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  • Povey151Povey151 Member Posts: 250
    I miss all of this so much. I remember getting my first atlan stones, the day i got my SOLL (sword of lost light w00t w00t) I read in the manual about it and was like WOW, the most powerful sword EVER. I remember hunting cows outside of yaraq, golems and revenants in the halls of metos. Hunting lugians was so much fun with all 5000 people there. I had the wi flag, most people probably dont even remember what that was. The game was never a grind for me, it was always just so much fun.

    My favorite memory was probably my first time going to subway and seeing and hanging out with all of the people OR my first lightning stone run. I remember we had about 100 people go, we set up the meeting on It was back when it was an hour run from the closest portal and we got SLAUGHTERED, i think about 15 of us actually finished the quest.

    Perhaps my favorite part was that the game was so much fun, and so exciting that quests used to make me shake, i'd get nervous trying to do stuff because it was so much fun.

  • -_Lavos_--_Lavos_- Member Posts: 11

    Like many people here Im sure, AC was my first MMORPG as well. What an amazing game though and I can definitely say there have been some awesome memories that I will never forget:

    Best memories:

    - PVP..hands down: I have played AC, ACII, DAOC, EQ, GW, and COH and have never seen such an intense PVP system as exists in AC (at least in the old days of slide casting and such).  Having hour long battles that across the land and knowing that everyone is watching you duke it out in an almost epic battle.  PVP tournaments, slide casting, and just wars that errupted...the best memories I have ever had in gaming

    -Bael'Zharon saga: No game has come close to such an event.  Having a monster enter towns and destroy the people within it and just an overall invincible presence that was given off.  I remember the final battle on FrostFell against BZ...crazy.  Not only that, but also wearing around a nice BZ helm and knowing you are one of the few in the entire game that get such an item...priceless

    -The classic places such as the Moswart Fort and Lugion Fort...awe, good newb fun there

    -Hanging out in Arwic Subway and trading, chatting, and just having a good time

    -GSA, farming for shards, motes, etc...tedious but still fun

    -On a non-memory note...the whole system in AC: Completely customizable characters unlike any other game.  Balance was there, but it was up to you to make your character balanced.

    All good times and I cant even think of them all.

  • DracheSCDracheSC Member Posts: 83

    I started playing AC in 99 as well. And the first thing that comes to mind when I think back on my first days in Dereth, is picking up the cow in Holtburg and wielding it as a weapon (AC beta was so much fun).

    Meeting my first patron in Holtburg (Holt was kind of my home town for a long time), his name was McNorth. This didn't happen until retail though, on Solclaim. Ahhh, good 'ol Solclaim... I remember hunting Drudges in 1the river near Holt, making the trecherous run to Eastham from Rithwic, or from Shoushi to Hebian-to.

    Hunting the Lugian Citadel with about 100 other people, all vying for the kills. I remember standing beside the platform in the top room with the biggest ones, cannot recall their names off the top of my head, they would throw rocks from the platform before jumping down...

    I remember getting my first Atlan sword, then researching where to get the minor atlan stone, the fire one... Ahh those were the days!

    Arwic being cratered, locked doors in "the subway/sub", muling in out-of-the-way places, like behind a tree near Qalabar, when it became the main trade hub after the sudden demise of Arwic...

    And let us not forget the rivers running red with blood when the Hopeslayer, Bael'Zharon walked the lands of Dereth once more! Oh, the stark terror I fealt when he assaulted Shoushi, while I was muling nearby...

    The Shadowspires, being terrified of going through those "redspire/greenspire/bluespire" portals... Standing at the crystal outside a house, for hours a day, some times even a couple days on end, just waiting for the house to open! ... And the elation I fealt once I finally got a house! My first Allegiance, I still remember them... McNorth swore to Mighty Rip, who eventually became Mike the Deathbringer, a most notorious Monarch on Solclaim back in the day... I remember Mansion raiding...

