Originally entertainers in SWG had a hook. Battle fatigue and mind wound healing. With this hook players like myself and Beery were able to use a combination of emote, chat and character skills such as dances, music and lights to create actual performance art.
The art capabilities by and large are still present, but the hook is gone. With the hook, the audience is gone. With the audience gone, the art is meaningless. Unseen art is like masturbation, feels good but it doesn't do your laundry (hehe).
Mind buffs in my opinion also did damage to the art. The reason why is that players walked in and demanded service. This caused us to have to drop from our performance to either add players to our group or target them with a buff. The new inspiration system is using this idea. It is an art killer instead of a hook.
Originally posted by Beatnik59 I haven't seen one good entertainer that had nothing but entertainment skills.
You haven't seen my show then. I've been playing as a pacifist in SWG for two and a half years. That's long before entertainers were prevented from engaging in combat. Most of that time I was purely an entertainer, although at one point I became a pacifist Droid Engineer, selling only non-combat droids.
When I play SWG I'm always ATK. It's not a game where you only have two choices: to either do combat or AFK grind entertainer. There are many more options. There are many varied playstyles and people who are good responsible game citizens, and for these folks there are more options than shooting stuff or levelling a character while they're at work or asleep.
Originally posted by Reachwind Mind buffs in my opinion also did damage to the art. The reason why is that players walked in and demanded service. This caused us to have to drop from our performance to either add players to our group or target them with a buff. The new inspiration system is using this idea. It is an art killer instead of a hook.
Absolutely. I could be performing my show, which demands precisely timed flourishes, and if someone asked me for a buff I'd have to switch from my show to an artless buffing performance whose only requirement was that my flourishes should be at a specific fast rate. Because of that, players rarely got to hear the musical performance I'd spent so long crafting. In fact, I'd estimate that 99% of players never experience the lovely songs and dances entertainers can do because the game mechanics make it hard for us to show off our best stuff.
These days, to be frank, I don't give buffs because they distract from my songs. I feel an entertainer should actually entertain players visually or aurally. Many of the songs are never heard at their best in the normal cantina environment, and I feel this is a shame because there are some nice tunes in the game if you play them with the right mix of instruments. I don't feel that we should only be there as a sort of buff mechanic. This is in contrast to a lot of entertainers who feel that we should be first and foremost combat and crafter support personnel.
Originally posted by Reachwind Entertainer will be removed entirely from the game soon enough.
I've stopped worrying about what's going to happen in the game. When I boot up SWG I play happily, and I love to talk about gameplay issues in forums like this, but I don't get too worked up about it anymore. If, one day I try to boot the game up and my character is no longer an entertainer, I'll cancel my account and find another game that has entertainer characters. At present, SWG is the most entertainer-friendly game that suits my needs in terms of graphics and atmosphere. If that changes I'll go elsewhere, but I don't worry about how things are going anymore.
This thread is the main motovating factor to my creating this account on MMORPG. I HATE SoE!!!!
They took THE best mmg (In my opinion) and slowly killed it... starting with the "holo-gind", and then progressively making one bad decision after another. The reason I played swg was because it was creatively different from all other mmgs, like GREAT character creation, profession options, professions not even thought of in other mmgs like "entertainer". SoE succeded in making swg just like all the other mmgs ... by dumbing down the professions and totally changing the feel of combat.
I could go on forever on this issue, it's the one that I feel the most strong about when it comes to online games.
I HATE SoE and will never play another game made by them. I dont trust that they can manage or maintain an online game in a way that represents what the players want. SWG had all the potential in the world, and SoE pissed it all away.
Originally posted by kefkah I felt like saying something a little abrassive and irritating today. Need to get it out of my system. SOE's NGE revamp was like putting sawdust in someone's hemroid cream. Evil and just not right. Thank you SOE for giving me a focal point and the time to vent. Thank you MMORPG.Com for giving me this thread. Ahhhhh..... Now back to the program.
I'd like to think of it as Ben Gay in the old jockstrap. It keeps on burning....
I honestly haven't expressed my hatred of SOE today, but I'm getting ready to sleep, and making sure I post in this topic will help me sleep better at night.
Die in a fire SOE.
