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  • Originally posted by Hypodermica 2 classes get uber melee fighting skills after level 30:  Guardian and the Spy.  Yes, they are uber... insanely uber and the guardian gets melee but his melee weapon is capable of firing off ranged shots if he wan…
  • to post on www.planetside.com you have to join the fan club. the link to do this is in the tabs on the left hand side. Its under the "community" header in the menu on the left.
  • Originally posted by soad_nathan I have been playing only 1 month and right now its hard for me to enjoy it like its supposed to be because I lag pretty badly but anyways. I think BFRs should go bye, bye. Now I wasnt playing when Core Combat was r…
  • Originally posted by Tabaldo If youve played for more then a year has the game mechanics improved beyond the 'get base' move to next base, original base now taken by enemy - endless circle. Basically are there more goals to the end game now? ---Ya.…
  • I pretty much agree completely. BF2 is a great game. But Planetside is just Planetside. gonna tke alot more than fancy graphics to bring down the PSide
  • first, and I cant stress this enough. check other topics first, theres like 5 other threads that answer your questions. But I'll go ahead and answer them anyway. I personaly have zero lag and have never had lag, even in massive battles where there …
  • Originally posted by ReconDelta Just like Planetside, buggy and lacking. sounds like WoW, Lineage 2, AC, BF 1942, and oh ya, pretty much every other game out there. if you have nothing nice to say, than dont say anything at all.
  • Recon. you need to stop with all the false statements. I'm not real concerned about you and Tealas little fight. But unless you are going to start relaying true information, just stop. the servers are far from deserted and you can always find a fi…
  • Recon and teala may be play the extreme sides of the planetside coin, but please dont let either disuede you from trying out a great game. I see the Recon has decided to pick up the Tokyo Rose role for BF2. but... I also agree with Recon that Battl…
  • grass is always greener