Originally posted by duncan_922 Originally posted by BuZZKilgore Originally posted by zaxtor99
- Zaxx
Get over yourself. That's what turned me off from EVe (other than the snooze-fest gameplay) is the snooty, I'm-better-than-you attitude of the playerbase. If you think for one minute that if CCP wouldn't sell you out for a huge chunk of change, then you need to come back down to Earth...oh yeah you can't leave your ship can you?
Truly spoken like someone who didn't have the attention span necessary to last through the tutorial!
See you Eve players just keep proving my point. How do you know if I finished the tutorial or not? For your info I played the full 14 day trial and really tried to get into the game. All I met was rude people and gankers, sure I'll bet there are some nice people who play Eve but I sure didn't meet any.
I know you're going to tell me that 14 days isn't enough time to judge Eve, but if I can't enjoy a game after playing it for half a month then it's crap to me..
"No, all MMO's don't wish they were WoW, they wish they were better. They wish they could have the money and success that WoW has."
And on the matters of how WoW reached that success, well that is a completely different topic which has been discussed way too many times already.
$OE lies list http://www.rlmmo.com/viewtopic.php?t=424&start=0 " And I don't want to hear anything about "I don't believe in vampires" because *I* don't believe in vampires, but I believe in my own two eyes, and what *I* saw is ******* vampires! "
If all WoW players were people from the Curse Alliance from Eve's glory days, Cthun would have been killed by 90% of the players that had a level 60 player. The difference is the community. If WoW's community was at all intelligent people would be bored silly cause farming content is believe it or not more boring than looking for a group for it.
Which Final Fantasy Character Are You? if I were to kill a titan tomorrow and no CCP employees showed up to say grats I would petition it. Waiting for: the next MMO that lets me make this macro if hp < 30 then CastSpell("heal") SpellTargetUnit("player") else CastSpell("smite") end
Originally posted by JackDonkey If all WoW players were people from the Curse Alliance from Eve's glory days, Cthun would have been killed by 90% of the players that had a level 60 player. The difference is the community. If WoW's community was at all intelligent people would be bored silly cause farming content is believe it or not more boring than looking for a group for it.
Muhahahaha!!!!!!! See, the more you Eve 1337-boyz post the more you prove my point about Eve players thinking they are better than eveyone else. LMFAO!
Originally posted by BuZZKilgore Originally posted by JackDonkey If all WoW players were people from the Curse Alliance from Eve's glory days, Cthun would have been killed by 90% of the players that had a level 60 player. The difference is the community. If WoW's community was at all intelligent people would be bored silly cause farming content is believe it or not more boring than looking for a group for it.
Muhahahaha!!!!!!! See, the more you Eve 1337-boyz post the more you prove my point about Eve players thinking they are better than eveyone else. LMFAO! Well, I didn't beleave it, but I'm starting too... God, with that sort of additude; we should bring Cal-I Counter-striker players into this.
Siehst du mich Erkennst du mich Ganz tief in meinem Herz ist noch ein Platz f?r dich Ich suche dich Ich sehne mich nach dem was ich geliebt hab doch ich find es nicht
Originally posted by BuZZKilgore Originally posted by JackDonkey If all WoW players were people from the Curse Alliance from Eve's glory days, Cthun would have been killed by 90% of the players that had a level 60 player. The difference is the community. If WoW's community was at all intelligent people would be bored silly cause farming content is believe it or not more boring than looking for a group for it.
Muhahahaha!!!!!!! See, the more you Eve 1337-boyz post the more you prove my point about Eve players thinking they are better than eveyone else. LMFAO! Uh no offense but I play both Eve and WoW.
Eve has the highest quality players of any game ever, while WoW is like scraping the bottom of the barrel.
I'd say the top %5 of WoW players have the ABILITY (not necessarily the desire) to play Eve. The other %95 are too stupid for anything more than alternating between sinister strike and eviscerate, or hitting fireball over and over.