Good night
Waiting for something fresh to arrive on the MMO scene...
This game is not your MMORPG's you thought to be, this game should be a MMOFPS. For starters the new ingame Targeting and Auto Aim is something confusing and too many buttons. So I don't use it, I just disable it and change my controls to Classic. I also rebind a few keys so I can use most buttons I need on my mouse.( Like 9 buttons on this puppy)This feels more like home but Im still Lookn at crosshairs either in first person or third. And Im strugglin when some kid thinks its funny to stand on the player Im tryin to gank.
I have a Elder Jedi On Radiant, so I was always pvping since I started playin again a few months ago. I had a decent pvp rank of 1744, But just the other day when Chapter 2 hit, it dropped down to 1400's. I used my 5 free respec's to make my template better. I was Fightin other Elders and a few Bounty Hunters, mostly in duels, and I would notice my life draining quicker then 15 PPR's in you system. I went and took off my Old trusty Constition rings, bracelets, and necklace and switched them for all Strength stats 18+ on each. That jumped my str to 286 and with a good mustafarian Injector(Soon to be new post about HOW WONDERFUL SOE CSR IS) jumped it up to 386. With a good standing 395+ constition still, and 220 agility , the rest at 90. I had changed my template again, basicly only changing 1 or 2 things, being I had all lightside powers at a Sith, and the rest on my stats in general and to raise my LS dmg. I am also using a Jinsu Razor with 1122 DPS. I dueling a few Elders and did great. But then I tried dueling more and was seeing my Life drop very very fast. SO i kept using my 5 free respects, Then i noticed I had dark powers.....But I had not put any into it since I respected from the day it went live(chapter 2), So I popped them on and went to town. Winning most duels very very easy on some elders and BH, Incapped 1 BH 6 times before I choose to Kill him. Those few others that tore me up before where about the same power as me.
Having no points under the darkside Path in the expertise, I was lettin other Imp friends know what my Template was. They started asking how I was able to you Force Lightening 7 and Force Choke 7(garrote). I again used that power on them, I was able to Cloak also. I had no points in Cloak soo how am I able to use it? So I made a ticket, they closed it with "This is GM Chrol. As a jedi, you log in with your expetise points already used. but you may visit any of the respec NPC's to re-destribute your points. Good Luck!". WOW that helped thanks! I had already used my free respecs all up (silly me why didn't I do that....wait I DID!) Got a screen shot of that one. Sometimes it works ...others it doesn't....I had some great ones....Well ONWARD WE GO!
So Seeing some friends ingame gettin pissed off that they can't Kill any elder basicly. So pissed, well you know why this isn't SOE/LUCAS first mistake. So some just logged off and I haven't seen them on since then, these are some of the servers most Dedicated Imperials(our server lacks them). So Not wanting to see another nge happen, I submit yet another ticket on this same Subject. This time I was a little more rude to them, even calling them "STUPID"...So I wait a little bit...2 hours go by....Still owning in pvp....I get a /tell from gm.....(Print scr didnt work that time, I hitit 5 times.......Its SOE i know it!) well anyways, He ask me to Log off my account so He can log on and see what is happening......for 20min.....So I log off and play some Ragnarok online. After about 40min I get back on, tickets open still with a reply. "Thanks for Pointing this out to use, Yes your right you should not be able to use Force Garrote 7 any other dark powers that I have not purchased with Expertise points." So They Nerf...I mean fixed me....YAY, wait theres more here....lets read on..."I can see that the problem is do to your account having been transfered before. Thanks for pointing this out to use thanks again" So Im thinking wait a min.....theres no way its just me......So I got new respecs from the CSR/GM , So I went and used them. Dueled like 2 elders, did we did about the same to each other, then i fight my other budy, he is a BH, toasts me.....I go and fight this other Trashtalkin BH, bam Im out cold. I try to duel a few other Elders I know had possible "double stacked stats" sure enough i got creamed again. So yet another ticket to point out that I am not the only Effected by this. My final ticket came back closed, with a reply from the GM that he will talk to the development team and try to fix this. And that if will come at a later patch if anything is found....They have not clue......I have a Screen shot I would like to post somewhere....It was my first ticket the day the chapter two came out. The GM wrote this at the end....."I am sorry for any inconvenience or frustration this may have caused you and thank you for your patience while we attempt to resolve the issue. We very much appreciate your efforts in helping us to make Matrix Online a better experience for all players." WHOA Hold the phone....I been playing Matrix online for 3+ years and not SWG! Man I need another hit........maybe they need one..........
