I wonder why? After many…many…many months you had WoW second behind EVE (lol) and sometimes third behind Guild Wars..(lolx2) and now all the sudden WoW disappeared. Well you can hate WoW all you want but its still the most complete (Not Percfect) game in the mmorpg market out there .So the least you can do is to give Blizz a credit for it.
Originally posted by spirus7 I wonder why? After many…many…many months you had WoW second behind EVE (lol) and sometimes third behind Guild Wars..(lolx2) and now all the sudden WoW disappeared. Well you can hate WoW all you want but its still the most complete (Not Percfect) game in the mmorpg market out there .So the least you can do is to give Blizz a credit for it.
I don't know why it dropped out and I really don't care. The game still has the most subscribers in the market. Even if it didn't have the most subscribers I'd still be playing it. Fanbois can go ahead and keep voting in EVE. I rather play a game that I have fun with, not because its just number 1 on this site.
I just find myself bored with the game is all. I get a been there done that feeling every time I log on. I have enough phat loot and enough level 60 avatars already, I am tired of rerolling to kill the time till the expansion.
I find PVP to lack any real benefits or risk/rewards. I dont find the game compelling anymore , at least not till the Expansion. And. thats just my opinion. There is no question that it is a great game, its just that my passion for it has diminished is all. I want something new.
1.11 is promising with the Sourge invasion and all and I fired up WOW for the first time in a long while. After running around hunting the crystals down and fighting mobs I got the same feeling. Just bored of it...it felt like the plaguelands received a teleport to the whole world. Also, by the time I got to any of the Skirmishes the battle would be pretty much over cause EVERYBODY and their Mom was looking to do the same thing as me, cause they too are bored out of their skull.
I think Blizzard has been too busy counting their money to actually play their cards right and keep the momentum going forward. The Expansion is about a year late in my opinion, as I remember being this bored about a year ago and I kept renewing cause I thought the expansion was coming , the expansion was coming.
Now I dont even know if I will still be around for it.
I am thinking, been there , done that, Conan looks cool, As does Pirates of the Burning Sea. And Hell Hero Online even looks good, and sounds like it will be free, that would be a welcome change. Free...mmmm
Originally posted by spirus7 I wonder why? After many…many…many months you had WoW second behind EVE (lol) and sometimes third behind Guild Wars..(lolx2) and now all the sudden WoW disappeared. Well you can hate WoW all you want but its still the most complete (Not Percfect) game in the mmorpg market out there .So the least you can do is to give Blizz a credit for it.
Whether you like or dislike WoW or think its the best MMO out or whatever, do not make the claim it is the most complete. That is just dumb. There are so many promised or mentioned features that were shelved or "on the horizon" that it is just preposterous.
Originally posted by Guile First of all, the MMORPG rankings is a terrible way to judge a game, and secondly most of the WoW players probably don't visit this site. I didn't even know this site existed till a mate showed me to EVE (link to here on EVE site) and look whos number 1.
So what? If I objectively look at Eve I would give it a higher score than WoW on this site. I think WoW is more fun than Eve. But Eve has alot of very nice features and its design is more robust, elegant, and mature. Yet I have never even bothered to review Eve. Other than fun factor I would give Eve a higher score in every aspect. But in the end fun factor is probably the determining factor for a large number of people.
The only thing Blizzard has ever had going for it was that they knew how to make a fun game and were fairly competent. Their sense of humor has won them more fans than anything else probably.
Anyone who takes a long hard look at Eve shouldn't be surprised it has a high rating even if they wouldn't personally want to play it. Just the market stuff alone is impressive and then when you look at all the various things player corporations are capable of doing affecting. When you consider that player vs. palyer wars are actually wars. Like weeks to months long and invovle striking strategic points like resource gatherers. That you can have a real war for profit. Or even a war you win but is actually a pyrhirric victory(ie. you win but are worse off than when you started). PvP'ers actually often try to ransom people rather than just kill for kicks. Pirating can actually make money. There are even corporations whose main money making profession is to be a mercenary. Most games just put in flimsy design and bad mechanics and just turn into silly slaughter-fests. With just a few wise design decisiions CCP made things alot richer. Well anyway the game is certainly not for everyone but it does deserve some respect. I guess economics is rarely grasped to its full potential. Ah well.
Frankly if the old designers were still in charge of WoW I would probably still be playing it, but I would still rate Eve higher even then.
Maybe... WoW players are playing WoW while fans of other games are here complaining about it!?