Eve gameplay CAN be boring but you are supposed to be SOCIAL.
In between all that waiting you're supposed to be on teamspeak chatting with your buddies.
Speaking of anti-social behavior... I don't know why... But I'm totally not social in GW. >.> I don't know why its like the only game I kinda keep to myself.
Siehst du mich Erkennst du mich Ganz tief in meinem Herz ist noch ein Platz f?r dich Ich suche dich Ich sehne mich nach dem was ich geliebt hab doch ich find es nicht
we can argue all we want, but the fact of the matter is wow is still uber successful. you can whine all you want, but it's not going to make people stop playing. so
we can argue all we want, but the fact of the matter is wow is still uber successful. you can whine all you want, but it's not going to make people stop playing.
ppl WILL stop playing if blizzard does not turn 180° around and get a clue how to develop a meaningful endgame. else ppl will leave when the first alternative is released (while some will still farm their next tier-set and think that gameplay concept is a gift from god).
Originally posted by fizzle322
Eve has the highest quality players of any game ever
ok I love to rail on WoW, but I admit that WoW has achieve a level of success in the popular world that some MMO producers wish for. WoW does appeal to the more mindless-grinding type, but maybe thats what people need. a way to wind down after a long day, or something that doesn't require a whole lot so that you can play late into the night. Whatever it is WoW is envyable formost in its popularity.
As a hardcore MMO player though I need more substance than WoW offers, even if I have to role toward buggier, or smaller-scale MMOs. So gratz to WoW for grabbing the largest MMO community ever, I guess they must have done something right, but I happen to fall into the niche that needs something substantially unique, not just a blend of all the tried and true aspects of a good MMO.
I think it s an intriguing paradoxon that the more successful a game is the larger the community is .... and the lower the quality of that community. i guess if you want a good community you "HAVE" to pick a niche game, no way around it
Originally posted by imortal986 ok I love to rail on WoW, but I admit that WoW has achieve a level of success in the popular world that some MMO producers wish for. WoW does appeal to the more mindless-grinding type, but maybe thats what people need. a way to wind down after a long day, or something that doesn't require a whole lot so that you can play late into the night. Whatever it is WoW is envyable formost in its popularity. As a hardcore MMO player though I need more substance than WoW offers, even if I have to role toward buggier, or smaller-scale MMOs. So gratz to WoW for grabbing the largest MMO community ever, I guess they must have done something right, but I happen to fall into the niche that needs something substantially unique, not just a blend of all the tried and true aspects of a good MMO.
I agree 100 %, I went through all the content in WoW fairly quickly. While it was exciting the first time doing quests, the 2nd-20th time sucked ass. The crafting was subpar, the pvp was fun...for awhile. Then they FINALY come out with an upgrade and introduce a new race? LoL laughable. If I could talk to the people at Blizzard, I'de ask them to spend more money on making the game better instead of making it bigger. I think Blizz would rather have a new *subscriber $, rather then keep the old subscriber $s....after all there is a new sucker...I mean subscriber born every minute.
Originally posted by BuZZKilgore You can slam WoW all you want but the fact is that every MMO on the market is jealous of WoW's success. Even CCP would "dumb-down" Eve if it would bring in the bling-bling like WoW does. I don't even play WoW anymore but I have yet to find another MMO as polished and bug free. Sure it has it's faults but the fact is, any other MMO developer would give their left nut to be WoW.
Maybe U are right, but I don't think it si a good sign.
Some people, including I, play the game which can provide unique gaming ewxperience. If evertything is becoming WOW, then people lose interest to play games. So I believe some developers will like their games become WOW, and other are actually trying to develop new unique game.
I was thinking how amusing it is that WoW's expansion basically echos EQII's second expansion... 2 new races... 70 lvl cap... more high lvl content... new continent... oh yeah... and pvp stuff... so who wants to be like who...
