Originally posted by Xenune
I guess people forgot what the RPG stand for or people on PvE servers that think zombies is all about pvping against themselves should really get slapped for being so ignorant about it.
The posts from those links are m…
Originally posted by coffee
Its duplicate posts blizzard are deleting, blizzard forums are very active no sense in having 100 posts about people QQ'ing over the event.
Here is a sticked 1498 post thread about the event (negative and positi…
Originally posted by BizkitNL
Useless post, this. First of all, you can't prove to us that Blizzard has wrongfully deleted, moved or closed you posts about the subject. If anything, I'd more likely believe they did a good job on deleting, moving…
Actually scalebane the only thing on this forum that resembles a tantrum is you calling us all "freaking morons"
I did in fact have several posts deleted and I didn't contravene any of the forum rules or posting guidelines, that is why I started t…
Originally posted by Kyleran
Sigh.... once again this comes up. Official forums are paid for by the Developers. They are free to delete whatever they want to from them, after all it's their forums. You do not have a constitutional right to un…
Originally posted by laresloci
I am laughing so hard...people say how boring a game is and this and that....the minute they put in a event the same complainers come out of the closet.
What's that got to do with what I'm saying here?
Originally posted by einexile
It's the people who get upset over this stuff who are emotionally disturbed, not the ones who are enjoying it. One shotting low level players is poor form because it denies them the humilation of a properly drawn out…
Originally posted by Jerid13
Its a temporary event that will be gone after ten days, if your telling me you can't ride out those ten days thats kinda sad.
My main point was the deletion of threads with negative comments while threads wi…
Why do we need uber-loot that places one person far above those that do not have it? Why can we not reduce the impact of items on the power level of characters in-game?
As with everything the problem here is not with the system but with the people that use it.
If there were no petty little, short stroking jerks that get their jollies from beating up people weaker than them, virtually or otherwise then the world …
I think the bottom line here is anything you add to the game that gives you an advantage over other people in the game is cheating.
This doesn't only apply to PvP situations, this applies to any situation where a person uses mods to make his char…
The free Dark and Light subscription is being made available to current subscribers; however, new access keys are still available to any player wanting to take part in Dark and Light. Purchase price for an access key is $39.99 USD (39,9…
Originally posted by JeanLouise
Game is more complex than warcraft. Sorry you cannt understand. Not all games is american. Game will evolve based on players, not static world. You cannt understand world not revolv about you.
Glad you gone. Less e…
That post by Dr. Steelarm was spot on! I wholeheartedly agree on every point. I am one of the people ripped-off by Farlan and I can only hope these warings will spare others from my fate.
I am certain that a better game could have been developed …
Well after having played the game after parting with some hard earned bucks, I was extremely disappointed in the game. Not only was I disappointed but I was angered and horrified that the company that released this game expected people to pay the …
It seems to me that this topic pre-supposes that there comes a point when character advancement is no longer possible. Comments are made about what to do when a character has reached maximum level.
Why is this so? Why can't we have an MMO that ha…
The theory that open skill system will result in a multitude of players all using the same skills is prededicated upon the premise that all games will be inherently imbalanced. Yes in most games with an open skill system there is usually a combinat…
Originally posted by Jade6
This thread is a good example why group minds and indipendent minds can't get along. Group minds insist doing things precisely as they are told, and define their self-worth by comparing themselves to others within the co…
Originally posted by Jade6
I see an awful many people asking what fun is there to buy all the items you need, as if trying to use that as a way to justify their opposition to this idea. News flash, some people might find the game more enjoyable th…
Originally posted by Jade6
The most vocal opponents of the sale of in-game items are always those who use their items to extend their penis. If your enjoyment really came from personal achievement, instead of showing off with your items, you would…