Haha, not realy a fair contest
If only half of WoW subscribers would rate WoW, hmmm, poor EVE...
Oh oh oh, I know what EVE players are doing while mining, boosting EVE rating on MMORPG.com
personal observation (I think I finally made my peace with WoW)
If I would choose one feature from EVE and make every MMORPG use it, it would have to be ONE SERVER TO HOST THEM ALL, think about how big Azeroth would have to be to mahe that possible...
Originally posted by SonofSeth If I would choose one feature from EVE and make every MMORPG use it, it would have to be ONE SERVER TO HOST THEM ALL, think about how big Azeroth would have to be to mahe that possible...
In WoW...no way. I'd rather have it small thank you. Unless they made a faster way of getting around OTHER than those damned flying mounts.
i don t think you can compare the scores really at all.
Eve, Guildwars, WoW.... totally different concepts that will appeal to different people.
if you look at WOW and only at WoW and their casual 1-60 game vs the "raid or die" endgame, then it might become understandable however why the ratings are not as high as 6 months ago anymore -> more and more casual gamers are hitting the wall at lvl 60 -> ratings go down lol.
Originally posted by SonofSeth Maybe... WoW players are playing WoW while fans of other games are here complaining about it!? Haha, not realy a fair contest If only half of WoW subscribers would rate WoW, hmmm, poor EVE... Oh oh oh, I know what EVE players are doing while mining, boosting EVE rating on MMORPG.com personal observation (I think I finally made my peace with WoW)
yes, that's it! Most WoW players are happy and they have no reason to visit sites like mmorpg.com - they have got their WoW forums, realm forums and guild forums. There are some players that are new on the MMORPG market and started with WoW. After a while they cancel WoW cause of stupid reasons, visit sites like this, give WoW a bad rating, look at the Top rated games, try them and get back to WoW or they leave the MMORPG market again. And then there are the MMORPG veterans who are so bored that they try to explain 6mil gamers that they are stupid, waste their time but are playing EVE and go mining^^
Originally posted by spirus7 I wonder why? After many…many…many months you had WoW second behind EVE (lol) and sometimes third behind Guild Wars..(lolx2) and now all the sudden WoW disappeared. Well you can hate WoW all you want but its still the most complete (Not Percfect) game in the mmorpg market out there .So the least you can do is to give Blizz a credit for it.
I'm not sure about EvE Online, but I do know for a fact that because GW website doesn't have messageboard, most of the fanboys come to MMORPG.com.
I'm not sure about EvE Online, but I do know for a fact that because GW website doesn't have messageboard, most of the fanboys come to MMORPG.com.
then i m afraid you know very little young man..... try http://guildwars.com/community/fansites/ to see where most GW players post. and just face it, no other mythical game, not Eve not Guildwars is at fault that WoW "sunk" in ratings. These games and their fans were here before while WoW was still in the top 10 list. WoW competition didn t suddenly change dramatically, ..... WoW itself however changes beyond recognition when players reach lvl 60 -> boo bye ratings.
Originally posted by Mikes123 Originally posted by CaptainRPG
I'm not sure about EvE Online, but I do know for a fact that because GW website doesn't have messageboard, most of the fanboys come to MMORPG.com.
then i m afraid you know very little young man..... try http://guildwars.com/community/fansites/ to see where most GW players post. and just face it, no other mythical game, not Eve not Guildwars is at fault that WoW "sunk" in ratings. These games and their fans were here before while WoW was still in the top 10 list. WoW competition didn t suddenly change dramatically, ..... WoW itself however changes beyond recognition when players reach lvl 60 -> boo bye ratings.
Christ get over yourself, those are not official forums. Not all GW fans go to those sites. WoW has fansite of it's own with forums, but more people go to the official forums then the fansite forums. For a fact most of the GW fans come here just as they go to the fansites. If GW ever created an official forum, GW's rating would drop just the same.
By the way, WoW was in both the #1 and #2 spot for a while despite some of these games being here before it. The reason WoW is sinking in the ratings is because most WoW fans are on the official forums and the game is slowly starting to cater to hardcore fans. Casual players are condemning it for that reason and turning towards other games that don't consume most of their time. (Like GW)
Getting to level 60 doesn't have to do anything with it because if you READ the official forums, most players start new characters.
U wanna know the reason? This is beacuse it is so well-known...this lead to people who do not even play the game think it is a lousy game and give a bad grade on it...2nd, those players who review are bored of WoW so there goes the lousy grade..
