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  • You know, I just got a Saitek X-52 about two months ago and have been using it in Jumpgate ever since (I was using a Saitek Cyborg). When you log onto Jumpgate there is a screen for controls, which you can also access even while flying (make sure …
  • These days, how many people don't have credit cards or debit cards? The credit card issue seems like a small detail.  And you're correct, now that NetDevil is prospering from Auto Assault  they have promised to produce dramatic upgrades to the gr…
  • Great post Mrxknown , Yeah, I'm still flying in Jump Gate. I took a few months off to PLAY Starlancer, Freelancer, Tachyon, Rift Space etc. Then I came back to find the truly persistent universe of Jump Gate's had continued to evolve in my absence.…
  • Looking for a game you can stick with? Try Jumpgate, I've been playing for over 2 years, and many players have been playing since Beta, around 4 years ago. Small player base, but a really tight communinty. the only real problem is its all skill base…
  • Hmmm, I played this "dying game" for an hour or so yesterday.   Did I say play? I meant to say I took my Phoenix class fighter out for a cruise through unregulated space, warmly greeted by several other pilots along the way, until I arrived in …
  • Super game -- true the graphics seem a bit dated by today's standards, but it takes months to develope the SKILL to fly, fight and earn an in-game living. Instead of admiring pretty scenery and being rewarded for simply having logged on a lot, yo…