i think it should be that you rezz at a graveyard town whatever and you have to go back to your corpse to gather your gear and items etc...like Ultimia Online
in my opinion age does not matter it's your maturity, i know people who are 40 and act like there 16 for example my uncle is like 45 and lives on his moms couch in the family room been there for like 3 years now and the way he talks and everything a…
I always ask for pls but after level 24 i don't ask anymore i just want to get to Thid as fast as i can
anyone on gareth wanna pl my Hero (Hib) hehe he's level 12
how can you play in midgard i tried it once got to level 6 befor I said, "the hell with this" and went back to albion! even thoe i did find people more willing to give me pl's to bad they where like lvls 8 and 9
Well i got to level 10 on my shaman and kindia likeing it. so far so good havent played in WSG yet.. but looking forward to it. but i have to admitt on horde it can kindia get boring sometimes well atleast near thunder bluff (w/e it's called)