I have been playing WoW for 7 months now and after reaching lvl 60 find it VERY boring what with the continual grinding of istances for items that you need to grind higher instances..
I was wondering if FF XI is any different? I am a big fan of the final fantasy series but a few of my friends say i shouldent bother with this.
Thanks for the help.
"From Now On We Are Enemy's, You And I"
Now multiply it by about 50.
Welcome to FFXI.
Oh >.>
"From Now On We Are Enemy's, You And I"
FFXI is fun and all until about level 40-50. Then it takes a good 4 hours to reach your next level. At about 55, try for about 10 strait hours. Over level 60 (level cap is 75), it can take anywhere from a day to a week of strait playing. When I stopped playing, my play time was 32 days. My level was 51. That should give an idea as to what kind of grind this game has. And don't bother logging on unless you have a good 3 hours or so to spend, sitting in front of your computer.
Overall, its a fun game. But don't expect having any social life if you plan on playing it.
travel can take around an hour, the economy on most servers sucks, idk i made alot of friends who still play the game religiously but I cant devote my life to a game that is more of a job
I also played WoW, took me 10 days to get endgame...
talk about two extremes..
thats just my opinion
In this game death has an extreme penalety, you will lose 10% of your total TNL xp. And if you don't have 10% you will lvl down. Not too mention that unless you get a raise you will be warped back to you homepoint and will have to start the jorney all over again.
The lvl grind is insane. Forget ever trying to solo anything past lvl 15.
If you do start let me give you some advice. Start with Black Mage, when you get to lvl 18 and can quest for your sub-job switch to White Mage and sub BLM until your WHM is lvl 37. When you get there start grinding your Red Mage and sub WHM all the way to lvl 75. I know a ton of peeps will flame for saying this, but it's the fastest way to max lvl in the game. Everyone in the game that is trying to exp is looking for a RDM in there party, you will never have to wait for one.......ever. I had party invites 2 secs after login as a RDM. If you decide on a Damage class job I hope you have the patiance of a Zen Master, you will need it.
Good luck too you.
I'd actually choose Bard instead of Red Mage. Everyone loves bards even more than they love Red Mages, and bards are easier to play, and cheap as dirt to boot. You could level a bard naked except for a flute, and I bet you'd still get invites.
Though the game is going to be a huge grind. I think when I hit 75 on my Bst, I had something like 92 days played. Though most of that was solo, and I had gotten a ranger to 65 and a monk to 56 before I took up beast.
You'll probably need to have at the least 3 hours a day to get any meaningful exping done, as it can take time to get a party, wait for the rest of the part to get invited/get ready, and run to the exp spot. As a bard, it would probably take you an hour from the time you log on to the time you can begin exping, and that's probably as fast as you can do it.
Wow... You're apart of the lazy Gil buying Genre of ffxi, Guy's don't listen to this guy.
First the game's been out for 4 years. And for the Economy, Yes it varies, its an open market SE doesn't influence it so prices can variey on Supply & Demand. But you can make 40k/hour easilly without even leaving town by just fishing. The complainers are the one's who don't do any research and try to kill beastmen for 14gil a pop.
Finding Area's? Another problem from a guy who doesn't know about the map or how to ask for directions Example:
Noob: /shout Where do I experiance at lvl 12 at?
Vet: /shout Dunes
Noob: /shout How do I get there?
Vet: /shout Go through XXX > XXX > XXX >Dunes (Depending on where you're at at the time.)
