Me and my girlfriend met while playing EQII. It was serendipitous in the sense, during our 3-4yr run with the game, we had both quit several times out of boredom and come back. The most recent time, I had quit, gone to try this "WoW" thing and end…
Yeah the controls are different but entirely playable with just a keyboard! I know it plays good with a controller since it was designed for PS2 and then ported to PC, but I never have gotten around to using a controller with it when I played. I j…
Coincidentally I talked her into it, our old server Woefeather having been merged into Xeth (sp?) (about 3-4 weeks ago).
We started some new toons and ran around, enjoying the new "Newbie Island" but once we hit the mainland we discovered somethin…
Nope not too late, she's still thinking about it.
Thanks for the warning though, I thought I caught whispers of "odd" style of controls.
Not sure if that bodes well for us or not, but I still think it's worth a shot
Great advice everyone, I really appreciate it.
Next comes the daunting task of getting her to play it.
I figure it should be an easy sell, $19.99 digital download, and 30 days free. Couldn't be that bad right?
Lol ... yeah, trust me, it's not ideal.
I wish I had the $50 back on several of those games ... cause man that adds up ... and then you forget to cancel and all that stuff.
But seriously, I'm the "explorer/ achiever" that likes to do/see …
Thanks for the heads up on D&DO.
I think the structure of GW bothered her quite a bit, it was only so-so for me. If D&DO is similar, it would probably flame out in our household.
Question on FFXI for anyone ... watching some of the vi…