Originally posted by seigard Graphs were animeish or realistic or wowish ?
The graphic was realistic/animeish. (The players were animeish)
@drbaltazar : Ye in almost every MMORPG it'll appear as I said. But not in the trailer. This is from wh…
Originally posted by stamps79 If you were signed into Youtube when watching the trailer, you will have the video on your history list.
I know, but I cant find it. I opened all my history (218 tabs) and there was no vid of it =[
Originally posted by Gravarg kinda sounds like the cinematic for Atlantica Online. If you mistake the Dark Pharoh guy for a Lion maybe.
No, not Atlantica Online. But thnx anyway =D
Originally posted by seigard I got guild wars which is simlar to what you said but no lions and i remember a game that has a trailer with lion fighting and a guyw as sawing life of a woman in that fight .Guess these arent what you looking for but i…
Ehmm. It think the Lion was a Boss. I remember that there were arrows aprroaching a character who was stunned (or something) and before the arrows could reach the character the warrior slashed all the arrows away.
I tink it was a trailer. They…