yup, had it silent since first time using it...(it got annoying whenever it popped up saying your antivirus has been updated)
its weird, generally i can solve PC issues but this one has me perplexed.....Trying for simple solve if not a Hard Dr…
will try that, might be steam, some readings indicated that Google Aps was to blame....might be something from when i had Trend installed (and removed due to performance)
I had steam but i turned that off and game comrade.....UAC i got that t…
I did a test with that today in WoW, it does work sometimes (not during loading is what i meant sorry) but when i hit the windows key WoW minimized and the star button menu came up....
when the applications minimize the start button doesnt pop…
Nope, sometimes that will not even work...but i will actively watch for that....sometimes i might be afk on the game and it does that....(and i have disabled the laptop mouse pad via the button, got annoying watching cursor move while typing papers)…
Like someone else posted, instead of Raging and acting like you know it all....What does the game need?
And if Blizz has screewed so many over why do i see so many players in the game, ehhhh? Bottom line is till people leave in the millions the g…
I skipped most, but how exactly is Pay to Play Illegal? what laws where passed making it illegal?
First off a lot of F2Ps are horrible, to get anywhere you gotta spend buttloads of cash to get the items....while P2P everyone is on equal footi…