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This game is GREAT. Ive been playing it since release. It has a lot of power gamers falling off near the top and taking some fans with them, but as for the development of the game, its coming along great.
There is land you can buy and pay others to build on it OR develop the skills and build it up yourself. If your not happy with it, you can tear it all down. Some buildings have no function yet, but the more needed ones do like many of the crafting stations needed to work your trade.
As for class development, its great. As in any game at release, there is a few classes that got overpopulated because they had ONE thing they did to well and those go the nerf quick. Im glad issues like those are being dealt with.
As for adventuring, there is a lot to do until your reach about lvl 80, the game is soft capped at 100. But, Ive been in it since release and seen some higher lvl content already get added, but its not where the mass of players are right now, so I dont blame them for not putting in more faster.
Higher lvl content is lacking, but the lower lvl content is great and higher lvl content only makes it if the lower lvl content base is good, which it is.
Artifact Entertainment is trying some new things with the game world and mass armies of mobs are attacking player towns and key points sometimes. The attacks were met at first with a lot of enthusiasm, but I dont recommend burning play hours attending them until they get them tweaked some as their no loot or craftable resources to be had and the lag once the attack starts becomes tremendous in that locale. But, it takes a lot of gaming time to be able to go help in such an attack, so stick with the content you got to get through first.
And save coin and buy the plot you WANT ASAP, they dont sit unbought for long.
In War - Victory.
In Peace - Vigilance.
In Death - Sacrifice.
Such is your opinion, which you don't even bother to substantiate.
Such is your opinion, which you don't even bother to substantiate.
I agree he didn't substantiate but I challenge you do prove him wrong. Secondly, when someone post a review of a game I would like to know what experinces they have had with other mmorpg's. Someone that is total new to mmorpg's could think this is the greatest thing since sliced bread. I though UO was great and in it's time it might have been (I quit after 5 months due to lag) then I LOVED AC and still do but it doesn't stack up to DAoC.
I tried HZ and there were thing I want from an MMORPG that HZ does not offer. I like the DAoC/EQ style of combat. HZ has some nice concepts in it's combat system but for the most part it is lacking for me. It also has other things that I like, like the evolving story line/player interactive story line.
The thing that made me cancel my account was the way players moved, combat system/magic system, gfx, and lag/load time p4 3.0gzh 1g ram (pc3500) geforce 5900 with 256m ram 2x 150 ATA raid 0 and at max settings the lag made the game unplayable.
Rizean of Iseult 50 SM/RR3/ML6
Pomho of Iseult 50 Healer/RR2/ML6
Koah of Iseult 46 Shaman
Moge of Iseult 50 Warrior/RR2/ML2
Rizean of Iseult 50 SM/RR3/ML6
Pomho of Iseult 50 Healer/RR2/ML6
Koah of Iseult 46 Shaman
Moge of Iseult 50 Warrior/RR2/ML2
Also, there is no more land to buy, on most servers all plots are sold. The few that is still available are residential plots only, meaning no shops or industrial facilities for the new crafter that enters.
Beside the lack of ingame support, (HUGE flaw btw), this is my biggest gripe and I really loved the game to, but i will not play it in this state.
Glindin of ICE
Originally posted by Jerek_
I wonder if you honestly even believe what you type, or if you live in a made up world of facts.
Vic - "Androzzi here"
John - "Vic, your case just busted wide open."
Vic - "So close it for me!"
John - "Looks like your going to have to close it yourself, SHITTY!!!!"
Vic - "Androzzi here"
John - "Vic, your case just busted wide open."
Vic - "So close it for me!"
John - "Looks like your going to have to close it yourself, SHITTY!!!!"
They did say 1 plot per account. Think it is all over the main player website (tazoon).
I think 1 is acceptable. Don't need a bunch of fantasy Donald Trumps running around and probably would not be far to those players coming later. All the hardcore gamers on right now could buy em all up.
I myself have no plot as of yet but finding an empty one is a pain in the you know what.
If there can be only one, then I am that one.
If there can be only one, then I am that one.
I have a regular old Gateway computer and never experienced any lag to date, except during the "event" stuff.
