Volgore said:
Starting Rift from nothing, handing over $39,99 for Starfall Prophecy will give you dirt.
Official statement from Trion on their forums on that is "We have no plans for an Ultimate Edition."
So much this. If you want …
Plus everyone who purchases the expansion gets Opie the artifact harvesting squirrel mount, essentially the best and cutest damn mount you could want.
This is not true. ALso preorder sheme litelarry punishes you for not preordering early an if …
Im perfectly aware what they do.
And i will not argue with you. I stopped wasting time on rabid fanboys long time ago. And i played paid games probalby before you learn how to turn on PC.
Again OP -> population compared even to ESO (not …
Its small. Playable but small.
Maybe after Drop 4 will be better but it will imho not last long with their speed of updates and obvious lack of funding .
BTW. "crowded towns' = 15-25 ppl in main area in prime time. Also expect preteen numbe…
I can recommend Hex and MTGO. Hearhtstone is to shallow and luck based to be enjoyable. Maybe as a first card game ever before you move to 'greener pastures' where you must use your brain.
I also can recomend:
Infinity Wars (animated Card A…
Originally posted by ZenTaoYingYang
you will be able to update it during the welcome campaign weekend, it should have been this weekend but got pushed back and so you are looking next week or the week after. during this event, you will not need to …
Did this version have better performance and framerates than browser version or i must wait till 'hardware rendering/acceleration' will be implamented?
I tried to play Eldevin before and it looks great until you launch the game. Slowness and choppi…
Look nice 'on paper'. I quit this game after free month but i watch development closely and in couple months game may change to playable and nice casual MMO. Ofc if they deliver what hes promising.
Heh one of the biggest and saddest jokes in my MMO history. Good that they dont charge you for installer download and login to acc management.
Thx for answer. Case closed.
If someone have 7day trial key to spare plz send me a PM or send it directly to kabraxis22 (at) gmail.com
I played some Wildstar in Beta but i decided not to buy. Now i have new rig and i want to check performance and gameplay.
Thanks in advance.
I'm excited to play in beta because the combat looks fun, custom player housing is awesome, and overall I think this is an MMO that will be worth my time in the long run. I'd really like to play for free in beta now to get a feel for everything befo…