I've been playing this one off and on for two or three years, and it gets better and more interesting with every revision. The storyline and writing really are all with Fallen London, and the devs have done a great job at creating a world that *feel…
You aren't the only one reading this. I get a kick out of Caedryn, his over-intellectualizing and his vainglorious accounts, too.
Can't wait for the day he reaches Stillmoor and sees where he died as a mortal. I've gotta see his reaction to *that*.
I suspect that SOPA and PIPA are not about piracy; that's just the cover story. The real target may be what will happen in the near future when 3D printers become popular. When the average person can use a 3D printer and some blueprints to manufactu…
I think the main game is set in the PAST, isn't it?
That's for the Defiant faction, xBludx. For the Guardian faction, your starting zone is set 20 years in the past, right after the Shade, and everything in the main game is happening after that.
"Imaginary evil is romantic and varied; real evil is gloomy, monotonous, barren, boring. Imaginary good is boring; real good is always new, marvelous, intoxicating." -- Simone Weil
I think nothing further needs to be said.