Earlier today I was talking to someone in game who had problems with lag and after having to listen to his "specs" (like anyone really cares) he tells me he has the in-game rez set to max!
I asked him if he ever tried to turn down his in-game settings and he says "Why should I? I have the best equipment"
And he was dead serious.
Why should he have to reduce his graphics, they claimed to have state of the art system, HELLO they are running on DX8.
Anyway I really looked forward to the game. They didn't deliver so I dropped the account and started playing stand-alones till I get into another beta or something better is released.
I've been playing since the EU release and the game is, as is normal in this genre, still a beta product.
The combat system is poor and you'll die most of the time from some form of 'combat lag' where you attacks/heals etc get stuck and refuse to go off or sometimes filling the screen with very nice special effects several seconds after the combat is over.
Plot's are a joke very few buildings actually do anything except trade buildings which only duplicate buildings required in game for the production of craft items. Silo's don't work, in house storage 'chests' are no exsitant.
All of the 'special' things that where to make the game different and advertised on the website and the back of the box are still not in game.
Communication with AE/GN is also either a joke or non-existant depending on who eventually answers your support ticket.
The servers require regular reboots to recover the databases. Netcode is poor. Patches are bugged despite a test server in the US and QA. Patch notes are sometimes so vague that it takes the players hours or days to find out what had actually been done.
The two contact's provided by AE and GN in europe, Gale and Luca are attempting to do there job's but are either masters of spin or not being given much more infomation then the players are.
On the plus side there is a lot of potential but it remains to be seen if AE can keep the players the time needed to get some of these potentials in game.
<edit> Just to add some more detail I'm know as Gawain on the Tazoon forums and Gawain_UK in the IGN forums. I play on Wind in the EU as Father Tomas and have played DAoC, AC, AC2, Neocron and AO. So I do have a clue about what I'm saying
The MMORPGs of the next generation should not ignore several features of Horizons. Not only the craftsystem.
The new chatsystem "rocks!". This kind of chat/customize should be a must in every MMOG that comes out.
Or ever tested the anonym-mode? fine options also there (anon for all but "names", etc).
The game-economy..delicious.
But as said above, something important is missing. I left this game as advlvl 41/ crlvl 43. I have my plot in kira and 370s cash.
in the last patch came "auto-deconstruct". I dont know if this is a bless or a curse as crafter.
An ingame-mate said something interesting, which i full agreed:
if horizons and DAoC would come out as one game, this shouldbe the ultimate game for some time.
((Joyce, Earth-server))
Actually I find the economic model broken at higher levels. Horizons limits the number of items a character can put on consignment to 5 in order to give noob crafters a chance at selling since production efficiency improves with character skill. Yet higher level items are more varied with various technical improvements so they don't sell fast. This combined with mid-level players leaving the game means that these high level items are slow sellers. Because unsold items are kicked back to the crafter after a week on consignment with the crafter losing his 10% consignment fee results most high level items are not put on the market. This means crafting has no growth potential except to supply your own guild.
Unlike EVE-Online this game produces no record of sales from a consigner to plan marketing strategy. One has to go visit the consigner and pay the portal fees to see what did not sell from your consignment.
( Also the chat system is a direct copy of the one from EVE-Online.)
I've played UO, AC, EQ, SGW and GSIII (if you wanna count that) And I honestly enjoy HZ, I think it has a decent combat system, and a great crafting system, i'm by far am not saying this game is perfect, but i have not experienced alot of problems other people are having with lag, i'm not even running on a high end system that most people say they are (1.8ghz, 786 ram, eGeforce 5700) I think the game has alot of promise. but alot of people are right about there customer service, or i should say lack of customer service, and there billing system is horrible going though 3rd person company. but as far as in game i like it. i do not like the fact that mobs don't drop unique items, but they are trying to make it community based, my idea is that they drop unique items but they are broken and it would take 3 different schools to fix that item, so its still community based. but if you enter this game a loner you prolly won't care for it to much. but if you join a guild and get into the community I think it will be a good filler untill the power houses are released (wow, uxo, eq2) I do like it, but prolly wont stick after those games come out
Yadda Yadda
This game has the potential to blow all other mmo's out of the water, but the potential lays in the hands of AE. So far they haven't done anything with it.