    I spent four years playing that game. It was not my first MMO, I had played The Realm and Meridian 59 prior to AC, and even while playing AC I picked up many different MMOs, like DAoC, but I always came back to Asheron's Call. The one and only game that could break my AC addiction was WoW. Had AC truely advanced their graphics engine, I would probably still be playing it to this day... I have nothing bad to say about AC. All-in-all, it was a fantastic game, with a great development team, great customer service (with both MSG and Turbine), and best of all, an incredible community, so close-knit, it was like family.

    Long live Dereth! Long live Isparians! LONG LIVE ASHERON'S CALL!

    True mages don't die. They strategically miscalculate.

  • KindelnolKindelnol Member Posts: 62

    Where to begin?

    It is odd how seemingly insignificant things were actually fun in AC. I remember just traveling to Hebian-to for the first time. I felt like I was actually evolving in the game just by doing that. It was like reaching a new plateau of achievements.

    I enjoyed standing in town just learning spells, which is weird because it sounds rather tedious. I think the excitement came from literally watching one’s character develop as you got to the next level of a given magic school.

    Of course, like many of you, I remember meeting my first patron and how much he helped me. I did not leech off of him, but he did give me good armor (when it came to trading he was a nut).

    I remember going to and hunting at the Lugian Citadel. That was such fun, and at times intense. I actually felt a sense of danger once I advanced to the Gigas.

    The quests in this game were by far the best I have seen in MMOs. Even something as simple as the Sword of Lost Light was more enjoyable than anything I have done in other games. I also enjoyed the Olthoi quests, especially the Olthoi Queen. Other quests that I remember having a great time with were: Aerilinthe, Atlan (and all quests related), Singularity, Bandit Hilt, Altar of Bael’Zharon, Quiddity Orb (was hard for me and quite enjoyable), Quiddity weapons, Gaerlan’s Citadel, Simulacra Quests, Elysa’s Favor, Focus Stone – and that is only to name a few. This game was loaded with things to do, and the quests were real quests, not tasks or missions.

    Exploring in this game was a pleasure that I wish I could attain again. A group consisting of my patron, my patron’s patron (whom later became my patron), and some co-vassals of theirs, went out and ran around Obsidian Plains hunting and exploring. I have never experienced an area quite like Obsidian Plains in any other game.

    I also explored most of Caul Island with my patron’s patron (we were eventually very close in level). That was difficult and quite enjoyable.

    One thing I did not see mentioned was the Crystal Lord battle. That was an intense battle. I took it on with a fairly large group the first time. Then, when I got my sword character over 100 (which I did without help from vassals and what not), I fought it again with a much smaller group. We were beaten on more than one occasion. It was not real smart to do that with only a few people hehe.

    This is barely scratching the surface of the kind of fun I experienced in the game. I wish a remake could be made for this wonderful addition to the gaming market.

  • SwiffSwiff Member Posts: 28
    Like most people, my fondest memories revolve around PvP and Darktide. One of the best is just logging in to Darktide, creating a new character in Holtburg, and running around causing havoc and mayhem amongst the noobs. Anyone remember that little starter dungeon on the path to Holtburg, just up the road from the lifestone? I remember great PVP battles where a group controlled the inside of that dungeon while another group would try to portal in and assault them. Always got the adrenaline flowing. And these were SPONTANEOUS battles that occured just through sheer player interaction. They weren't forced like WoW battlegrounds.

    The sheer terror you would feel whenever a member of the notorious "Blood" guild would show up. Man how I hated those Bloods - so cruel, so merciless... but so much fun. Anyone ever get forced into swearing fealty to a Blood under pain of death? Thats one thing i miss in AC that I have never found in other games - certain things were NOTORIOUS. Bloods. Olthoi. Lugians. You had a profound respect for certain people/groups/mobs within the world.

    The fear and anticipation as you ran into town to try to resupply and
    offload whatever valuable items you had, always on the lookout for
    ominous red dots on the radar. Running for your life as a bored Blood
    tried to hunt you down (and more often than not getting pounded into a
    bloody pulp).

    Dueling with an archer or mage was ALWAYS an exciting experience. Trying to maneuver to avoid the arrows or spells, hiding behind objects like trees or rocks to shield yourself from the missile. It became a game of skill instead of a game of chance. Instead of worrying solely about your stats and equipment, you had to worry about how exposed your character was, and how you could use the terrain to your advantage.