I'm under the impression that WoW is putting their expansion off so long because of their rep with bugs, and because they are still picking up new "suckers... subscribers"... so they can afford to release it so late, inspiring renewed momentum.
*Maybe WoW/Blizzard should chip in to pay some of the US deficit...*
Everyone wants WOW's subscriber numbers I have no doubt.
I highly doubt they wish they WERE WoW though.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Originally posted by Jerek_
I wonder if you honestly even believe what you type, or if you live in a made up world of facts. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
of course WoW is succesfull, it's easy, it's pretty, and it caters to a wide audiance. Now, even though that wide audiance is between the ages of 11-16, who better to try and engulf than the children, who have easy access to mommy and daddy's credit cards. I'm not saying that WoW is a bad game, it's not my cup of tea, but Blizzard did a very good job catering to a very particular audiance (Diablo LoD, StarCraft, Warcraft III). They did good marketing, and that's commendable. But like Umbrood said, everyone wants WoW's subscriber numbers, just how your local produce market wants the customers wal mart gets. That's pretty much what this is like, WalMart=WoW, local produce market is something like FFXI or EVE, who don't get as many customers, but offer up something different, things like quality and freshness, as apposed to canned and cheap. Who knows, I really hate WoW fanboys.. lol
~I am going to rule the world someday, I promiseness ~
The asshats that whine about WoW, are the hardcore wannabes who feel burnt.
Games like UO, EQ and many others were complete and utter failures from a large corporation standpoint. At it's height EQ could only manage to muster 400,000+ players. A total flop from a corporation view in this day and age.
Companies now want to reach the 1,000,000+ mark to call their game successful. What hardcore players want does not mesh with what the general gaming community wants and appealing only to hardcore spells failure for companies looking for that broad appeal.
I don't even care for WoW, but the game have achieved what other games have failed to accomplish and that is mass appeal. All this doom and gloom has been repeated over and over again regarding Blizz. Yet, their base subscription continues to rise even after you consider all those who cancel.
All the whiners are a bunch of has-been gamers who feel games shoud only appeal to their sense of "what is good," the problem is games that do only appeal to them are trash-games that only attract a miniscule population and for a large corporation, that means FAILURE.
Instability? UO or EQ were some of the buggiest games in the industry, constant BETA games. In fact, just about every single mmorpg out there has a shit load of problems.
It's no surprise some of these hardcore idiots go down kicking and screaming like some infant being weened off their mother's milk.
Originally posted by Themistoles The asshats that whine about WoW, are the hardcore wannabes who feel burnt.
Games like UO, EQ and many others were complete and utter failures from a large corporation standpoint. At it's height EQ could only manage to muster 400,000+ players. A total flop from a corporation view in this day and age.
Companies now want to reach the 1,000,000+ mark to call their game successful. What hardcore players want does not mesh with what the general gaming community wants and appealing only to hardcore spells failure for companies looking for that broad appeal.
I don't even care for WoW, but the game have achieved what other games have failed to accomplish and that is mass appeal. All this doom and gloom has been repeated over and over again regarding Blizz. Yet, their base subscription continues to rise even after you consider all those who cancel.
All the whiners are a bunch of has-been gamers who feel games shoud only appeal to their sense of "what is good," the problem is games that do only appeal to them are trash-games that only attract a miniscule population and for a large corporation, that means FAILURE.
Instability? UO or EQ were some of the buggiest games in the industry, constant BETA games. In fact, just about every single mmorpg out there has a shit load of problems.
It's no surprise some of these hardcore idiots go down kicking and screaming like some infant being weened off their mother's milk.
