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  • Only 2 hr and 15 mins left come on
  • Yes it is tab targeting No need to click on ppl which is annoying
  •  only 3 days left,any 1 know the exact time and date off the servers opening in the uk? Also i need some info on skill points don`t know how they work,do you buy the skill with gold or does it come at lvls not sure any info will be great thanks in…
  •  can any 1 tell me if there is a item that give 100% sucess rate when upgrading your weapon  and stuff and what level i should do this if the cap is only 50 do it then or wait till the cap rises?
  •  quick question is the highest level in the game still lvl 50 cause that kinda sucks?  
  •  ok then i well as well join ur nation since u have helped me so much in understand the game and you seem llke alot of  fun i hope my favourite username is not take if it is i am going to be pissed but only a few days till i can play the game. alr…
  •  is that a good guy nation or bad guys one cause i only fight against evil not become apart of it? if  you are in the evil nation i will be sure to pk u Far. But i am a nice pker so don`t worry
  • just want to know after the open beta has finshed do we get to keep our charactors? I will be playing this game i too have played alot of mmorpgs the most recent one was P say i can jump right into this gaerfect world.so as you say i can jump righ…
  • i cn`t wait to play this game i have been going to the website everyday,finaly it has happen open beta. i really hope it was worth the wait
  • can sm 1 please tell me when this  game is due or close to it release.When is the open beta going to take place?