Christ get over yourself, those are not official forums. Not all GW fans go to those sites. WoW has fansite of it's own with forums, but more people go to the official forums then the fansite forums. For a fact most of the GW fans come here just as they go to the fansites. If GW ever created an official forum, GW's rating would drop just the same.
your logic has one apparent flaw. leaving your highly dubious dismissal of the well frequented Guildwars forums aside. (the traffic on these sites exclipses the traffic on mmorpgs Guildwars forums by several orders of magnitude.. if you care to check.) Eve does actually have official forums, yet it is on top in ratings.
So it s safe to say that wether a game has official forums or not seems to be unrelated to it s rating on MMORPG.com , don t you think? after all Eve and WoW both have official forums yet one is on top and one isn t.
Of course i fully expect to you find other strawman arguments that point out how other games are fully responsible from WoW s fall from grace, even tho one visit to the official WoW forums would show how much ire Blizzard is drawing with their "raid or die" endgame approach and the sadistic abomination that is the "PvP Honor system" ... would be interesting to see what rating 1-10 WoW would get on their official forums,....... somehow i doubt it would even go up to 8,1 heh.
I've never cast a vote either way on WoW, and i played since launch, liked it for awhile but ended up hating it. Seem's alot of people also don't like it, this is probably something Blizz should try and improve, but it seems most of the lead designers think it's "working as intended" that the best gear is handed out to who kisses the most ass.
Kissing ass means you get to tag along more, regardless of how much you contribute, I've known people who went AFK during boss fights and still got gear handed to them. Clearly people with good gear are highly skilled.
The rating on this site is completely worthless, it changes at the whim of whatever group of rabid fanbois/voters are active that day. If I could, I would turn off that section of the page because it serves no purpose other than to get people to make posts on the forum asking why some game is or is not on the list. It may as well be a box full of Windings.
Originally posted by Mikes123 Originally posted by CaptainRPG
Christ get over yourself, those are not official forums. Not all GW fans go to those sites. WoW has fansite of it's own with forums, but more people go to the official forums then the fansite forums. For a fact most of the GW fans come here just as they go to the fansites. If GW ever created an official forum, GW's rating would drop just the same.
your logic has one apparent flaw. leaving your highly dubious dismissal of the well frequented Guildwars forums aside. (the traffic on these sites exclipses the traffic on mmorpgs Guildwars forums by several orders of magnitude.. if you care to check.) Eve does actually have official forums, yet it is on top in ratings.
So it s safe to say that wether a game has official forums or not seems to be unrelated to it s rating on MMORPG.com , don t you think? after all Eve and WoW both have official forums yet one is on top and one isn t.
Of course i fully expect to you find other strawman arguments that point out how other games are fully responsible from WoW s fall from grace, even tho one visit to the official WoW forums would show how much ire Blizzard is drawing with their "raid or die" endgame approach and the sadistic abomination that is the "PvP Honor system" ... would be interesting to see what rating 1-10 WoW would get on their official forums,....... somehow i doubt it would even go up to 8,1 heh.
Oh the irony of your statement of saying my statement flaw when you trying to back up your claims about WoW falling from grace due to the fact people get bored once they reach level 60. I did note two factors played apart in why WoW is doing so poorly in their ratings. One is that GW fans come here often to vote on their game and the two the causal players are condemning the game for catering more to hardcore players by playing & voting on other games they are playing.
What's pissing people off isn't level 60 because on the forums most players who reach 60 also have two or three other characters on their account with level 60. Hell during 1.9 patch, a lot of level 60 Horde players switch from the horde to the Alliance just so they could play a paladin.
The endgame isn't what's making the game so horrible as a lot of people are anticipating new endgame dungeons and gear. It's imbalancement of classes, the end of world PvP, harsh trial to gain pvp rewards and the lack of casual player content that people are getting sick of. It's been a known issue since the game started and launched, but Blizzad refuses to fix it.
Just because you guys hate the endgame content; just because you guys can't find anything to do at level 60; just because you guys are expecting Guild Wars or Everquest like quality out of this game doesn't mean 6 million other players playing the game have this problem.
Also this says a lot about who is the majority that makes up MMORPG population. People always argued that causal players ruled the market, which was untrue. Just recently Guild Wars got over 2 million players...but it took them a whole year just to get up to 2 million players when it WoW just 4 months to get that. This says a lot because if causal players were the majority, it wouldn't taken GW a whole year just to 2 million players.
