I knew it was going to be a disaster, but I didn't expect a 24 hour downtime and for them to miss the launch date. I figured it was just going to be laggy/crashing often.
Honestly they are fucking retarded about how they are handling this. I was f…
"Darkfall" is already trademarked. "Darkfall Online" is not trademarked. This is old news. No problems here.
They can't really get in trouble for US trademark laws in the first place considering that they are in Greece...
This isn't why people are freaking out. It's because they were promised this game on the 25th. Almost 3 days later we've had about 2 1/2 hours (tops) of playable uptime. I have pleanty of stuff to do, but I just feel like I am killing time waiting f…
For the past 3 days, AV's ETA has been "Tomorrow"
I guess they really take the old saying to heart, "Tomorrow is always a day away"
I'd wager since we are nearing the first full 24hour downtime (not including launch day the 25th) that it will n…
Originally posted by hovis8
I logged in at the goblins started killing em and got rouge, it was you who followed me for ages and robbed all my gear,oh well for the few mins i played today least i helpped someone out.:)
ahahaahahahahahaha L…
Yeah but unless they have actually played the game their opinions are worthless. Even though AV could communicate better, the game is still a work of art. Hopefully the severs are back up tonight
I must say I agree with the fact that they gave us 3 free days and this is day 3. There was about 2 hours on the 26th where it was playable, and about 20 minutes this morning. If I'm not playing this game tonight I want my money back too. Unfortunat…