Originally posted by doug200463 Originally posted by reploidx
I give it about a little over a year until we get a "Freemium Hybrid subscription announced" news update. Game looks good, but I never intended to play it even if it was F2P or B2P. R…
"Just about every new release is F2P in some form and even games released subscription-based have been making the switch at a breakneck pace."
They didn't see the light, or become wise to the F2P system.. Some were just simply a failed game..
I thought a lot of gamers would have realised that EA don't have a clue on how to run any form of MMO..
They also seem to love investing in companies, they wanna kill and take over (Maxis, BioWare)..
I've realised if a new games come out, es…
Originally posted by Nerf09
...and wwiionline.
Ahh yeah, well I didn't play this, hell it's not one I've even seen, I just watched the trailer for it, I see why I didn't bother, the gfx are crap, but yes I do see it's a real mmo
So I st…
They are apparently renaming it from PlanetSide Next, to PlanetSide 2..
Apparently the name don't suit it anymore..
maybe it the fact, players refered to it as PS (PlanetSide - The correct way to type it)
and PlanetSide Next would be... PSN, a…