Originally posted by Necran Why is that so hard for some people to believe?I've never cast a vote either way on WoW, and i played since launch, liked it for awhile but ended up hating it.Seem's alot of people also don't like it, this is probably something Blizz should try and improve, but it seems most of the lead designers think it's "working as intended" that the best gear is handed out to who kisses the most ass.Kissing ass means you get to tag along more, regardless of how much you contribute, I've known people who went AFK during boss fights and still got gear handed to them.Clearly people with good gear are highly skilled.
*eyebrow floats into outer space*
Gear goes to who kisses the most ass? hmm... might be talking about end game raiders.. but, usually it's decided on a roll...
Well.. one reason why it's highly unbelievable is... cause of the forum activity...thousands of posts are litterally made a day.. on the WoW forum.. on here we'll... barely hitting 100...maybe 300 sometimes..... if anything this site needs WoW more then WoW needs them.
If you tryed to vote in the ratings poll on this site you'd know it's not that accurate..
Professor Hubert Farnsworth - That question is less stupid but, you asked it in a profoundly stupid way.
Also this says a lot about who is the majority that makes up MMORPG population. People always argued that causal players ruled the market, which was untrue. Just recently Guild Wars got over 2 million players...but it took them a whole year just to get up to 2 million players when it WoW just 4 months to get that. This says a lot because if causal players were the majority, it wouldn't taken GW a whole year just to 2 million players.
WoW was marketed as a casual game and WoW from lvl 1-60 is the definition of a casual game dear "Captain". However WoWs "player retention rate" is barely around 2 months, wich would be a strong indicator that the game is fun at first during the casual part.... but not later. So nope, i don t think the "majority" of WoW s gamers are hardcore... and numbers from official sources indicate the majority of WoW players hasvnt even done a single raid yet.
it s the shift, the 180 degree turn that WoW took after release, from a casual friendly game to a "EQish" raidgame with tiered gear progression that dominates all other playstyles that pisses people off.
And WoW is drawing a lot of flak from other sources than just this site too. Just go over to gamasutra and check out the article about the "WoW honor system". And i remember several gaming (gaming yes, not news) magazines featuring WoW as the prime game when talking about the problems of unhealthy gaming addictions.
i guess this argument won t get resolved until the press / review sites will have another go at it, wich would be when the new expansion gets released... i m looking forward to that, really, i m curious how the raid centric montrosity that WoW is currently will "evolve" trough the expansion. and i m curious how the raid centric approach, unbalanced gearbased PvP and reputation grinds will be received by reviewers in a few months ........ during the first review as WoW got all the good scores it was all based on the 1-60 game after all. Not on running MC, then BWL, then AQ40 2 dozen times each to be able to compete in PvP heh.
I just find myself bored with the game is all. I get a been there done that feeling every time I log on. I have enough phat loot and enough level 60 avatars already, I am tired of rerolling to kill the time till the expansion.
I find PVP to lack any real benefits or risk/rewards. I dont find the game compelling anymore , at least not till the Expansion. And. thats just my opinion. There is no question that it is a great game, its just that my passion for it has diminished is all. I want something new.
1.11 is promising with the Sourge invasion and all and I fired up WOW for the first time in a long while. After running around hunting the crystals down and fighting mobs I got the same feeling. Just bored of it...it felt like the plaguelands received a teleport to the whole world. Also, by the time I got to any of the Skirmishes the battle would be pretty much over cause EVERYBODY and their Mom was looking to do the same thing as me, cause they too are bored out of their skull.
I think Blizzard has been too busy counting their money to actually play their cards right and keep the momentum going forward. The Expansion is about a year late in my opinion, as I remember being this bored about a year ago and I kept renewing cause I thought the expansion was coming , the expansion was coming.
Now I dont even know if I will still be around for it.
I am thinking, been there , done that, Conan looks cool, As does Pirates of the Burning Sea. And Hell Hero Online even looks good, and sounds like it will be free, that would be a welcome change. Free...mmmm
Keep yer feet on tha' Ground !
It must be Thursday, i never could get the hang of Thursdays.
First of all, the MMORPG rankings is a terrible way to judge a game, and secondly most of the WoW players probably don't visit this site.
I didn't even know this site existed till a mate showed me to EVE (link to here on EVE site) and look whos number 1.
The only thing Blizzard has ever had going for it was that they knew how to make a fun game and were fairly competent. Their sense of humor has won them more fans than anything else probably.
