I logged on this evening and saw that sGE Rembrandt now has a 3rd channel...... Isn't this the SAME 3RD channel us former Orspeians have been asking for since.... oh i don't know.... forever?!?
My bf and I are dying laughing, because we go…
Don't feel bad. I have vets on SOTNW. Even when K2 decided to give players 2.9b (it stilll cracks me up) I just CAN'T bring myself to play that hot mess. Ever since I read your article on playing sGE-- I have had more fun playing Granado Espada tha…
Originally posted by Roin
Seems that Raiden and a few other have been on quite a crusade. Saying anything he deems "bad". Will get you either a lock thread, and/or a temp banning. Who needs lack of update…