Dude,please, don't play this game! at first i thought it was gonna be a tight game beacsue of its graphics and it being rpg and all..BUT IT FUCKING SUCKS. you're like in one little area where there's big crowds or monsters but they are only like 4 d…
yeah dude wtf is going on!?? well then again ..im getting FFXI on friday anyway hehe and the WoW stress beta test ends in only 7 days so might as well go ahead and uninstall it since its just taking up my memory..if anyone wants my stress test pub b…
Yeah well, i just re-checked (in the right place this time) and i don't have a Pentium 2 i have a x86 Family 6 Model 8 Stepping 3 which by the way WILL WORK. IN YOUR FACES HAHAAA!!!
Well im not even sure if i even have Pentium II processor my brother told me but i dont think he really knows because HIS computer has Pentium II so he thought since both our computers were fixed by the same dude, we had the same ones. How do i chec…
Yeah the reason i asked was because i used to have that Intel Graphics controller card. I have an ATU Radeon 9100 now which works great BTW. I just wanna know if anybody and i mean ANYBODY knows if that card could've been used to play FFXI. If it co…
Oh ok i was checking to see if it worked heh. Thanks dude. BTW Anyone other than me viewing the FFXI cam? LOL some Tarutaru dudes were fighting and beating the crap out of each other.It's funny becauser they r like midgets
WHY THE HELL WONT A DEBIT CARD WORK!!???? i mean isnt it the same thing? I thought a Debit Card was like a Credit Card the only difference is that instead of borrowing money from the bank then paying it back is you yourself puts money on the Card an…