It's almost as if AE was excited about making this game, got it created, and then gave up on perfecting the game. I can say the state of the game is the same it was 5 months ago when I was testing it. That isn't a good thing. I currently still play with hopes things will get better, but seeing the same frustration in the ranks of players that was there during beta leaves me with empty hopes.
If AE decides to implement certain ideas, correct certain problems, and LISTEN to the player communtiy HZ will be in the top three best mmo's of all time. Considering they would have to do this quickly......say within the next month it is more likely that HZ will become one of the average par games soon forgotten.
I wouldn't still play the game if I didn't like it. There are many things truly unique and interesting in the world, but it hurts to see many of the same problems we reported months ago. These problems are the only, ONLY reason I have anything bad to say about the game. For those that have more patience than I to stick around, paying money, and watch the game develope like it should have before hand then they will enjoy a good game living in the shadow of greatness.
"You can lay on your back for hours and imagine clouds are various animals, but in the end they are just clouds."
Krityc 2/9/04
T=Time G=Gear W=Win Gr=Grind Nf=NoFun S=Skill FoF=FullofFail
"Hey, I'll tell you what. You can get a good look at a butcher's azz by sticking your head up there. But, wouldn't you rather to take his word for it?" - Tommy Boy
Graphics aren't too bad, but no where near competing with MMO's that are in beta now.
Sound is great (one of the only great things about the game)
Performance: The engine was designed for console gaming so runs great on low end systems with poor settings, however its the first game I've seen where it actually performs poorly on a high end system (this is supposedly being worked on), combat lag/sync is so bad that sometimes its unplayable
Character customization/advancement: an avid selection of races to choose from, nothing realy unique to other games with the exception of the Dragon which is much more weak than the bipeds (so its not even worth it to play one), there are many classes (schools) to eventually become, but most are the same with a different name, and they are so imbalanced that some of them arent worth playing because of the difficulty, whereas some are so powerful that you need not group EVER to max out.
Content: Absolutely the most boring world, no danger, no dungeons/caverns, very few mob types/spawns and the ONLY loot your gonna get from any of them is cedar logs, and other crafting ingredients, NO loot to satisfy the adventuring type.
Crafting system: Although many will swear that its unique, its already been done as it mimics A Tale in the Desert right down to the Flax plants, only HZ has much less crafting content (which is understandable considering the game differences) even though both games are crafting based (HZ is no game for adventuring)
Plots: A great plot system yes, but by the time you have enough money to get even the cheapest ones, you WILL have a hard time finding one that isnt already taken, not to mention Player towns have no community feel whatsoever, as your living next door to a stranger who you will never see because there is no incentive to even be in your town or at your plot even.
This is nothing but truth and I'm sure this is what was meant by "the OP not giving ALL the details."
Game is not perfect, but it is a lot of fun. If you are a HARDCORE UBER nut... then you will find this game burn real fast. If you take time to do things, then this game can be a blast.
The attacks on player towns are fun, and I think this game will only get better. This game is what you make it...
West (Ioo)
I had one account with 2 CD keys and I just cancelled my account tonight. AE doesn't seem to care squat about balance or the customers in general for that matter. The over powered classes (paladins, reavers, chaos warriors, berserkers) keep getting major boons, while some classes that need extreme help (monks and disciples for example) are being hit hard with the nerf bat because the Devs are too lazy and/or shortsighted to make the "overpowered" abilities not transferabel into the already overpowered classes. Instead of simply changing these abilities to be non-crossclassing, they give them massive nerfs and then give the overpowered classes huge boons to make up for it - and leave the already suffering classe that use those "overpowered" abilities nerfed to high-heaven.
I was in the HZ Beta from the time of the second set of invites into the closed Beta, and gave them from release to now to fix the problems I have been reporting to them since my time in Beta. None of it has been touched and the responses (if they can even be classified as such) from the "support staff" just add rocket fuel to the fire. After 27 condescending responses from their customer support over concerns, bugs and exploits I had reported, I finally stopped even bothering.
My lvl 49 STMD and 72 RVR are no longer in existance, I deleted the characters before cancelling the acocunt - that is how certain I am that I will never touch this product again.
