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  • yup, had it silent since first time using it...(it got annoying whenever it popped up saying your antivirus has been updated)   its weird, generally i can solve PC issues but this one has me perplexed.....Trying for simple solve if not a Hard Dr…
  • will try that, might be steam, some readings indicated that Google Aps was to blame....might be something from when i had Trend installed  (and removed due to performance)   I had steam but i turned that off and game comrade.....UAC i got that t…
  • I did a test with that today in WoW, it does work sometimes (not during loading is what i meant sorry) but when i hit the windows key WoW minimized and the star button menu came up....   when the applications minimize the start button doesnt pop…
  • Nope, sometimes that will not even work...but i will actively watch for that....sometimes i might be afk on the game and it does that....(and i have disabled the laptop mouse pad via the button, got annoying watching cursor move while typing papers)…
  • Like someone else posted, instead of Raging and acting like you know it all....What does the game need? And if Blizz has screewed so many over why do i see so many players in the game, ehhhh?  Bottom line is till people leave in the millions the g…
  • I skipped most, but how exactly is Pay to Play Illegal?  what laws where passed making it illegal?   First off a lot of F2Ps are horrible, to get anywhere you gotta spend buttloads of cash to get the items....while P2P everyone is on equal footi…