Your wish list makes little to no sense. PvP i can get behind, but the rest? Getting rid of tab targeting would require a new game, cause that thing is kinda embeded realy deep into the gameplay and engine. Grind is just part of an MMO. Don't like i…
And again your first impresion is BS doesnt show anything about the game just few clicks throught menu and then we watch you play silently. You should show more features of the game mainly customization of weapons. I would love to know how you still…
Its up to person behind it but my call would be scoundrel, cause hes got advantage of 1st strike and a lot of control abilities plus dont forget the heal. Thats the thing ppls tend to forget that 3of 4 classes can heal but warrior is not one of them
This video isnt informative in any way, you just see new guy to the game trying to make... something. Only usable thing you get from it is "its cool" and the classes. Srsly mate, before you do any vid of the game try to paly it for atleast 2-3 days …