Maybe Somethign Realistic whit real good mobs and LOTS of skills historical, fantasy, or vampire themed i hope GOOD mobs i dont fight vs strange onions that fly (Nostale beginer monsters) or at least that lookm good like in Ms (leattys or Pepes )
Thanks to Syri i'll chech your guides, I already made my own Tibia PS :P when i was 11 but idk what languaje is that i just used a base and editted spawn, drop, items, monsters and name but thats all.
I'll try to get a book of C++ or programming…
Im 13 and dont have gf but if i had i'll tell her im in so,ething important i explain it and tell her if she can wait or no, if she dont tell the guild i gotta go and if we can do it other day
To be honest, SOUNDS AWSOME i'll PM u my e-mail/msn so i can help you in all a lil kid like me can (Webpage, images, forums, etc) I realy can help it sounds awsome the races can change a bit like with names like Kagnacrian (Humans) and that :P If …
Alot of people told me about it on chat... I'll try it on monday (When i get to my home) and tell you
Btw... I tried searching on game list but there are too much :P and please post more games cuz i like to try alot