was inflicted on them by such "treatments".[17] "Ex-gay" supporters point to others[18] who they say have experienced what they consider success; however, most mainstream medical and psychological organizations reject such claims and consider attempts to change sexual orientation to be ineffective and potentially harmful."

    let me quote this again:

    "There is no credible, scientific evidence supporting successful "treatment" of sexual orientation, and some persons have reported that great harm was inflicted on them by such "treatments"."

    Some christians should burn in hell for their ignorance. BURN!!!!

  • dinkdink Member Posts: 438

    Lumster - I agree completely, and notice how I was talking about changing behavior rather than orientation.  Therapy can teach people to behave contrary to their attractions, but it has proven unsuccessful in changing people's attractions.

  • nightmare237nightmare237 Member Posts: 14
    I can see there is a lot of hate from both of you about this issue. So I will leave you to fight with each other.

  • LumsterLumster Member Posts: 230

    In case you missed it, we agree with eachother.

    And the only hate is coming from christian zealots.

  • jimmyman99jimmyman99 Member UncommonPosts: 3,221
    Bible is just a book (or collection of books if u want it that way), so each person can listen to the church interpreting it OR they can interpret it for themselves. We have all read stories what happens when people let othter people (the church) interpret the Bible to us - long years in inquisition, when nobody was safe and could be branded "wich" or a "demon" and be burned alive. Besides, what is the Bible? It is a collection of stories written by some men, often we dont know who wrote what. Most of it does make sense: do not kill, etc etc, so I believe those words.

    I havent read or reseached much on homosexuality. Personally, I think its a mental or physical disorder for a simple reason - it is unnatural. Nature requires 2 subjects of different gender to mate and produce an offspring (except for some primitive organisms like hydra). So 2 guys or 2 gals cannot mate and produce an offspring, it is against the laws of nature. That is my opinion.

    I have a theory about why homosexuality occurs in humans. Ive read somewhere (been a while ago so I dont know what book) that some species can change their sexuality if there are too many of their gender and too little of the opposite gender. I think frogs can do it. So if lets say there are 1000 female frogs in a pool and only 10 male frogs, some female frogs would change gender to compensate for lack of male genetic material. And since humans bypassed laws of nature long ago, this effect can kick in for whatever reason. But still, this transofrmation is complete, meaning no male frog "thinks" it is female while having a physical body of a male.

    I am the type of player where I like to do everything and anything from time to time.
    image - pre-WW2 genocide.

  • LumsterLumster Member Posts: 230

    There are gay animals, you can find homosexuality/transsexuality everywhere in nature. So yes it's kinda natural.

    And your theory is dumb (sorry but that's the truth), humans are not frogs, snails or whatever they are humans. We didn't bypass anything, evolution takes thousand of years (and I'm talking about hundred thousand/million years).
    There were gay people 3000 years ago, maybe even 100000 years ago and not because they had not enough women/men.

    "Homosexual behaviour is common in the animal kingdom, especially in species closer to humans on the evolutionary scale, such as the great apes. Georgetown University professor Janet Mann has specifically theorised that homosexuality, at least in dolphins, is an evolutionary advantage that minimises intraspecies aggression, especially among males."


This discussion has been closed.