Not sure I like the idea of the voice texts. The one good thing about voice chat is you know who is really a girl/guy/kid . With this those that pretend to be girls (or grown ups) can continue to do so. If I do voice I prefer to know who I am really…
Very insightful article Jon Wood. I was recently working on a game where the quests involved a lot of text. The amount of times people would skip the text, click accept and then shout or post on the forum asking what to do next thoruoghly amazed me.…
What a lovely piece, very emotionally and clearly written from the heart. Online friends are important, otherwise why would we bother to make these new friends
Well done you for talking about this and sharing such a personal moment
Surely the author must be one of the talked about fake girls?
It's not often I am incensed to reply, I prefer mostly to read and learn, but I just had to add my 2 pennies worth here.
Seems to me the author has no idea what girl gamers do or don'…
I think things have moved on a bit now, girl gamers are much more common than ever before. When I first started I got all the usual 'girls don't game' nonsense, but what I found mostly was the horrified comments bacause I was not only female, but ho…