Ah yeah unfortunately my financial situation is rather bad, so next stuff has to wait till next month (-_-)
I'm gonna buy a GTS 250 now, together with a PSU I've already bought! Thanks to your advice I've not bought a cheap one but bought a good …
found the xbitlabs benchmark before, that's why I decided for a GTS 250, runs better in wow!
Thanks for the help guys, concerning the GTX 260, I know it's a lot better, but sadly my budget is very tight so no room for the GTS 260 :<
Thanks, makes sense!
The first I'm gonna buy then is the GTS 250 then...
If anyone knows which brand is the best (has the best fan / isn't so loud) in terms of GTS 250, I'd be happy to know
This is a pic of the ressource monitor, while standing with full details, 4x AA and 1680x1050 resolution in Dalaran!
Now this is a pic while standing with shadows at half, 4x AA and 1280x1024 resolution in Dalaran!
Ok, wh…
Started playing yesterday, did some mining, currently trying to understand the game and save ISK for a ship!
Will probably update Account after the trial period!
Could desperetaly need some cash :P
Ingame name is: Yrhi