to anyone still reading... i hsould add, i like high quality meshes. i know thats usually achieved in the settings, but my computer can handle quite a bit, and theoretically theres no reason why an mmo cant use standard poly game meshes, as apposed …
alright, well ill take a look. i have to say i never got into the back ally/under the table kinda themes, altho i havent played it so ill see.
if anyone has anything to add other than this or AoC, than im all... erm... eyes
no, i have to say im not usually into this kind of game, but it looks alright. i never got into the rpg shooters asside from GoW. ill see about giving it a try tho. i might supprise myself. thanks for the tip
i dont know what the reputation of some of these korean rpgs. im curious if the culture would take a hit on the game play or not, and if so, good or bad. im looking at Lineage II and Neowiz:BLESS. both look cool, and roughly up my alley, but i dont …
wow, so age of conan seems to be prety interesting... i still want to see if more pop up for me to try. i tried Reckoning receontly, but like WOW, has the super awsome, low saturation, super epic poster and cover..... but ist prety childish in theme…
ill keep that in mind, but i am actually looking for MMOs, not rpgs. tho i appreciate it and will look into them for my pc and ps3.
just so people arent confused. i have no problem finding "dark fantasys" for single player, its the mass multipl…