First off I do not feel burned by WoW, nor do I intend to whine about WoW. However, in general comparing EQ to WoW could not be considered fair considered EQ hit the market long before WoW. I could understand slamming EQII for hitting the market well before WoW and still not gathering up a decent audience. Having played well over 20 MMOs (even for only a short time on the bad ones), I would say WoW is the least buggy graphical MMO, but not the most enjoyable. Ultimately WoW should be accredited for developing a smooth and popular MMO and I thank them for also taking the populace from the games I tend to more regular in. Now the question is, how can you consider games with a small populace trash? I would say that most games that are trash have small audiences, but I've played smaller-scale games that are excellent. Need I point out that games like Gemstone and Dragon Realms (old MUD/text games) were well designed precursors to graphical MMOs. Sooner or later WoW will become outdated, something better will come out and its populace will slowly shrink. I have to say WoW certainly outdated quite a few games. When that happens I hope people such as yourself don't go calling WoW trash because it maintains such a small audience in the future. Regardless of how amazing or wonderful WoW is sooner or later time will take its toll, and unless Blizzard can keeps it rep up, and its sales constantly improving, it will meet the same fate as EQ. I'm patient, have had many happy years play MMOs and will continue to try new "innovative" ones regardless of how profusely the populace of WoW claims we should all go running back. Hopefully some of the new stuff coming is as good as it looks (AoC, SoH, HJ).
Vanguard doesn't want to be WoW lol (actually this may be somewhat... not true but for the most part...) anyways... i know this post is going to get flamed for all the SoE haters.. but i'm staying on topic.. Vanguard doesn't want to be like WoW ... that doesn't mean it's going to be the best.. nor the worst either.
I just recently got WoW and so far (only lvl 24) I don't think it is as great as people have hyped it up to be... but it is solid and fun at times, maybe it will become better as I level and learn more...
Current MMO of interest: Vanguard: Saga of Heroes MMO background: EQ, UO, AO, SWG, PS, EQ2, L2,EQoA, WoW, WWIIO, and AC2
if all mmos wished they were WoW, we'd see a lot of mmos like WoW. but we don't, do we? other games are coming out with different styles because they KNOW that the WoW format isn't the only way to make money.
Originally posted by BuZZKilgore You can slam WoW all you want but the fact is that every MMO on the market is jealous of WoW's success. Even CCP would "dumb-down" Eve if it would bring in the bling-bling like WoW does. I don't even play WoW anymore but I have yet to find another MMO as polished and bug free. Sure it has it's faults but the fact is, any other MMO developer would give their left nut to be WoW.
Yep because of the success.WoW has taken mmorpg a step back for vets but due to a good marketing scheme went for new blood who ofc are at the starting blocks.
Its money and all companies are out to make money so whatever sells is what they aim for.
How can you say that? The only mmo I see that is wowish.. Prepare for flames.. is Everquest 2. It seems like every other mmo is unique in some way. When I play EQ2 it just feels like WoW 2
Originally posted by Mouthy VonTaint Originally posted by JackDonkey If all WoW players were people from the Curse Alliance from Eve's glory days, Cthun would have been killed by 90% of the players that had a level 60 player. The difference is the community. If WoW's community was at all intelligent people would be bored silly cause farming content is believe it or not more boring than looking for a group for it.
Muhahahaha!!!!!!! See, the more you Eve 1337-boyz post the more you prove my point about Eve players thinking they are better than eveyone else. LMFAO!
Actualy Mr Mouthy VonTaint. I dont think I'm better than you. I know I am.
At the Guiding Hand, we hold the contract sacred - if the client wishes us to skin a target's loved ones alive and wear their face for a mask while killing them, we will do so ~ Istvaan Shogaatsu
I'm sure there were millions of kiddies like you saying "Pokemon is the bestest game ever" a few years back... Where is Pokemon and their fans now?
Even though WoW is one of the most polished games around. WoW is just a fad... It'll pass!
SOE knows what you like... You don't!
And don't forget... I am forcing you to read this!
Truly spoken like someone who didn't have the attention span necessary to last through the tutorial!
See you Eve players just keep proving my point. How do you know if I finished the tutorial or not? For your info I played the full 14 day trial and really tried to get into the game. All I met was rude people and gankers, sure I'll bet there are some nice people who play Eve but I sure didn't meet any.