Anyone who takes a long hard look at Eve shouldn't be surprised it has a high rating even if they wouldn't personally want to play it. Just the market stuff alone is impressive and then when you look at all the various things player corporations are capable of doing affecting. When you consider that player vs. palyer wars are actually wars. Like weeks to months long and invovle striking strategic points like resource gatherers. That you can have a real war for profit. Or even a war you win but is actually a pyrhirric victory(ie. you win but are worse off than when you started). PvP'ers actually often try to ransom people rather than just kill for kicks. Pirating can actually make money. There are even corporations whose main money making profession is to be a mercenary. Most games just put in flimsy design and bad mechanics and just turn into silly slaughter-fests. With just a few wise design decisiions CCP made things alot richer. Well anyway the game is certainly not for everyone but it does deserve some respect. I guess economics is rarely grasped to its full potential. Ah well.
Frankly if the old designers were still in charge of WoW I would probably still be playing it, but I would still rate Eve higher even then.
Maybe... WoW players are playing WoW while fans of other games are here complaining about it!?
Haha, not realy a fair contest
If only half of WoW subscribers would rate WoW, hmmm, poor EVE...
Oh oh oh, I know what EVE players are doing while mining, boosting EVE rating on MMORPG.com
personal observation (I think I finally made my peace with WoW)
If I would choose one feature from EVE and make every MMORPG use it, it would have to be ONE SERVER TO HOST THEM ALL, think about how big Azeroth would have to be to mahe that possible...
I've never played EVE but have a friend who does. I think EVE is a little above WoWs target audiences head
So there should really be little comparison.
Eve, Guildwars, WoW.... totally different concepts that will appeal to different people.
if you look at WOW and only at WoW and their casual 1-60 game vs the "raid or die" endgame, then it might become understandable however why the ratings are not as high as 6 months ago anymore -> more and more casual gamers are hitting the wall at lvl 60 -> ratings go down lol.
Most WoW players are happy and they have no reason to visit sites like mmorpg.com - they have got their WoW forums, realm forums and guild forums.
There are some players that are new on the MMORPG market and started with WoW. After a while they cancel WoW cause of stupid reasons, visit sites like this, give WoW a bad rating, look at the Top rated games, try them and get back to WoW or they leave the MMORPG market again.
And then there are the MMORPG veterans who are so bored that they try to explain 6mil gamers that they are stupid, waste their time but are playing EVE and go mining^^
then i m afraid you know very little young man..... try http://guildwars.com/community/fansites/ to see where most GW players post. and just face it, no other mythical game, not Eve not Guildwars is at fault that WoW "sunk" in ratings. These games and their fans were here before while WoW was still in the top 10 list.
WoW competition didn t suddenly change dramatically, ..... WoW itself however changes beyond recognition when players reach lvl 60 -> boo bye ratings.
then i m afraid you know very little young man..... try http://guildwars.com/community/fansites/ to see where most GW players post. and just face it, no other mythical game, not Eve not Guildwars is at fault that WoW "sunk" in ratings. These games and their fans were here before while WoW was still in the top 10 list.
WoW competition didn t suddenly change dramatically, ..... WoW itself however changes beyond recognition when players reach lvl 60 -> boo bye ratings.
Christ get over yourself, those are not official forums. Not all GW fans go to those sites. WoW has fansite of it's own with forums, but more people go to the official forums then the fansite forums. For a fact most of the GW fans come here just as they go to the fansites. If GW ever created an official forum, GW's rating would drop just the same.
By the way, WoW was in both the #1 and #2 spot for a while despite some of these games being here before it. The reason WoW is sinking in the ratings is because most WoW fans are on the official forums and the game is slowly starting to cater to hardcore fans. Casual players are condemning it for that reason and turning towards other games that don't consume most of their time. (Like GW)
Getting to level 60 doesn't have to do anything with it because if you READ the official forums, most players start new characters.
U wanna know the reason? This is beacuse it is so well-known...this lead to people who do not even play the game think it is a lousy game and give a bad grade on it...2nd, those players who review are bored of WoW so there goes the lousy grade..
By your friendly
Christ get over yourself, those are not official forums. Not all GW fans go to those sites. WoW has fansite of it's own with forums, but more people go to the official forums then the fansite forums. For a fact most of the GW fans come here just as they go to the fansites. If GW ever created an official forum, GW's rating would drop just the same.
your logic has one apparent flaw. leaving your highly dubious dismissal of the well frequented Guildwars forums aside. (the traffic on these sites exclipses the traffic on mmorpgs Guildwars forums by several orders of magnitude.. if you care to check.)
