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  • Hillarious... do you also go to store and ask for GTA IV PS3 version, because you already bought it for PC? Common people, lets not be that retarded...
  • Originally posted by Rhazmuz Its a good trick by SOE, getting the players to first pay money to get into the minecraft clone app, and then build alot of resources SOE can then take and use in the "real" game.. ingenious really. Who will use the cr…
  • Originally posted by Solar_Prophet Sigh... Wall of text This is one of the smartest things I've read here in a while. Absolutely agree with everything said. Unfortunately most people will just ignore your post and continue to grow in their ignora…
  • I always hated when companies used artwork and trailers to show a fake image of the game, that has very small relation with the actual product. It was ok ten years ago, when games were made out of sprites and the only way to represent a story in a …
  • Why do you people want to flame for whatever it takes the starter of this topic, it is like you really don't want changes and are feeling fine with boinking monsters. Even if you do like current games, it wouldn't hurt if those games got better, wou…
  • Originally posted by JB47394 You want immersion, difficulty, challenge and so forth. They want to bonk monsters on the head and see what pops out. They save their energies for the challenge and immersion of family, job or whatever other hobby that …
  • Stuff like scheduled events, random walk paths for npc, and more complex quests, a well written plot just like in plain rpg that has more to it, than just having the biggest level of all, would definately work in mmo games, there are lots of ways to…
    in I want more Comment by mrkujo May 2009
  • Well, I wanted to play a mmo after about a two year break, and when I tried out a large number of the new ones, f2p and some trials, I noticed that since the last time absolutely nothing has changed, it is the same game repeated over and over again …
    in I want more Comment by mrkujo May 2009
  • hahaha it's funny when you people say that 15$ is nothing, and someone pays 3000 for his house and prefers to drink beer for 15$   I study, my parents earn together about 1200$ xD 15$ is a lot for me, you people really need war or something for…
  • MMORPGs are dumb and simple, because there is no need for them to evolve. Game is made to bring profit to it's creators, and that's it, so developers do everything they can to satisfy as largest number of people as possible. That is why you don't se…
    in I want more Comment by mrkujo May 2009