Beat the game with the buster-sword and omnislash... don't need anything else
I like to think; falling into my thoughts, swim in my troubles, dance in my loves, hug my goals, and chase my past. Lost in thought, digging my way out, clawing at the …
he was just getting a general idea on what everyone runs... doesn't have to be perfect
I like to think; falling into my thoughts, swim in my troubles, dance in my loves, hug my goals, and chase my past. Lost in thought, digging my way out, clawing…
Hmm, I visit this site almost daily yet hardly post... do I get the title quiet-god lol
I like to think; falling into my thoughts, swim in my troubles, dance in my loves, hug my goals, and chase my past. Lost in thought, digging my way out, clawi…
Woot, go gnomes, maybe it is using its secret new hiding technique and it is really far away.... really good disguise if you think about it? or is it?
I like to think; falling into my thoughts, swim in my troubles, dance in my loves, hug my goals,…
FF7 was such a good game... even though most of the time you ran around as a block head with your blocky brethren in battle you totally rocked the world of grafics for the time (and sadly even some titles out now) My favorite character was Cid, how …
I'm a caster type person, but not like wizzies or stuff. I like to have other people in my groups or to summon "friends"... but in AC2 I liked being an archer.
I like to think; falling into my thoughts, swim in my troubles, dance in my loves, hug …
oh but I love mexican money? umm stupid gas prices... someone help! $1.80 per gallon /cry, and it might go up, genius has decided we might have to attack the country that supplys us of 60% of our oil!
I like to think; falling into my thoughts, swi…
I rather like the you get one life thing... but maybe they should bend the rules a little and say you get one life here, or you can do the level thing over here (OMG you can copy and paste SoE!!!) That way people have choices, alot of people out the…
Everyone should love Fountains of Wayne- Stacy's Mom.... how can you not I mean "she's got it going on"!!
Everquest-canceled account- 65 enc-65 sham-55 mag-32bard-25 beastlord- 23 cleric-18 shadow knight
Anyone else not have any trouble reading that? I only had problems with one word... total I think b/c you put the two "t"'s together
Everquest-canceled account- 65 enc-65 sham-55 mag-32bard-25 beastlord- 23 cleric-18 shadow knight
Wouldn't it be a class of wizards or knights not a race of wizards??? Can I not be a goblin knight or a fairy wizard? poor magically creatures can't do magic..
Everquest-canceled account- 65 enc-65 sham-55 mag-32bard-25 beastlord- 23 cleric-18 sha…
I've seen the sword in Dungeons & Dragons: Hero's. Not sure about the other thing. Who knows
Everquest-canceled account- 65 enc-65 sham-55 mag-32bard-25 beastlord- 23 cleric-18 shadow knight
Wish I could stop by more often but... I just don't have time... someone save me from school... oh well I will just play ghost coming when i can and reading what i can with the occasional post, I usually get yelled at when i do
Originally posted by Djin
Admin didn't think this site would grow to be so large... and I believe he also said this site is only 1 - 1.5 years old too!!!
E.T. is alive... - Gramp Staff
your account has bee…
Naw not all in the new zones, basically everyone is in Planes of power, or the newest zone (veskar) but its hard to find too many people hanging out in legacy of yekesha (or whatever) which is newer than planes of power. I did acctually have to get …
Maybe he thought the cat would jump at it and miss or something. You don't get to see the whole video, but that is a really mean thing to do to that poor cat. They should've turned the fan off when the cat started to look interested in it, unless th…