    I also fondly remember the AC economy. Even though it was vendor based, there was still plenty of room for players to create a niche for themselves. I remember I had a character named "Uzak" who operated a prosperous fletching/cooking/alchemy business. I would simply buy the base ingredients from the vendors, perhaps run a macro or two, and then peddle my wares about town. Great fun and immensely satisfying.

    Later in my character development, I remember making loot runs to the Lugian Citadel, picking up all the random crap that was left on the floor, and portalling back to Holtburg and showing the town center with loot for all the grateful noobs to pick up. I felt like Santa Claus standing on top of the blacksmith's roof, showering lugian axes and hammers and whatnot down onto the ground below.

    I could go on and on, just so many great experiences and people in that game. Now I'm all depressed and wish I could go back to those days - those were the golden years of MMORPGs.

  • SwiffSwiff Member Posts: 28
    Oh, I have to add - on the Solclaim server, watching that player "KMFDM" doing epic PvP battles outside the Subway. He was like my hero. If you're out there KMFDM, hope you're doing well.
  • DaMan1788DaMan1788 Member Posts: 5
    OMG!! GETTING MY IMPIOUS STAFF FOR MY umm i think 12 birthday(i'm 18 now). Man o man my patron Acolyte was the shizzle.
    Also getting my Frore Robe was an amazing experience and almost dying from taking to many pictures and not realizing I was getting frost damage!!! I made it though.

     Getting my mage armor was an awesome experience. I love that castle.

    Learning portals in Fort Tethana at the ripe level of like 10. I just kept casting and casting until it worked.

    Watching Mithrandia(sp?) and some other lvl 50 fight at Fort Tethana. 1st PK experience. Gosh I thought they were so evil and badA's. haha good times.

    Going to Aerilinthe was so much fun. and such a challenge back then.

    Hunting Tumeroks at the Walled portals for their amazing EXP and Loot.

    Getting to Baishi. What a run back in the day. I'm serious the Walled Portals was not easy to get to.

    My first time to fight a tusker...mean suckers.(in the Disaster Maze)

    This brings back so many cool memories. It is crazy to think of all the connections you can actually have with a game. It makes me feel kinda psycho but i don't really care. I'm just an old AC'er.

    Asheron's Call 1 & 2
    Lineage II
    Guild Wars

  • TorakTorak Member Posts: 4,905

    You know, alot of what you guys list, I remember doing as well and it was great fun. AC made a huge impact on who I define MMO's.

     How is it that ALL of the new games are no as good as these old first generation games? The devs are making the very beautiful worlds but they are leaving out the hearts. Nothing with the exception of Lineage II (IMHO) has come close to create a freee ranging exciting world to explore and have fun in where the point isn't to hit level cap as fast as possible but to explore and have fun in.(if you want to play it that way, which because of the nature of the game, few people do) But the world is huge, full and free to do as you like.

    Notice almost everything we all listed had nothing to do with level caps, raids or anything like that? We had fun and had great quest at ALL levels. The best was never reserved for the cap people. In fact, when I played very few people ever even made it to cap.

    Thats how good the content was in AC, it didn't matter what level you where you always had something exciting to do or somewhere to go.

    Why can't todays devs do that? Why is it whenever a new game releases we are garenteed to get loads of "go kill 10 rats and come back" quest? Devs are so concerned about throwing in cheap kill task, raids and making pretty pictures they are leaving out the fun, and as a result MMO's more or less suck....

    No game can come close to full complete world that AC has in terms of content.

    I'm playing WoW right now and have on and off since it launched but honestly there is no comparison. WoW is half the game AC is. All I do is kill 10 of this or 10 of that, maybe mine or skin alittle, it literaly is a dull grinder. Everyone just charges threw it to get to level cap so they can get intot he raids or grind honor. No one is having "fun" like we did in AC. No one is exploreing the world like we did. There is nothing to explore its all on a map system. Its not a virtual world, its a shooter with some grind thrown in.

