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  • I'm 32, been playing MMOs since Ultima Online and I'm loving it!  I'm also loving the fact that my 4 year old likes to play it as well and I finally have someone in the house to play a MMO with. It is beyond impressive when a game that I enjoy comes…
  • I'm not a fan of ebaying, but on the other hand, I've noticed I can sell the items I find for more then they used to sell for. This in turn makes in-game prices go down. With my lvl 44 mage, I had no trouble buying my mount at 40, whereas 8 months…
  • Really? how? When I right click and swivel around, my character turns at the hips for about 45 degrees and then starts taking baby steps around. There's probably a key binded to some camera angle, isn't there?
  • Um, if your back is against a wall, your character turns transparent. That is perhaps the only situation where you may get close to 1st person.
  • The camera control is similar to SWG, except it always stays behind the character. You cant rotate it around to see your face.
  • I actually had this same thought when they officially set the release dates. From what I hear, it was the publisher that pushed the date back, not Blizzard. They did this because they are releasing HalfLife 2 on the 15th and didn't want to release 2…
  • "WoW seems to want to cater to the 15-18 yr old genre that only like to go beat on mobs to death..." Whatever man! I'm 27 and I love beating mobs to death. Throw in a little story, a little magic and guess what, you got a rpg! Anyway, I wanted t…