rofl AV have never ever met a deadline in their entire history, not surprise.
I am sure this was already planned to happen, who ever thinks they are going to make a better product is just out of his mind, they just don't know how to plan anything r…
Originally posted by Sappher
Buggy and unfinished eh? They fixed the big sync issue, worked their ass off for that. It now works perfectly. Server doesn't lag at all, very good ping, sync is pretty much perfect.
Only gamebreaking bugs are some …
Originally posted by popinjay
You've got be kiding saying WAR is hardcore pvp, you must not have played it.
Yes I was subbed at launch to War. After playing it 20+ levels, I found it a fair (good) game. That's it, there was nothing spec…
Originally posted by popinjay just has to beat Warhammer in quality PvP content.
After reading that post regarding about the state of the game from the Associate Producer, something struck me as funny.
Just like you had a lot of WoW fanboi…