"Death is a dignitary who when he comes announced is to be received
with formal manifestations of respect, even by those most familiar with him."
- Ambrose Gwinnett Bierce
I have been playing Horizons since mid-December & am now letting my sub run out. Listed below are my likes & dislikes from the game: (This was originally posted on the Official Horizons Cancellation Thread on the IGN boards)
1)UI - This is definitely the best feature of the game / everything is customizable & I like the fact that I can have as many button bars open as I want.
2)Roving MOBS - In most other MMOs they are stationary. There is nothing worse that hunting something that doesn't move - how can that be called hunting? What's the expression - Shooting fish in a barrel!
3)World Graphics are beautiful - I've seen a lot of post saying that the graphic aren't good, but I have to disagree. I haven't played too many MMOs, but AC2 get high ratings for their world graphics & I think it looks very cartoonish, whereas I think Horizons looks more realistic. That being said, see below for dislikes on this subject.
4)Tabbed Chat Channels are very useful.
5)Crafting abilities: I don't think anyone can have a complaint about how detailed the crafting is in this game.
6)Combat - (disclaimer: When not lagged!). I enjoy the combat in this game. If you go up against an equal level opponent in this game, you need to use some strategy. You can't just hit the attack button & walk away (as you can in some games).
7)Combat effects - (disclaimer: When not lagged!). I think they are really cool, especially the magical effects.
8)Multi-Classing - I think this is a great feature that allows for diversity of characters & personal play style.
1)Lag - The #1 reason for leaving - it is so frustrating to play.
2)Lack of MOBs - too much empty areas
3)No Dungeons
4)Lack of Loot (I am not saying that I want to kill a rat creature & get 4 weapons/a potion & a pair of pants - true example from AC2), but sporadic random loot that has decay or works for a limited period of time.
5)No Item Decay - all items should have a decay, then the can either get repaired by a crafter or the character has to get a new item.
6)Lack of Item customization & colorization - everything looks the same
7)Lack of diversity in World Graphics - I like the look, but as many people have noted, it all looks the same
8)MOB Physics: walking through walls & trees, teleporting to your location, being able to hit you from 20 feet away (& over a hill). MOBs all seem to have the same speed when charging (Didn't you ever see Night of the Living Dead? Zombies are slow)
9)Lack of major (epic) quests & quests in general. I hate having to cancel out quest until I get to the one that I want. If an NPC gives out a quest, have it in a list form (like the maggot guy in Dalimond). Also quests are very repetitive & not relevant (Example: I am a Weaponsmith & the Quartermaster asks me to collect 50 hide strips? So I cancel until I get to 50 bronze bars.) Annoying & tedious. Also quest should only be allowed to be repeated a certain number of times (for lesser xp each time. (This will avoid the Gangaf exploit.)
10)Getting kicked to desktop too many times
11)NPC Loads - Why are static NPCs loaded from the server side & not the client side?
12)Memory leak - I have an Alienware Area 51 computer with a P4 2.8 HT/ATI 9700 All-in-Wonder Pro 128/512 RDRam 3200 & this game can cripple my system until I reboot (even if I end process from task manager because the horizons.exe file likes to hog memory even after shutdown for about 10-15 minutes)
13)All of my friends & family have cancelled. They are playing AC2 (which I do not care for).
I am sure I missed some things on both lists, but this is the general idea.
Hz: Sobuk il Radd-Dawn: Dwarf/Warrior/Mage/KNoC/Druid/Cleric/Blksmth/Wpsmth/Scholar
AC2: Kaled il Radd-Frostfell: Tumerok Invoker
...and all at once the chaos ceased...
CoH: Mr E-Man, Energy Arc, IG-2112MD, Slayer Faith, Master TimeLord Mr E-Being
CoV: Mr E-Villain, Dark Willow, Cold Satisfaction, Mr E-Mech, Mr E-Lectric
Freedom Server
That was a very passive review. I personally quit after the middle of my second month due to the repetive nature of the game. It was
I mean puhleeze. If you wanted to kill a mob a lvl or two higher than you when you were an elem. archer [for loot reasons] it took a 4 minute kiting dance. The framerate was also a bit horrendous.