So I logged off, nothing to do, for Its all Pvp almost now. Theres still quest, but most the run and more rewarding quest require a small group with medics. With the new Expertise system only being for Bounty Hunters and Jedi, You are stuck with pvp with Battle Of Restuss. Or quest for chapter 2.....Ill pass......
You have to give it to the CSR though, My Elder jedi's Name was was nerfed from -Sith- to Some random generated name......And suspened for 8 days for Calling some Newbie a bad name......Starts with a J, thats all I say. They Missed my city.......SITH-OUTPOST......HAHA Great Job SOE/LUCAS..........
Nice to see that A new player can get 1 lv cap 90 lv in less then 2 days with the Restuss Exspantion......Each quest gives like 10k-50k xp. Just Float Rebel On Radiant, Its the new "Rebel Expantion".........
One Good thing or is it....A lot of Old players are coming back to test out the New expertise system and Still more noobs rolling in the game.....Server is feeling it and So am I and those playing........The forgot about Everyone who quite and cut back on funding there Servers.....Now we are Feeling it......Thanks again SOE/LUCAS.........
Wana Hear my Lost item story?
Ill make this short, I quested for the Mustafarian Injector a few months back for my elder. Solo'ed it(Sickness Of the Stormlord) what can say, its SWG, have the bosses Glitch and stop walking....Oh ya thats one thing to know for you newbie's easy glitchable Bosses WOOT. Games a cake-walk! SO Anyways, I am one poor Elder on Radiant, I pvp daily, loosing some winning most, that are 1 on 1, or If there stupid (most rebel are) ill wait by a huge group of Imp npcs and the dummies try to shoot me still and the npcs incap em and I force run and db em. Cause You do HOW YOU DO! So yes I died a few times, but with a pvp rank of 1744 thats not bad......So I went to clone and AHH i was broke!! So i rushed to the Junk dealer to pawn some goods before a BH found me. I was careful in selling my items, stupid Quest buffs came up for sell......so I had a lot of items on me and tossed 50 in a empty bag on me, just stuff the junk dealer wouldnot buy. I DELETED IT, damn Im missing my mustafian injector.....ON now that sucks. It was at that time still a No-trade item...and the quest had been complete...So I was screwedm that is one of the best Buffs ingame......So i filled a ticket. CSR said no record of me having it, file a new ticket if I need any help with other issues...Filed a 2nd ticket....Same thing.....Filed a 3rd ticket......Note these tickets each took about 24 hours to get replies. Got a reply and it WASNT CLOSED OMG! HI-FIVE! He said he didnt see a record of it but to wait another day and add to the ticket and maybe the servers would find it......I told em it was a NO-TRADE item and that I had the quest complete, and theres no way to stack the buff or trade it to a player for money, So I don't see the big problem......(later that night, -Sith- was killing noobs at restuss for hours...like 6.....I killed some 10 times....most lvl 20-80 some 90's. No way in hell am I gona let these rebel newbies grind from lvl 1 to 90 in 2 days, when it took me months to get elder. and weeks to get masters on my alts....So I did my part and kill as many as I could, force cloak , force run, as the died and I lived I was happy. So You know kids, the /tells came in 3's. SOme begging me to stop, some calling cussing at me, some tryin to tell me how to play the game and why they should be left alone to grind in a pvp zone. They just kept coming in so ....) Let the J word slip a few times ...SORRY....BAM account SUSPENDED , almost banned me for using that tiny three letter word......8 days later......I get back into game, the same day chapter 2 came out....With a new name......^&$%^&%.................................................................................................................................... So The old CSR ticket about the injector was gone.....I filed a new one......With a Simple reply...and closed........We did a check and found you never had a mustafarian Injector and that is a NON No-Trade item, meaning it can be traded to a player....So basicly telling me to get buy one......Or saying that I sold my last one.....But I had lost it before chapter 2 I muttered Under my breath.....gave up....Logged on my alt and force a friend to help............