I know you're going to tell me that 14 days isn't enough time to judge Eve, but if I can't enjoy a game after playing it for half a month then it's crap to me..
A direct answer to the topic line:
"No, all MMO's don't wish they were WoW, they wish they were better. They wish they could have the money and success that WoW has."
And on the matters of how WoW reached that success, well that is a completely different topic which has been discussed way too many times already.
$OE lies list
And I don't want to hear anything about "I don't believe in vampires" because *I* don't believe in vampires, but I believe in my own two eyes, and what *I* saw is ******* vampires! "
Which Final Fantasy Character Are You?
if I were to kill a titan tomorrow and no CCP employees showed up to say grats I would petition it.
Waiting for: the next MMO that lets me make this macro
if hp < 30 then CastSpell("heal") SpellTargetUnit("player") else CastSpell("smite") end
Well, I didn't beleave it, but I'm starting too... God, with that sort of additude; we should bring Cal-I Counter-striker players into this.
Siehst du mich
Erkennst du mich
Ganz tief in meinem Herz
ist noch ein Platz f?r dich
Ich suche dich
Ich sehne mich
nach dem was ich geliebt hab
doch ich find es nicht
Uh no offense but I play both Eve and WoW.
Eve has the highest quality players of any game ever, while WoW is like scraping the bottom of the barrel.
I'd say the top %5 of WoW players have the ABILITY (not necessarily the desire) to play Eve. The other %95 are too stupid for anything more than alternating between sinister strike and eviscerate, or hitting fireball over and over.
Eve gameplay CAN be boring but you are supposed to be SOCIAL.
In between all that waiting you're supposed to be on teamspeak chatting with your buddies.
If you are not social Eve is not for you.
Siehst du mich
Erkennst du mich
Ganz tief in meinem Herz
ist noch ein Platz f?r dich
Ich suche dich
Ich sehne mich
nach dem was ich geliebt hab
doch ich find es nicht
suck it up
but the ryzom players are the nicest
ok I love to rail on WoW, but I admit that WoW has achieve a level of success in the popular world that some MMO producers wish for. WoW does appeal to the more mindless-grinding type, but maybe thats what people need. a way to wind down after a long day, or something that doesn't require a whole lot so that you can play late into the night. Whatever it is WoW is envyable formost in its popularity.
As a hardcore MMO player though I need more substance than WoW offers, even if I have to role toward buggier, or smaller-scale MMOs. So gratz to WoW for grabbing the largest MMO community ever, I guess they must have done something right, but I happen to fall into the niche that needs something substantially unique, not just a blend of all the tried and true aspects of a good MMO.
"I want Evercrack on Steroids"
Maybe U are right, but I don't think it si a good sign.
Some people, including I, play the game which can provide unique gaming ewxperience. If evertything is becoming WOW, then people lose interest to play games. So I believe some developers will like their games become WOW, and other are actually trying to develop new unique game.
Which Final Fantasy Character Are You?
Final Fantasy 7
wow Aramodin.... 20 times through WoW lol!
I was thinking how amusing it is that WoW's expansion basically echos EQII's second expansion... 2 new races... 70 lvl cap... more high lvl content... new continent... oh yeah... and pvp stuff... so who wants to be like who...
I'm under the impression that WoW is putting their expansion off so long because of their rep with bugs, and because they are still picking up new "suckers... subscribers"... so they can afford to release it so late, inspiring renewed momentum.
*Maybe WoW/Blizzard should chip in to pay some of the US deficit...*
Everyone wants WOW's subscriber numbers I have no doubt.
I highly doubt they wish they WERE WoW though.
Originally posted by Jerek_
I wonder if you honestly even believe what you type, or if you live in a made up world of facts.
~I am going to rule the world someday, I promiseness ~
"Sure they are all wanting to be like WoW. Just like how everyone wishes they were bill gates."
