direct x on this lap top is about 4 months old or so... i put a fresh copy of windows on here...
a couple drivers i have used are (gateway), and current is (from ati)
Also as far as parts are concerned... hard drive…
Hey look when i move to the right position, i can get a char model to appear!
If it were directX it would effect other games also right??? im showing that im running 9.0c
kk played with all the settings in the game menu options....
when in the details and stuff like that i could see all the changes but didnt fix the problem.
Now i had heard a long time ago that these laptops were bad about overheating but, i can …
oh thanks for the correction on the polygons.... i wasnt sure what the correct term was... lol
As far as the drivers, the are the most up to date ones i can find... and ya it is a really ooold card... but is still supported on the requirement site…