Good article, thanks to this I am starting to remember how fun starting out on Darkfall was. Keep up the great work, love the survivor guy series although, like many other people on here, I do think you rated Mortal Online a little high. Last time I…
Although I agree with the OP on most of his points, there are parts that just arent true. As an earlier poster said, hacks are not a problem in the game... I feel this is an honest case of "you think they are hacking? Nah, you just suck." Also, alth…
For me it is all based off of my first RPG, Diablo 2, haha.
Barbarians (aka fighters/warriors)
Paladin (fighters with some magic)
Necromancer (dark mages/undead pets)
Druid (nature pets)
Sorceress (all other mag…