Grivvits Hiliny AKA -Sith- as of old
OMG thats a lot of typing, Im not even gona read over it.....
I have some funny Screen shots of Ingame csr tickets, with some funny and sad responses. Last one I was told not to make another ticket about the Expertise bug they have no clue about or My Account will be punished...........F YOU SOE< Account cancelld for the 20th time.......Game Uninstalling.........Game CD's Microwaved.....
If anyone knows a easy and free way to share these Screen shots of SOE CSR tickets let me know, I know some people will get a laugh outa them....
Originally posted by drainoglass If anyone knows a easy and free way to share these Screen shots of SOE CSR tickets let me know, I know some people will get a laugh outa them....
First off I actually love this thread cause now I don't have to take out my anger beating up 6 year olds....whoops should have said that. Well I have alot of anger for SOE and the destruction of SWG. I would like to first say the good things about the "Old SWG". It was a comfortable feeling and everyone was happy little newbs running around and the verterns trading and the crafters crafting. The hard worked for Jedis going to show off their lightsabers and an common duel in the left corner. People siting down geting drinks/food going to the Cantina to get a buff. Beggers on the street asking for a little money to live and guild's hosting meetings and people throwing parties and all. It was a very comfortable sense everyone was happy. The you would see squads of people geting ready for either a MASSIVE pvp battle or grinding. Dancers/music in the Cantinas. And then..... a distubence....... whispers of NGE . Very soon the major populated cities were deserted with maybe 40 people left in Mos Eisly. I go to my house and find that there is absolutely NOBODY there. I go across the galaxy to find only 200 people left. It was like there was a contamination. I realized that NGE (AKA Hell ) had ripped the sould of this games heart out and replaced it with a time bomb waiting to blow up the game. I stuck with the game for a few months after NGE and found it INCREDIBALLY BORING. Hell in the old days it was so fun getting chased by a BH. Now all there was left was maybe a made up reality of the game. I suddenly asked my self WHAT WAS SOE THINKING. Which brings me to my anger below this line. ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Complaints What was SOE thinking when they did this I still dont get it. How can you make $$$ with no customers?? I hope every night that they will just go back to the old days or I hoped another company would create something similar to the "Old SWG". I have tried to find a MMO like "Old SWG" and it has been hard. I miss it and I am very upset. Althought I hope some of the rumors are true.
(The faces near the NGE are in order first it upset ppl then made them angry then made them leave then made the game die oh and i forgot one <<<<<<SOE laughing at us) Well you heard my anger now lets hear yours,
ALso I would like to add Please somone send this link of this fourm to SOE and shove it up their stuborn $&@.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well, the hologrind and the buffbots killed the entertainers off well before the NGE, and in general people weren't happy back then either. There were still the same cries to nerf this and that.
I don't think anyone can possibly express the hatred that the children at SOE have created for themselves!!!
I started playing the game shorly after launch, I know the game had bugs, but what game doesn't, It still had a large player base, then the CU hit, player base declined, then the NGE hit. Now, compared to pre-cu, the servers are ghost towns.
Yes, I'm very angry at SOE. As a company, which you would think actually would want to make as much money as they possibley could, their actions just don't make any sense at all.
I hate SOE i have plyed one year it was the best year in my life meet a lot of great people. we had a lot of fun. but then nge hit the light and it was done. all of my friends stoped and never came back. this game now suck. soe quit this game and let the players save it.
Originally posted by jrscott Originally posted by pirrg Where is the "we're happy with SOE" thread?
At SOE's website, of course. I would be amazed if such a thread existed, that wasnt started by SOE themselves. Oh, and please dont feed the troll.....thnks
"The man who exchanges Liberty for Iconic classes is a fool deserving of neither." - Me and Ben Franklin
Originally posted by chlaos I would be amazed if such a thread existed, that wasnt started by SOE themselves. Oh, and please dont feed the troll.....thnks
Hehe, you'd be amazed at the number of fanboys who start such threads. Think about it - after SOE screwed up the game so badly for so long, pretty much the only ones who would stick around are the rabid sycophants who are in complete denial and insist that SOE is the greatest company ever.
