I'm Nick Thompson ... I make up funny songs( at least I think they are funny ),make videos of them and I upload them where ever they will take them... go to my twitter to find out where they didnt probably ban them http://twitter.com/nickthompsonsho
everything u have named is in all of Perfect World Beijing's games, Jade dynasty, forsaken world, PWI, all of them... this company keeps basically spitting out the same game with the same concepts of making money and the same people keep buying it t…
to be perfectly honest I havent played this game yet.. but if people know the history of square soft or enix games. they know that they are tendious at first and people dont agree with them. I was annoy way back when I played FF3 then when to FF7.. …
this another PWE fail. same models, same music, same environment, same animations of all thier other games... how long they going to keep regurgitate the same freaking game and feed it to people