dont waste ur time playing or even testing this, unfinished game, lots of bugs, faction vs faction so unbalanced since theres always the same wining side, if u tested tera the gfx are better than this one and consume less the Gfx card, cuz with dk o…
I stoped playing too due to buff new tanks/nerf old ones and so on. u grind so much weeks to find out they nerfed it... how unfair. not nerfed it to balance like they said, nerfed it so u go grind new tanks they just released.
just an advice to new…
I agree, they said they dont sell anything that give advantage to players, but trust me, once u reach top tiers, without premium, u lose the game u lose ingame money by repairing, cuz the repair cost is more than what u earn in a lost game, so premi…