This is my favorite part, "Stop reading this on your phone, tablet..."
I promise nobody is reading this article on their phones or tablets, because your site isn't optimized for mobile devices.
I'd like to chime in and say that none of these bother me too much. In fact I rather enjoy trolls, I think they are hilarious most of the time.
What really grinds my gears? People who don't fulfill their rolls. I.E. healers and tanks that want to D…
Is there anything for anyone to do that is not Level 50? I logged in today after not playing in over a year, highest i have is 16. Attempted to roam the world and find somewhere to level, check out some of the changes, etc. Thje zones were surrounde…
People posting about having or not having a facebook, and why are RETARDED !
This post is asking if you play browser games. Facebook is in quotes for a reason.
L2Forum kthxbai !
Personally i've only played Order & Chaos, and Oregon Trail (…
I've been playing WoW since release. Off and on of course, resubbed several times, but in the end i'm still a paying subscriber.
What's going on right now in the MMO community is a direct effect of our real world economy.
I'm a smart and intelli…