Eve does actually have official forums, yet it is on top in ratings.
So it s safe to say that wether a game has official forums or not seems to be unrelated to it s rating on MMORPG.com , don t you think? after all Eve and WoW both have official forums yet one is on top and one isn t.
Of course i fully expect to you find other strawman arguments that point out how other games are fully responsible from WoW s fall from grace, even tho one visit to the official WoW forums would show how much ire Blizzard is drawing with their "raid or die" endgame approach and the sadistic abomination that is the "PvP Honor system" ... would be interesting to see what rating 1-10 WoW would get on their official forums,....... somehow i doubt it would even go up to 8,1 heh.
lol really? I wonder why it's not in the top ten.. lol FFXI is like a dumpster incomparison.
Why is that so hard for some people to believe?
I've never cast a vote either way on WoW, and i played since launch, liked it for awhile but ended up hating it.
Seem's alot of people also don't like it, this is probably something Blizz should try and improve, but it seems most of the lead designers think it's "working as intended" that the best gear is handed out to who kisses the most ass.
Kissing ass means you get to tag along more, regardless of how much you contribute, I've known people who went AFK during boss fights and still got gear handed to them.
Clearly people with good gear are highly skilled.
here's a rewiev I found most enjoyable, and it rated it 8/10, and not like all the other sites with 9+ ratings, probably not rewieved by a fanboi...
Christ get over yourself, those are not official forums. Not all GW fans go to those sites. WoW has fansite of it's own with forums, but more people go to the official forums then the fansite forums. For a fact most of the GW fans come here just as they go to the fansites. If GW ever created an official forum, GW's rating would drop just the same.
your logic has one apparent flaw. leaving your highly dubious dismissal of the well frequented Guildwars forums aside. (the traffic on these sites exclipses the traffic on mmorpgs Guildwars forums by several orders of magnitude.. if you care to check.)
Eve does actually have official forums, yet it is on top in ratings.
So it s safe to say that wether a game has official forums or not seems to be unrelated to it s rating on MMORPG.com , don t you think? after all Eve and WoW both have official forums yet one is on top and one isn t.
Of course i fully expect to you find other strawman arguments that point out how other games are fully responsible from WoW s fall from grace, even tho one visit to the official WoW forums would show how much ire Blizzard is drawing with their "raid or die" endgame approach and the sadistic abomination that is the "PvP Honor system" ... would be interesting to see what rating 1-10 WoW would get on their official forums,....... somehow i doubt it would even go up to 8,1 heh.
Oh the irony of your statement of saying my statement flaw when you trying to back up your claims about WoW falling from grace due to the fact people get bored once they reach level 60. I did note two factors played apart in why WoW is doing so poorly in their ratings. One is that GW fans come here often to vote on their game and the two the causal players are condemning the game for catering more to hardcore players by playing & voting on other games they are playing.
What's pissing people off isn't level 60 because on the forums most players who reach 60 also have two or three other characters on their account with level 60. Hell during 1.9 patch, a lot of level 60 Horde players switch from the horde to the Alliance just so they could play a paladin.
The endgame isn't what's making the game so horrible as a lot of people are anticipating new endgame dungeons and gear. It's imbalancement of classes, the end of world PvP, harsh trial to gain pvp rewards and the lack of casual player content that people are getting sick of. It's been a known issue since the game started and launched, but Blizzad refuses to fix it.
Just because you guys hate the endgame content; just because you guys can't find anything to do at level 60; just because you guys are expecting Guild Wars or Everquest like quality out of this game doesn't mean 6 million other players playing the game have this problem.
Also this says a lot about who is the majority that makes up MMORPG population. People always argued that causal players ruled the market, which was untrue. Just recently Guild Wars got over 2 million players...but it took them a whole year just to get up to 2 million players when it WoW just 4 months to get that. This says a lot because if causal players were the majority, it wouldn't taken GW a whole year just to 2 million players.
Gear goes to who kisses the most ass? hmm... might be talking about end game raiders.. but, usually it's decided on a roll...
Well.. one reason why it's highly unbelievable is... cause of the forum activity...thousands of posts are litterally made a day.. on the WoW forum.. on here we'll... barely hitting 100...maybe 300 sometimes..... if anything this site needs WoW more then WoW needs them.
If you tryed to vote in the ratings poll on this site you'd know it's not that accurate..
Professor Hubert Farnsworth - That question is less stupid but, you asked it in a profoundly stupid way.