No but all wishes that they had his kind of money.. There's a diffrence.
The asshats that whine about WoW, are the hardcore wannabes who feel burnt.
Games like UO, EQ and many others were complete and utter failures from a large corporation standpoint. At it's height EQ could only manage to muster 400,000+ players. A total flop from a corporation view in this day and age.
Companies now want to reach the 1,000,000+ mark to call their game successful. What hardcore players want does not mesh with what the general gaming community wants and appealing only to hardcore spells failure for companies looking for that broad appeal.
I don't even care for WoW, but the game have achieved what other games have failed to accomplish and that is mass appeal. All this doom and gloom has been repeated over and over again regarding Blizz. Yet, their base subscription continues to rise even after you consider all those who cancel.
All the whiners are a bunch of has-been gamers who feel games shoud only appeal to their sense of "what is good," the problem is games that do only appeal to them are trash-games that only attract a miniscule population and for a large corporation, that means FAILURE.
Instability? UO or EQ were some of the buggiest games in the industry, constant BETA games. In fact, just about every single mmorpg out there has a shit load of problems.
It's no surprise some of these hardcore idiots go down kicking and screaming like some infant being weened off their mother's milk.
First off I do not feel burned by WoW, nor do I intend to whine about WoW. However, in general comparing EQ to WoW could not be considered fair considered EQ hit the market long before WoW. I could understand slamming EQII for hitting the market well before WoW and still not gathering up a decent audience. Having played well over 20 MMOs (even for only a short time on the bad ones), I would say WoW is the least buggy graphical MMO, but not the most enjoyable.
Ultimately WoW should be accredited for developing a smooth and popular MMO and I thank them for also taking the populace from the games I tend to more regular in.
Now the question is, how can you consider games with a small populace trash? I would say that most games that are trash have small audiences, but I've played smaller-scale games that are excellent. Need I point out that games like Gemstone and Dragon Realms (old MUD/text games) were well designed precursors to graphical MMOs.
Sooner or later WoW will become outdated, something better will come out and its populace will slowly shrink. I have to say WoW certainly outdated quite a few games. When that happens I hope people such as yourself don't go calling WoW trash because it maintains such a small audience in the future. Regardless of how amazing or wonderful WoW is sooner or later time will take its toll, and unless Blizzard can keeps it rep up, and its sales constantly improving, it will meet the same fate as EQ.
I'm patient, have had many happy years play MMOs and will continue to try new "innovative" ones regardless of how profusely the populace of WoW claims we should all go running back. Hopefully some of the new stuff coming is as good as it looks (AoC, SoH, HJ).
Vanguard doesn't want to be WoW lol (actually this may be somewhat... not true but for the most part...) anyways... i know this post is going to get flamed for all the SoE haters.. but i'm staying on topic.. Vanguard doesn't want to be like WoW ... that doesn't mean it's going to be the best.. nor the worst either.
I just recently got WoW and so far (only lvl 24) I don't think it is as great as people have hyped it up to be... but it is solid and fun at times, maybe it will become better as I level and learn more...
Current MMO of interest: Vanguard: Saga of Heroes
MMO background: EQ, UO, AO, SWG, PS, EQ2, L2,EQoA, WoW, WWIIO, and AC2
Yep because of the success.WoW has taken mmorpg a step back for vets but due to a good marketing scheme went for new blood who ofc are at the starting blocks.
Its money and all companies are out to make money so whatever sells is what they aim for.
How can you say that? The only mmo I see that is wowish.. Prepare for flames.. is Everquest 2. It seems like every other mmo is unique in some way. When I play EQ2 it just feels like WoW 2
Actualy Mr Mouthy VonTaint. I dont think I'm better than you. I know I am.
At the Guiding Hand, we hold the contract sacred - if the client wishes us to skin a target's loved ones alive and wear their face for a mask while killing them, we will do so ~ Istvaan Shogaatsu