6 out of 6 local people I play with say the same thing the only good thing about Guild wars 2 is there sales pitch. I feel a class action suite is even possible. These guys could sell a pile of dung to a group of hungry people wait they did.
I feel with such a huge selection of new games comming out its easy to look for the next best thing and over look quality games from the past. that are tried and true.
last post before I stop ranting for a game that some of you feel that is so great why are you logged into here and not the game. If I was enjoying game so much I would be playing it and not tring to defend it on a forum.
I did not say the dungions were hard I said it takes time and wipes to learn the fights which cost more money then you get out of the dungions I have been through dungions with folks that drop the screen learn every fight watch exactly what to do pu…
you are correct most of what I said was nothing more then a rant as far as why I left rift. Rift was just a glimmer in the developers eyes when I got excited about gw2 so hell or high water I was giving this game a shot. as far as rift being the pe…
I know offourother people that were in the beta not. One issue on. Any of our rigs but we did follow direction and did what arena told us to doi feel there must have been alot of human error 5 out of 5 had no problems and enjoyed it all three days