Originally posted by Celic2009
I personally always attributed the issue with finding parties to the lack of healing classes. When I left (before BST, BLU Etc... just original classes) the only class that could truly serve as a healer was WHM. I…
Swimming I'm not really a big fan of unless there's swimming specific content. If there's nothing you HAVE to swim to do, why spend the development resources to include it?
It's not as easy as some think it is. You have to develop new animations, …
Originally posted by SoulSurfer
btw, any other Final Fantasy fans gonna try out Aion???
Already pre-purchased collector's edition and anxiously waiting the next beta window
Originally posted by mrkyleonline
Originally posted by SoulSurfer
I hope they have a new form of ballista pvp that gets integrated somehow into this game. I really liked ballista in ffxi, (despite its unbalanced classes) but it was an afterth…