Casual gamer? No, its more hardcore gamer, but 8 hours is no way a requirement, Last Vana'Diel Census 72% of the Entire Game's population Logs in for 3 hours or less per session. (http://www.playonline.com/ff11us/guide/development/census/06/index.html)
Death Penalty... hmmm well most of this was right, but you lose 8% of your total TNL, About Home points though, Yes you have to retravel but there are hompoints in every city, plus every outpost. If you die unless you're all the way accross the world and you never changed your HP from a starting city you may be in trouble, But thats why 3 Jobs can Raise & theres an assortment of reraise items (Lowest one's are reraise earrings lvl 24)
FFXI is heavily party oriented, Soloing is non-existant with most jobs, A few can solo such as Beastmaster. But most you'll need parties, This is part of what makes the game so long. The lack of party invites or required jobs to start a party (Unless you're lucky with a fast invite job, You'll mostly lvl on the weekend when there are more people). But, If you're not retarded you can solo past 15, most can solo to the 20's (I try to lvl all my jobs to 20 so I don't have to deal with the Dunes... Since thats where most of the noobs first experiance parties <.< Its a bad place to party ~.~)
And lastly, Mages Do indeed to invites faster then Melee jobs, But Bard (Support job) Will get you to 75 the fastest, and the cheapest And will prolly make you rich on the way (Bard songs are wicked powerful, parties drool over them)
Quite frankly, if you play an MMORPG looking for the fastest way to max level, I think FFXI will drive you to distraction. It's not built to be played that way, and I can only imagine that it would be very frustrating to play it that way. Plus, you won't have a very good toon when you get there, as you will have probably starved him of high-class equipment, proper skillups, and a good selection of subjobs. I notice that your suggestion deprives the hypothetical RDM of the option of a BLM sub, which is the best general exp use sub for a RDM at higher levels.
CHris Mattern
As others have said, it's best to stay away from this game. This game is a grind like pure and simply. Sure other MMORPGs are but it's a LOT worse. If there was ever a MMORPG that felt like a job or was the most frustrating it's this game. I used to think EQ1 was but that was until I played FFXI and being extremely disappointed after looking forward to it for so long.
I'm a huge Final Fantasy fan but my opinion is, try something else. Almost all of the other mmorpgs released are better and more enjoyable. I'm talking about from a straight up gameplay experience to the actual user interface and control setup which is just horrible compared to every other game.
Them and Advance Jobs.
If a PT leader is looking for a new member and they see the following.
You see a SAM (Samurai)/War and a War (without sub, or with sub)
Most likely the Samurai will get in over the War.
Neptus - FFXI - Pandemonium
Neptus - WoW - Detheroc
Well, you're entitled to your opinion, even if it's wrong :-). Seriously, though, FFXI takes a certain mindset. As I said, if you're looking to race to 75, it's probably not going to make you happy.
Chris Mattern
If you took a month to get to level 9, you were doing something wrong, to be honest. It really shouldn't take you more than ten hours of gameplay to do that--and I'm including everything, including time spent selling your loot, shopping for new equipment, doing some quests and just plain figuring out the game. Actual time spend grinding mobs would be, I dunno, maybe about three hours.
It does feel right with controller, but that doesn't mean you have to go to a 360--a USB gamepad on a PC works very well. That's how I play the game myself.
Chris Mattern
Wow... I can smell the BS on that one. Getting to lvl 9 Can be done in 1 day, For a newbie 2 days tops. I partied with a guy today who'd had the game since Monday and now he's 23 (with a lvl 8 gimp sub <.< But still).
If you don't like the game don't post here, No need to make up stories to scare people off.
And thats eactly it, if your a fan of EQLive then this game is for you. If your a hard core gamer? this is for you. If your from the WoW insta i want it now mental then this is not for you. It seems like you WoW'ers kinda flood this forum and a number of others and just bitch and complain about the same problems.
You stay in your trash instances, do your paper rock PVP while i raid Wyrms, Sky , Sea, Dynamis, KINGS... trust me ive done both FFXI and WoW and WoW cant and will NEVER be able to hold a candle to FFXI end game content and community.
FFXI is about reward, its about what you do having an impact in the game. The game is hard and as a result the community is far better then WoW could ever even imagine itself to be. This is the game were the cream rises to the top, were the best are indeed the best. Its not like WoW were everything is G-I-V-E-N to you. im so tired of hearing people complain about "grinding" when the whole genre is simply about that and yea, even wow. Its just in WoW they hide it from you, in WoW you can be a n00b and still get max tier. People just afk AF through MC and wake up to loot on stuff.