    (yeah, I have 3 level 60s one of which WAS a high level PvPer but because the PvP is based on grind and not fun you loose your rank if you don't keep at it, just like everything else in the game ....or any MMO for that matter........back on the hamster wheel drone!)

  • ManalishiManalishi Member Posts: 2
    I no longer play athough am thinking of returning 

    Memories include:
    • Helping to get people out of the acid pit in the halls of metos. Remember the conversation,"you sure my jump is good enough?".
    • Meeting up with the allegiance in Glendon Wood to do quests.
    • Just being able to pick a direction and ruuuuuuunnnnn!!
    • All the time at work spent discussing AC with fellow players and collegues
    • The generosity of others, Basha in the tavern in GW was always kind and polite (Solclaim)
    • Being the quest leader and dying first.
  • BoanergesBoanerges Member UncommonPosts: 21

    I have a few really fond memories of AC that to this date have not been beat.

    1) Getting my house - it had a window that you could see people run by and my brother and good friend bought the houses near mine.  This was just one of the coolest experiences a game had ever offered.

    2) The Lugian Citadel - just packed with all kinds of players and the only reason you could kill every one was because we were all in there.  You can't get that from instancing.

    3) I started playing AC right around 1999-2000 and it was three good friends of mine, my brother and myself.  We were all on the game, we had just joined up to see what we could do together and we were total noobs just outside of Rithwic, haha.  I remember some Shreth tearing our Mage to pieces.  He wouldn't stay back and thought he could just Melee his way through the game, haha.

    4) Having a friend call me one night, half intoxicated trying to find his corpse in his underwear.  You just can't buy entertainment like that.

  • rsammyrsammy Member Posts: 72

    Hi there, again another AC fanatic. I played from maybe Feb-March ’00 till 2002 and enjoyed all of it until I could no longer make time for it. This was my first mmo experience and I must say it was an adventure.


    When I portaled in for the first time (which was the best and most nostalgic sound ever in a game) I was speechless. It looked so awesome and I couldn’t even imagine the fun I would have playing with hundreds of other people like me. When I hit the map hotkey, I was even more amazed at the size of Dereth and all the exploring I could do.


    My first character, which soon became my mains mule, was so much fun to explore with. Using swords, xbows, daggers and axes for weapons, I ran around the Aluvian areas killing shreths and banders and mossies until my packs were filled with junk. My earliest memory was my first run from GW to Crag. It was so dangerous to me back then since the road was dangerous and lined with tons of banders, but it was such an accomplishment and I could finally buy some plate armor.


    I must say though, that my rerolled Archer Spec was just so much fun to play with. I have never had an experience with a ranged toon like that in any game since. Just the idea that I could sculpt myself in any direction I wanted to, hell we could increase our jump height and run speeds, absolutely amazing! Saving an entire level or two before training a new skill was exciting in its own way too.


    Great memories are:

    • Killing first monster and reading the death messages
    • Watching yourself level and all the colors
    • Running ANYWHERE
    • Killing shadow children
    • Being an archer in a game full of mages and melees
    • Finding and killing Olthoi and getting those purple Olthoi helmets
    • Earning my first mattie coat and mattie robe, and all the other mentioned quest gear
    • First visit to Teth
    • Crossing the Obsidian Plains to reach Ayan
    • The sound of the Hollow Minions running, skitter skitter
    • Learning all my level 7s
    • Sanc Recall


    I know there are many more things I’ve done in this game, but can’t type them all in. I must say that AC is a game that you have to play to understand. By far it has been the most memorable of my mmo game. I’m sorry to hear it’s not as good a game as it used to be, but if there is a free trial available I highly suggest it to everyone.

  • MesopoliesMesopolies Member Posts: 51

    One of my greatest memories was running from the southern most point to the northern most point of dereth. Took my most of a day. I had no reason for doing it, was just exploring.

    I remember when Qual wass the place and lugians good foder.

    I remember when 100th level was a big deal. I forget who got it first but everyone was ammazed. This was back when 60th level was end game though.

    Been playing off and on for the last 5 - 6 years.

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