"Whoever controls the media controls the mind..-'Jim Morrison"
"When decorum is repression, the only dignity free men have is to speak out." ~Abbie Hoffman
Ya the combat system was fun initialy but it turned into watching paint dry.
It turned for me into a v expensive chat room.
The customer service is poooooooooooop...... no it isnt it's POOOOOOOOOOOOOP.
I phoned AE this nice Dutch lady spoke to me. She couldnt speak English so she put the phone down on me.
There has to be a means to an end for me & for me there was none.
Good for crafters though.
It was released in beta form and has only changed slightly since then. Devs refused to listen to testers back then and it was a sign of what support they would give paying gamers.
Dyes now being talked about lol. FFS this should have been in months ago ,like they said.Flying dragons just in ,months late. The devs are a joke.So many faults with this game its unreal.
So so so many crap mmos being funded and released right now its not even funny. Doesnt give consumer better choice ,just a more varied watered down weaker choice.In old days this would never have even got past aplha.
Graphics are washed out and boring.They claim this is next generation mmo. If thats true then im typing this via telepathy.
For "
Such is your opinion, which you don't even bother to substantiate.
I agree he didn't substantiate but I challenge you do prove him wrong. Secondly, when someone post a review of a game I would like to know what experinces they have had with other mmorpg's. Someone that is total new to mmorpg's could think this is the greatest thing since sliced bread. I though UO was great and in it's time it might have been (I quit after 5 months due to lag) then I LOVED AC and still do but it doesn't stack up to DAoC.
I tried HZ and there were thing I want from an MMORPG that HZ does not offer. I like the DAoC/EQ style of combat. HZ has some nice concepts in it's combat system but for the most part it is lacking for me. It also has other things that I like, like the evolving story line/player interactive story line.
The thing that made me cancel my account was the way players moved, combat system/magic system, gfx, and lag/load time p4 3.0gzh 1g ram (pc3500) geforce 5900 with 256m ram 2x 150 ATA raid 0 and at max settings the lag made the game unplayable.
Rizean of Iseult 50 SM/RR3/ML6
Pomho of Iseult 50 Healer/RR2/ML6
Koah of Iseult 46 Shaman
Moge of Iseult 50 Warrior/RR2/ML2
Considering that there is new players in the game everyday, the game is being loaded with new content and the developers have been working hard to correct any issues I would hardly call Horizons unsucessful. I have been a long time player of DAOC, UO, and for a while Earth and Beyond. I would say that Horizons is set to be on of the better MMORPG's out there, in my opinion it outdoes DAOC.
As far as your lag issues, they have solved most of the problems I think, I am playing with a AMD Athlon XP 2200, 512MB Ram and a 64MB ATI Radion 7500 and I have never had any performance or lag issues(and I do have the resolution and display settings turned up).
Horizons will be the first MMORPG that I a going to pay for the year long subscription too as it is the first one that will keep my interest for more than a few months.
As far as Roins comment, it dosent stack up compared to what? The graphics are awsome, no other MMORPG has a crafting system as good as Horizons, and the combat system is pretty much the same as DAOC although I do find Horizons keeps you involved in the fight a little more. DAOC was more of the hit fight and grab a sandwich while you hope you dont die kind of combat system... It is the first game with flyable Dragon charcters....what dosent it stack up against?
Horizons Warcry
Saga Of Ryzom Warcry
Public Relations -
I found UO so boring that I didnt even pay for a second month after my free trial that came with the game, Horizons however I enjoy very much. I don't see how you could compare UO to Horizons as UO to me was the biggest mess of an MMORPG that I have played and I don't see what you could find fun about it(for 3 years?) To me UO was a decent chat room and thats about it.... but thats your perogitive I guess.
But to answer your question I enjoy the crafting system, the combat system, community building, and sometimes just explorering, I also like the trade system in Horizons where you can consign your items or buy consigned items. With the new group XP bonues that were put out a couple weeks ago I also find myself grouping up for combat alot more. One of the things I like the most about Horizons is the ways in which I can customize my character and learn new skills by joining different trade/adventure schools. Also flyable dragons are pretty cool...
Horizons Warcry
Saga Of Ryzom Warcry
Public Relations -