Originally entertainers in SWG had a hook. Battle fatigue and mind wound healing. With this hook players like myself and Beery were able to use a combination of emote, chat and character skills such as dances, music and lights to create actual performance art.
The art capabilities by and large are still present, but the hook is gone. With the hook, the audience is gone. With the audience gone, the art is meaningless. Unseen art is like masturbation, feels good but it doesn't do your laundry (hehe).
Mind buffs in my opinion also did damage to the art. The reason why is that players walked in and demanded service. This caused us to have to drop from our performance to either add players to our group or target them with a buff. The new inspiration system is using this idea. It is an art killer instead of a hook.
Former SWG beta tester and player
You haven't seen my show then. I've been playing as a pacifist in SWG for two and a half years. That's long before entertainers were prevented from engaging in combat. Most of that time I was purely an entertainer, although at one point I became a pacifist Droid Engineer, selling only non-combat droids.
When I play SWG I'm always ATK. It's not a game where you only have two choices: to either do combat or AFK grind entertainer. There are many more options. There are many varied playstyles and people who are good responsible game citizens, and for these folks there are more options than shooting stuff or levelling a character while they're at work or asleep.
Absolutely. I could be performing my show, which demands precisely timed flourishes, and if someone asked me for a buff I'd have to switch from my show to an artless buffing performance whose only requirement was that my flourishes should be at a specific fast rate. Because of that, players rarely got to hear the musical performance I'd spent so long crafting. In fact, I'd estimate that 99% of players never experience the lovely songs and dances entertainers can do because the game mechanics make it hard for us to show off our best stuff.
These days, to be frank, I don't give buffs because they distract from my songs. I feel an entertainer should actually entertain players visually or aurally. Many of the songs are never heard at their best in the normal cantina environment, and I feel this is a shame because there are some nice tunes in the game if you play them with the right mix of instruments. I don't feel that we should only be there as a sort of buff mechanic. This is in contrast to a lot of entertainers who feel that we should be first and foremost combat and crafter support personnel.
Entertainer will be removed entirely from the game soon enough.
Former SWG beta tester and player
This thread is the main motovating factor to my creating this account on MMORPG. I HATE SoE!!!!
They took THE best mmg (In my opinion) and slowly killed it... starting with the "holo-gind", and then progressively making one bad decision after another. The reason I played swg was because it was creatively different from all other mmgs, like GREAT character creation, profession options, professions not even thought of in other mmgs like "entertainer". SoE succeded in making swg just like all the other mmgs ... by dumbing down the professions and totally changing the feel of combat.
I could go on forever on this issue, it's the one that I feel the most strong about when it comes to online games.
I HATE SoE and will never play another game made by them. I dont trust that they can manage or maintain an online game in a way that represents what the players want. SWG had all the potential in the world, and SoE pissed it all away.
I felt like saying something a little abrassive and irritating today. Need to get it out of my system.
SOE's NGE revamp was like putting sawdust in someone's hemroid cream. Evil and just not right.
Thank you SOE for giving me a focal point and the time to vent. Thank you MMORPG.Com for giving me this thread.
Now back to the program.
Die in a fire SOE.
Good night
Waiting for something fresh to arrive on the MMO scene...
This game is not your MMORPG's you thought to be, this game should be a MMOFPS. For starters the new ingame Targeting and Auto Aim is something confusing and too many buttons. So I don't use it, I just disable it and change my controls to Classic. I also rebind a few keys so I can use most buttons I need on my mouse.( Like 9 buttons on this puppy)This feels more like home but Im still Lookn at crosshairs either in first person or third. And Im strugglin when some kid thinks its funny to stand on the player Im tryin to gank.
