.. *Topic*
I am just thinking... How can somone play 16+ hours?!??! a day...
. (Well not every day but most days)
Its not very healthy, and there is actually also real life.
I just find it... Insane
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Just got the idea of this topic when seeing a poll here...
Yup I about make it on that. I'd say more like 12+ though because i'm not playing L2 for the entire time I am on the PC
Summer, new town, moving in 3 weeks anyways for college. Nothing to do but play PC .
WTF is up with that???
Ever been to a lan party? Try a weekend lan party, i'm sure you could cut it to 48 hours if engaged enough(Ofcourse, breakes included - Toilet, eating, getting fresh air, moving around so you won't die).
But some takes it to the extreem - And does it everyday.
But then again, someone works 16 hours a day, which is just as insane.
I dont do 18 hours, I do shift sleeping to break up the hours and usually do like 8 sleep 5.
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Playing that long is just stupid :S
dont people have lives?
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longest i've played was 2 days straight, and i can assure you things get more and more insane.
My disregard for sleep is not isolated to game playing, but i can be one determined bastard in a game when i set my sights on a goal.
I don't think it's insane at all, so long as your happy and it's how you want to spend your free time, your saturday or sunday for example. I don't think I could do it personally but who am I to judge?
I've been to 3 day long lan games (there's actually one this weekend also) and those gaming sessions go on for 14 hours, your not playing the whole time of course but still, quite a few people are.
I figure, so long as it's moderation and your NOT doing it every single day, not going out in exchange for staying in and playing a game for 16 +hours, not going to work/school, then it's fine.
Hell, I have an ex-BF that bought KOTOR and didn't put it down the entire weekend, like 18 hour crazy gaming sessions, just so he could finish it, he was that hooked. I laughed, kicked his ass to the shower when he tried to climb into bed but that was about it. Whatever, it's all in good fun.
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No shit I still "have a life". .
I guess I should edit my above statement a bit, saying that 16 hours is probaly the maximum for me. I do take plenty of bathroom breaks, break's to grab a snack, ect. And hey, if my family is going to go somewhere like the mall, i'll go with.
As I explained before, I game a lot right now because:
A. It's what I enjoy, not to mention I am talking to a good friend of mine (that I know irl) on ventrilo every day)
B. I have breaks to work around in photoshop, what i'm going to be doing in college for a major/minor
C. I've explained before, but i'll explain again: Nothing else to do. As I said i'm moving out in 3 weeks anyways (on the 25th) so there isn't any point of me even "trying" to make some friends, hang out outside, ect. And anyways, staying outside for too long is the same as inside for too long.
So, meh. Although I'd have to say on average I play for less than 16 hours, probaly more like 10-12 hours.
What I choose to do in my free time is no more or less valid than what another chooses. For example, every weekend I waste hours on the beach, but that's no more productive (most likely even less so) than someone spending an equal amount of time gaming.
If you haven't been to a LAN party, I'd suggest going. I think you'll find them far more social (and fun) than most evenings at the bar.
Oh, cruel fate, to be thusly boned. Ask not for whom the bone bones. It bones for thee.
Honestly - I thought it was insane then, and I still think it is insane. But then again - I AM crazy, I don't necessarily see anything wrong with being a sane person who does insane (but safe) things every once in a while.
Although at the time, I had no children, no novel in progress, no business on the side, not a lot to do at work, no real interest in exercising, and a spouse who was just as addicted to MMOs as I was. Today, I would LOVE to have enough spare time to spend 16+ hours playing a game...though I would likely not spend all those hours playing a game anymore, it would still be nice to have that kind of free time again!
I once played Dransik (my first MMO) for 36hrs straight!
But, I was a stoner back then too.
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This reminds me of when I was younger. A story follows:
Civilization had just came out and I was just learning how to play. Anyways we all now how addicting that game was. So I started playing on a Friday after school. A few hours into play my friend calls me up and says hey "I think there is a party we can go to." I was like "Cool call me back in a few to let me know if there is a party or not." Well I don't know what happened but he never called me back that night. The sun comes up and I am still playing eating Doritos and drinking Mountain Dew. My friend calls me back later on Saturday and says "Hey man I thought you said your were going to call me back?" I was like "No, you said you would call me back. Anyways I am playing this cool game right now let me call you back."
Fast forward to Sunday night and I am still playing this crack addictive game. I get to school on Monday and all my friends were like where the hell were you all weekend? I just sat there, staring blankly realizing I had spent a whole weekend on one video game.
Since then I have never played for more than 4 hours at a time.
Anyways when I was young I could easily play for very long hours, but now that I am older there is no way I could play that long.
In America I have bad teeth. If I lived in England my teeth would be perfect.
1. Skateboarders spend 8+ hours per day on their hobby. No strangers come up to them constantly saying "get a life".
2. Surfer dudes spend 8+ hours per day on their hobby.
3. Jocks spend 8+ hours per day on their hobby (they love the gym, they live in the gym lol).
Same with bodybuilders....
4. Gearheads spend 8+ hours per day cruisin and .... cruisin... doing their hobby.
5. Bookworms spend 8+ hours per day reading... non-stop. Not seeing the sun at all.
6. Wanna be gangheads spend 8+ hours per day.... "hanging out". Just standing around.. and more standing around. Or sitting around.
7. Sooo many women spend 8+ hours per day... shopping. Is this healthy? Do you see strangers coming up to them constantly saying "get a life"?
8. Ahhh yes, workaholics. Spending 8+ extra hours per day doing nothing but working more and more. With NO time to enjoy their money lol!
9. Partypeople who spend 8+ hours doing... nothing. Going to parties, having inane conversations. Getting drunk. Remembering little of it one week later.
10. Sex addicts who spend 8+ hours doing.... Do you see strangers coming up to them constantly saying "Get a life"?
What it really comes down to is are you hurting anyone? Is what you are spending 8+ hours per day doing being done because you want to do it? Your consent? The people saying "get a life" are just jelous because they see someone enjoying theirselves soooo much! "Why can't I find something that I enjoy soo much that I'd want to spend 8+ hours doing it?".
And define "having a life"? Having a girlfriend/boyfriend? A wife/husband? Having 100 friends? Going to parties constantly? Having kids? Having a house, 2 car garage, picket fence, with 2 lawns, in the suburbs?
Get a life.
Joined 2004 - I can't believe I've been a MMORPG.com member for 20 years! Get off my lawn!
I also need to be entertained. So whats wrong with being entertained over a longer periode of time?