It took about 8 days for them to fix mine, but they did fix it. Working fine now, all characters still there. Not to say everyone's experience will be the same, and it did take longer than expected, but it did get fixed.
You have to be impressed by the innovation of linking DUST to EVE. If they actually pull it off, it will be a paradigm shift for marketing MMOs. Who needs WZ/BGs when you can just hop onto a different game and affect the game world?
Obviously the …
SWTOR would have to be a huge, huge, success to actually push EA's stock price higher. WoW-numbers big. Not saying it won't happen (hoping it will actually) but this one game isn't going to cause a major ripple without a resounding succes.
A flop…
Thanks for the info on the config. I found that folder to adjust the resolution, and must have just missed the full screen option. As is I have it running in a window that fill up my screen. Six of one, half dozen of the other I guess.
I do agree …
Hence the title, "review in progress." Reading is fundamental, if not essential.
Installed and patched the game, a process that took about 20 minutes all told. Not a bad amount of time considering the amount of time some games take to patch. T…