The thing you must understand is that MMO is about community, its not about solo. If a solo system is built in to allow me to advance (at a slower rate) thats great but in wow you just hand in 3 hides and insta 60, then all of a sudden the "kids" have to work together... and what do you get? the worst community i have ever seen in all my life. I know, i re-rolled on 3 different types of servers trying to find a community that was lol DECENT.
Let me make it mad easy
Rites of the Four Horsemen
Guys you can't tell people it's the greatest game in the world im sure there are people who like at least one of all the games listed.
When someone like this asks you for help you can't just say yea well its the greatest game ever and WoW doesn't even shine a light to it. You must tell him that he wont be doing anything reeeaaal fun until level 60-75 and thats going to take 50hours or so of gameplay. You have to tell him how makeing money for gear 60+ can take 10hours of farming or more. The game to me is a stepping stone every mmorpg player must go through to truely appreciate what they have in other mmorpg's.
As for the community being so much better than WoW I just dont see it. 85% of level 75's probably wont talk almost all players in the game have a one track mind when makeing a party and never want to try a guy dareing to use a different sub from everyone else. Half the community is horney teens who made taru's flirting with a cat with boobs. As for another percentage of the community is bots that you can spot from a mile away another percent of the community is Japanese who unless you can type and are fluent in Japanese all you will be saying to them is (Hello!) and some other limited auto translate functions. At least in WoW anyone is willing to talk to you and offer help. I'm not saying in ffxi you can't get help but I will say don't count on any of the level 75's sitting around in jeuno to help you unless you pay.
According to this thread, Tater spent less than a month playing the game, so I would take his comments with a BIG grain of salt. Yes, people have different opinions for every game out there, but don't just rattle off ridiculously dreamed-up statistics especially when your own experience with the game is very limited.
And never got past level 9, supposedly. So how does he know all about what the game's like for the mid and high levels, and what people in Jeuno are like (generally, a player doesn't go to Jeuno until he reaches level 20).
Chris Mattern
I'll feild your question first Chris because its very simple. Go up read the posts and you will find I wasn't the one who posted "I played the game for a month and only got level9" I could get at least 30 in a month.
As for that link it just said page cannot be displayed but i'm guessing your refering to my post where I said "I recently reactivated my account for the THIRD time because my friend told me they are makeing the game alot better and blah blah" So anyway I have played the game on and off first time just trying to get into the game played it for about 7 months got alot of my jobs 20+ 30+ 40+ and 50+ then I quit because I couldn't stand looking at my play time and thinking wow all this for one game. The second time was around the time they were makeing a bunch of changes to pvp the new game and they added the ballista areas quit because it still seemed the same to me. The final time was just this month and my account doesn't become inactive for another 15 or so days new record only took ffxi half a month to piss me off at least this time I don't have to pay . I think I got a idea of how the game works but if you guys don't think so I guess your entitled to that opinion.
A large portion of your time in the game on your first character to 75 will be spent looking for group, raising sub jobs, farming for gear, doing missions to unlock new zones and airships, a fair amount of dinking around when you're bored, and maybe even more looking for group depending on your job.
Why? Because other than leveling, the game is by far the best. Once you hit level 30 (which if I might point out.. 1-50 is EASY to get. It's above 50 that taked 3+ hours to do) there is so much to do.. your spend months just figuring out what you CAN do. Ballista, Garrison, BCNM, ENM, Promy's, Quests, Missions, Exploration, to just list a few off the top of my head.
If you just want to play to max your character out at level 75.. then don't play. The main reason why I hated WoW, everyone is just trying to max a character at 60.. that's the ONLY reason why they play.
The market varies widely server to server (and even varies widely city to city on a single server). It's easy to make gil, but learning how to do it is what gets alot of people confused. My hint? Find something that's easy to get and sells good in the area you started off (IE: From my server Beehive Chips sell good in my home nation Bastok.. and pretty simple to get). Crystals are another good way to make some easy gil at low-levels.
Another thing about FFXI, it's not a simple game. FFXI is by far the most complex MMORPG I've ever played and there is a huge learning curve no matter what you do. I've played it for almost 2 years now and I'm not even close to knowing even half of how it works.
The game itself is as fun as hell though and beat out both WoW and EQ II for me.