""you cant even see people when they go to battle, they just disapear from the map,""
Actually you can see them. It's a setting you can turn on and off. ><
If you were on Lintra I can understand why you'd feel that way about the community. Valdes and Hammerine are pretty booming. Hammerine is the PvP server for this game which is why I'm not on it. However, Hammerine houses almost as many players as…
I don't see how a server merge a few weeks before the game shuts down permenantly would effect anyone in a negative way. So why the complaint? If you enjoy RGTR then enjoy it's last few weeks and then move on?
p.s. I didn't play this game un…
* Excellent Graphics
* Havoc Engine
* Very high gore levels likes of which have not been seen in an MMO before.
* Well synchronized sound effects make the combat feel pretty intense.
* Superb character attack and casting animations.
I'm a total hardcore WoW player. One of those guys that raids 5-6 nights a week and is always racing for first kills with my guild on new raid content. I enjoy WoW but I've been on a constant search for a new MMORPG that can steal me away from it.…