I have a Elder Jedi On Radiant, so I was always pvping since I started playin again a few months ago. I had a decent pvp rank of 1744, But just the other day when Chapter 2 hit, it dropped down to 1400's. I used my 5 free respec's to make my template better. I was Fightin other Elders and a few Bounty Hunters, mostly in duels, and I would notice my life draining quicker then 15 PPR's in you system. I went and took off my Old trusty Constition rings, bracelets, and necklace and switched them for all Strength stats 18+ on each. That jumped my str to 286 and with a good mustafarian Injector(Soon to be new post about HOW WONDERFUL SOE CSR IS) jumped it up to 386. With a good standing 395+ constition still, and 220 agility , the rest at 90. I had changed my template again, basicly only changing 1 or 2 things, being I had all lightside powers at a Sith, and the rest on my stats in general and to raise my LS dmg. I am also using a Jinsu Razor with 1122 DPS. I dueling a few Elders and did great. But then I tried dueling more and was seeing my Life drop very very fast. SO i kept using my 5 free respects, Then i noticed I had dark powers.....But I had not put any into it since I respected from the day it went live(chapter 2), So I popped them on and went to town. Winning most duels very very easy on some elders and BH, Incapped 1 BH 6 times before I choose to Kill him. Those few others that tore me up before where about the same power as me.
Having no points under the darkside Path in the expertise, I was lettin other Imp friends know what my Template was. They started asking how I was able to you Force Lightening 7 and Force Choke 7(garrote). I again used that power on them, I was able to Cloak also. I had no points in Cloak soo how am I able to use it? So I made a ticket, they closed it with "This is GM Chrol. As a jedi, you log in with your expetise points already used. but you may visit any of the respec NPC's to re-destribute your points. Good Luck!". WOW that helped thanks! I had already used my free respecs all up (silly me why didn't I do that....wait I DID!) Got a screen shot of that one. Sometimes it works ...others it doesn't....I had some great ones....Well ONWARD WE GO!
So Seeing some friends ingame gettin pissed off that they can't Kill any elder basicly. So pissed, well you know why this isn't SOE/LUCAS first mistake. So some just logged off and I haven't seen them on since then, these are some of the servers most Dedicated Imperials(our server lacks them). So Not wanting to see another nge happen, I submit yet another ticket on this same Subject. This time I was a little more rude to them, even calling them "STUPID"...So I wait a little bit...2 hours go by....Still owning in pvp....I get a /tell from gm.....(Print scr didnt work that time, I hitit 5 times.......Its SOE i know it!) well anyways, He ask me to Log off my account so He can log on and see what is happening......for 20min.....So I log off and play some Ragnarok online. After about 40min I get back on, tickets open still with a reply. "Thanks for Pointing this out to use, Yes your right you should not be able to use Force Garrote 7 any other dark powers that I have not purchased with Expertise points." So They Nerf...I mean fixed me....YAY, wait theres more here....lets read on..."I can see that the problem is do to your account having been transfered before. Thanks for pointing this out to use thanks again" So Im thinking wait a min.....theres no way its just me......So I got new respecs from the CSR/GM , So I went and used them. Dueled like 2 elders, did we did about the same to each other, then i fight my other budy, he is a BH, toasts me.....I go and fight this other Trashtalkin BH, bam Im out cold. I try to duel a few other Elders I know had possible "double stacked stats" sure enough i got creamed again. So yet another ticket to point out that I am not the only Effected by this. My final ticket came back closed, with a reply from the GM that he will talk to the development team and try to fix this. And that if will come at a later patch if anything is found....They have not clue......I have a Screen shot I would like to post somewhere....It was my first ticket the day the chapter two came out. The GM wrote this at the end....."I am sorry for any inconvenience or frustration this may have caused you and thank you for your patience while we attempt to resolve the issue. We very much appreciate your efforts in helping us to make Matrix Online a better experience for all players." WHOA Hold the phone....I been playing Matrix online for 3+ years and not SWG! Man I need another hit........maybe they need one..........
So I logged off, nothing to do, for Its all Pvp almost now. Theres still quest, but most the run and more rewarding quest require a small group with medics. With the new Expertise system only being for Bounty Hunters and Jedi, You are stuck with pvp with Battle Of Restuss. Or quest for chapter 2.....Ill pass......
You have to give it to the CSR though, My Elder jedi's Name was was nerfed from -Sith- to Some random generated name......And suspened for 8 days for Calling some Newbie a bad name......Starts with a J, thats all I say. They Missed my city.......SITH-OUTPOST......HAHA Great Job SOE/LUCAS..........
Nice to see that A new player can get 1 lv cap 90 lv in less then 2 days with the Restuss Exspantion......Each quest gives like 10k-50k xp. Just Float Rebel On Radiant, Its the new "Rebel Expantion".........
One Good thing or is it....A lot of Old players are coming back to test out the New expertise system and Still more noobs rolling in the game.....Server is feeling it and So am I and those playing........The forgot about Everyone who quite and cut back on funding there Servers.....Now we are Feeling it......Thanks again SOE/LUCAS.........
Wana Hear my Lost item story?
Ill make this short, I quested for the Mustafarian Injector a few months back for my elder. Solo'ed it(Sickness Of the Stormlord) what can say, its SWG, have the bosses Glitch and stop walking....Oh ya thats one thing to know for you newbie's easy glitchable Bosses WOOT. Games a cake-walk! SO Anyways, I am one poor Elder on Radiant, I pvp daily, loosing some winning most, that are 1 on 1, or If there stupid (most rebel are) ill wait by a huge group of Imp npcs and the dummies try to shoot me still and the npcs incap em and I force run and db em. Cause You do HOW YOU DO! So yes I died a few times, but with a pvp rank of 1744 thats not bad......So I went to clone and AHH i was broke!! So i rushed to the Junk dealer to pawn some goods before a BH found me. I was careful in selling my items, stupid Quest buffs came up for sell......so I had a lot of items on me and tossed 50 in a empty bag on me, just stuff the junk dealer wouldnot buy. I DELETED IT, damn Im missing my mustafian injector.....ON now that sucks. It was at that time still a No-trade item...and the quest had been complete...So I was screwedm that is one of the best Buffs ingame......So i filled a ticket. CSR said no record of me having it, file a new ticket if I need any help with other issues...Filed a 2nd ticket....Same thing.....Filed a 3rd ticket......Note these tickets each took about 24 hours to get replies. Got a reply and it WASNT CLOSED OMG! HI-FIVE! He said he didnt see a record of it but to wait another day and add to the ticket and maybe the servers would find it......I told em it was a NO-TRADE item and that I had the quest complete, and theres no way to stack the buff or trade it to a player for money, So I don't see the big problem......(later that night, -Sith- was killing noobs at restuss for hours...like 6.....I killed some 10 times....most lvl 20-80 some 90's. No way in hell am I gona let these rebel newbies grind from lvl 1 to 90 in 2 days, when it took me months to get elder. and weeks to get masters on my alts....So I did my part and kill as many as I could, force cloak , force run, as the died and I lived I was happy. So You know kids, the /tells came in 3's. SOme begging me to stop, some calling cussing at me, some tryin to tell me how to play the game and why they should be left alone to grind in a pvp zone. They just kept coming in so ....) Let the J word slip a few times ...SORRY....BAM account SUSPENDED , almost banned me for using that tiny three letter word......8 days later......I get back into game, the same day chapter 2 came out....With a new name......^&$%^&%.................................................................................................................................... So The old CSR ticket about the injector was gone.....I filed a new one......With a Simple reply...and closed........We did a check and found you never had a mustafarian Injector and that is a NON No-Trade item, meaning it can be traded to a player....So basicly telling me to get buy one......Or saying that I sold my last one.....But I had lost it before chapter 2 I muttered Under my breath.....gave up....Logged on my alt and force a friend to help............
Grivvits Hiliny AKA -Sith- as of old
OMG thats a lot of typing, Im not even gona read over it.....
I have some funny Screen shots of Ingame csr tickets, with some funny and sad responses. Last one I was told not to make another ticket about the Expertise bug they have no clue about or My Account will be punished...........F YOU SOE< Account cancelld for the 20th time.......Game Uninstalling.........Game CD's Microwaved.....
If anyone knows a easy and free way to share these Screen shots of SOE CSR tickets let me know, I know some people will get a laugh outa them....
Again F YOU SOE!
Ban my account for trying to help!
In response to the TOPIC
I'm angry at SOE because they lined up all my Creature Handling friends and shot them in the head.
I'm angry at SOE because they lined up all my Bio-Engineer friends and shot them in the head.
I’m angry at SOE because they treated me like dirt after I treated them like Gods.
I'm angry at SOE because they believe the games original success was all their doing.
I'm angry at SOE because they lied to the people that made Galaxies what it was.
I'm angry at SOE because they tried to turn Galaxies into Battlefront.
I'm angry at SOE because they patronized so many good people with misinformation.
I'm angry at SOE because they promised me diversity and then forced me to simplify.
I'm angry at SOE because they sold me an expansion then made it useless two days later.
I'm angry at SOE because they believe if they ignore us long enough, we'll go away.
I'm angry at SOE because they delete any negative feedback on their forums.
I'm angry at SOE because they act like what they did (NGE) was right for the customers.
I'm angry at SOE because they still, after all this time, won't admit they're wrong.
I'm angry at SOE because they tried to tell me I don't know what I want in an MMORPG.
I'm angry at SOE because they treated me like a nine year old with his dad's credit card.
I'm angry at SOE because they treated me like a number ($$$).
I'm angry at SOE because they didn't treat me like a person.
I'm angry at SOE because they corral us into little corners of the web were nobody hears us.
swg is a lump of shit , i pld it from start till pre nge Rofl its wank
First off I actually love this thread cause now I don't have to take out my anger beating up 6 year olds....whoops should have said that. Well I have alot of anger for SOE and the destruction of SWG. I would like to first say the good things about the "Old SWG". It was a comfortable feeling and everyone was happy little newbs running around and the verterns trading and the crafters crafting. The hard worked for Jedis going to show off their lightsabers and an common duel in the left corner. People siting down geting drinks/food going to the Cantina to get a buff. Beggers on the street asking for a little money to live and guild's hosting meetings and people throwing parties and all. It was a very comfortable sense everyone was happy. The you would see squads of people geting ready for either a MASSIVE pvp battle or grinding. Dancers/music in the Cantinas. And then..... a distubence....... whispers of NGE . Very soon the major populated cities were deserted with maybe 40 people left in Mos Eisly. I go to my house and find that there is absolutely NOBODY there. I go across the galaxy to find only 200 people left. It was like there was a contamination. I realized that NGE (AKA Hell ) had ripped the sould of this games heart out and replaced it with a time bomb waiting to blow up the game. I stuck with the game for a few months after NGE and found it INCREDIBALLY BORING. Hell in the old days it was so fun getting chased by a BH. Now all there was left was maybe a made up reality of the game. I suddenly asked my self WHAT WAS SOE THINKING. Which brings me to my anger below this line.
What was SOE thinking when they did this I still dont get it. How can you make $$$ with no customers?? I hope every night that they will just go back to the old days or I hoped another company would create something similar to the "Old SWG". I have tried to find a MMO like "Old SWG" and it has been hard. I miss it and I am very upset. Althought I hope some of the rumors are true.
(The faces near the NGE are in order first it upset ppl then made them angry then made them leave then made the game die oh and i forgot one <<<<<<SOE laughing at us) Well you heard my anger now lets hear yours,
ALso I would like to add Please somone send this link of this fourm to SOE and shove it up their stuborn $&@.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I just realized I never replied to this thread so just for the record....
SWG now SUCKS!!!
I don't think anyone can possibly express the hatred that the children at SOE have created for themselves!!!
I started playing the game shorly after launch, I know the game had bugs, but what game doesn't, It still had a large player base, then the CU hit, player base declined, then the NGE hit. Now, compared to pre-cu, the servers are ghost towns.
Yes, I'm very angry at SOE. As a company, which you would think actually would want to make as much money as they possibley could, their actions just don't make any sense at all.
I am the flipside of the coin on which the troll and the fanboy are but one side.
I realize I said I quit. I never said it was forever
i have plyed one year it was the best year in my life meet a lot of great people.
we had a lot of fun.
but then nge hit the light and it was done.
all of my friends stoped and never came back.
this game now suck.
soe quit this game and let the players save it.
I would be amazed if such a thread existed, that wasnt started by SOE themselves. Oh, and please dont feed the troll.....thnks
"The man who exchanges Liberty for Iconic classes is a fool deserving of neither." - Me and Ben Franklin